AD -322B

o 1'o 1'

[...] x x x [...]

(o 1') [...] ... [...]

o 2'2'

[... GU₄].UD SIG MAŠ.MAŠ-ar₂ 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ GE₆ [...]

(o 2') [... Mercu]ry was 2 1/2 cubits below β Geminorum. Ni[ght ...]

o 3'3'

[...] GE₆ 14 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MUL₂-[KUR-ša₂-KIR₄-šil-taḫ-PA.BIL N N ...]

(o 3') [...] Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was [...] in front of ϑ [Ophiuchi...]

o 4'4'

[...] USAN GU₄.UD e GENNA 14 SI x [...]

(o 4') [... fi]rst part of the night, Mercury was 14 fingers above Saturn ... [...]

o 5'5'

[...] AN DIB 21 DIR AN DIB GE₆ 22 DIR [...]

(o 5') [...] crossed the sky. The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds [...]

o 6'6'

[...] 2 2/3 KUŠ₃ DIR AN ZA 24 DIR AN [...]

(o 6') [...] 2 2/3 cubits; clouds were in the sky. The 24th, clouds [...]

o 7'7'

[...] DIR AN DIB GE₆ 27 DIR AN DIB 27 [...]

(o 7') [...] clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 27th, clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, [...]

o 8'8'


(o 8') [...] stood [to] the east. The 29th, the king died; clouds [...]

o 9'9'

[...] x saḫ-le₁₀ 1(BAN₂) 4 qa ŠE.GIŠ 3 1/2 qa [...]

(o 9') [...] ...; cress, 1 sūtu 4 qa; sesame, 3 1/2 qa [...]

o 10'10'

[... GENNA ina MAŠ].MAŠ ina TIL ITU ina ALLA AN ina ABSIN [...]

(o 10') [... Saturn was in Ge]mini, at the end of the month in Cancer; Mars was in Vir[go ...]

o 11'11'

[...] x KA₂.GAL dEN [...]

(o 11') [...] the gate of Bēl [...]

o 12'12'

[...] x x x [...]

(o 12') [...] ... [...]