AD -168A

o 1o 1

[MU] 1 ME 43.KAM₂ man-ti-ʾu-uk-su LUGAL ITU.NE 1 12 na KUR₄? [...] ana šamaš₂ SIG sin ina IGI SA₄-ša₂-ABSIN 2 KUŠ₃ sin 1 KUŠ₃ 8 SI ana ULU₃ [SIG ina IGI]

(o 1) [Year] 143, king Antiochus. Month V, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 12°; it was bright? [...] it was low to the sun; the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Virginis, the moon being 1 cubit 8 fingers [low] to the sou[th,]

o 22

GENNA 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ŠU₂ GUB sin 3 KUŠ₃ 8 SI ana ULU₃ SIG GE₆ 2 sin ar₂ AN 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana [NIM GUB sin N N] ana ULU₃ SIG SI GIN GE₆ 3 sin SIG RIN₂-ša₂-ULU₃ 3 KUŠ₃ sin i-ṣa ana NIM [DIB]

(o 2) it stood 2 1/2 cubits [in front of Sat]urn to the west, the moon being 3 cubits 8 fingers low to the south. Night of the 2nd, the moon [stood] 2 1/2 cubits behind Mars t[o the east, the moon being ...] low to the south; the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits below α Librae, the moon [having passed] a little to the east.

o 33

[GE₆] 4 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MUL₂-SIG-ša₂-SAG-GIR₂.TAB 2 KUŠ₃ GE₆ 5 SAG GE₆ sin ar₂ SI₄ 1/2 KUŠ₃ 5 [SI? GIN? GE₆ 6] SAG GE₆ sin SIG MUL₂-KUR-ša₂-KIR₄-šil-PA 2 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana NIM DIB 6 [SI? GIN?]

(o 3) [Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of π Scorpii. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit behind α Scorpii. The 5th, [the north wind? blew?. Night of the 6th, be]ginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. The 6th, [the north wind? blew?.]

o 44

[GE₆] 9 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI SI-MAŠ₂ 3 KUŠ₃ sin 3 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 9 SI GIN GE₆ 10 SAG GE₆ [sin ar₂? SI? MAŠ₂?] 3 KUŠ₃ 10 SI GIN GE₆ 11 SAG GE₆ sin e MUL₂-ar₂-ša₂-SUḪUR-[MAŠ₂ N N]

(o 4) [Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of β Capricorni, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south. The 9th, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the ni[ght, the moon was] 3 cubits [behind β Capricorni?.] The 10th, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [...] above δ Capricorni.

o 55

11 SI GIN 12 SI GIN 13 9.30 ŠU₂ SI GIN GE₆ 14 SI GIN 14 4 na muš GE₆ [15 x]+10 ME muš 15 SI GIN GE₆ 16 8 GE₆ ina ZALAG₂ sin ar₂ MUL₂-KUR-ša₂-DUR-nu-[nu N N]

(o 5) [The 1]1th, the north wind blew. The 12th, the north wind blew. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 30'; the north wind blew. Night of the 14th, the north wind blew. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: , measured. Night [of the 15th,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+10', measured. The 15th, the north wind blew. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: ; last part of the night, the moon was [...] behind η Piscium,

o 66

[sin] 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 14.30 na GENNA SI GIN GE₆ 17 ina ZALAG₂ sin ar₂ MUL₂-ar₂-ša₂-SAG-ḪUN [N] KUŠ₃ sin 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 17 SI GIN GE₆ 18 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI MUL₂.MUL₂ 1/2 KUŠ₃ [sin N N]

(o 6) [the moon] being 1/2 cubit low to the south; sunset to setting of Saturn: 14° 30'; the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [nn] cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being 2 1/2 cubits low to the south. The 17th, the north wind blew. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1/2 cubit in front of η Tauri, [the ??? being ...]

o 77

[ana] ULU₃ SIG 18 SI GIN GE₆ 19 ina ZALAG₂ sin e is-le₁₀ 4 KUŠ₃ ina ZALAG₂ MUL₂.BABBAR e LUGAL 2 SI in 19 GENNA ina SAG RIN₂ ŠU₂ GE₆ 20 USAN MUL GAL ša₂ ma-gal KUR TA [x ana x]

(o 7) low to the south. The 18th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon wsa 4 cubits above α Tauri; last part of the night, Jupiter was 2 fingers above α Leonis. Around the 19th, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Libra. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, α meteor which was very bright, flashed from [...;]

o 88

ŠUR ina ZALAG₂ sin e ŠUR-GIGIR-ša₂-ULU₃ 2 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ [ana] ŠU₂ LAL 20 SI GIN GE₆ 21 ina ZALAG₂ sin e MAŠ.MAŠ-ša₂-SIPA 4 KUŠ₃ 21 SI GIN GE₆ 22 ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG MAŠ.MAŠ-ar₂ 2 KUŠ₃ [...]

(o 8) last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above ζ Tauri, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. The 20th, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above γ Geminorum. The 21st, the north wind blew. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below β Geminorum [...]

o 99

22 DIR AN ZA ZI IR GE₆ 23 DIR AN ZA ZI IR ina ZALAG₂ sin e MUL₂ ar₂ [ša₂] ALLA ša₂ ULU₃ 2/3 KUŠ₃ 23 DIR AN ZA GE₆ 24 ina ZALAG₂ sin ar₂ SAG-A 1 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 4 [KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG]

(o 9) The 22nd, clouds were in the sky, ZI IR. Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky, ZI IR; last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit above δ Cancri. The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind ε Leonis, the moon being 4 [cubits low to the south.]

o 1010

24 dele-bat ina ŠU₂ ina TIL ABSIN IGI 8.30 na-su in 22 IGI GE₆ 25 ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG MUL₂ TUR ša₂ 4 KUŠ₃ ar₂ LUGAL 2/3 KUŠ₃ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ar₂ MUL₂.BABBAR 3 KUŠ₃ ana NIM GUB sin [N N ana ULU₃ SIG]

(o 10) The 24th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in the end of Virgo; sunset to setting of Venus: 30'; (ideal) first appearance on the 22nd. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 2/3 cubit below ρ Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east, it stood 3 cubits behind Jupiter to the east, the moon [being ... low to the south.]

o 1111

25 SI GIN GE₆ 26 ina ZALAG₂ sin ar₂ GIŠ.KUN-A 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 6 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG GE₆ 27 USAN AN SIG RIN₂-ša₂-ULU₃ 4 SI AN 2 SI ana NIM DIB 27 12.20 KUR ŠU₂? GE₆ [...]

(o 11) The 25th, the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits behind ϑ Leonis, the moon being 6 cubits low to the south. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars was 4 fingers below α Librae, Mars having passed 2 fingers to the east. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 20'; overcast?. Ni[ght ...]

o 1212

27 GU₄.UD ina ŠU₂ (sic) ina ABSIN IGI KUR NIM-a 16 na-su in 25 IGI 28 29 SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM še-im bab-ba-ne₂-e-tu₂ 1(GUR) GUR 1(BARIG) 5(BAN₂) ZU₂.LUM.MA 1(GUR) GUR 4(BARIG) 1(BAN₂) ina TIL [ITU]

(o 12) The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the westsic in Virgo; it was bright (and) high, rising of Mercury to sunrise: 16°; (ideal) first appearance on the 25th. The 28th (and) the 29th, the north wind bl[ew.] That [mon]th, the equivalent was: very good barley, 1 kurru 1 pānu 5 sūtu; dates, 1 kurru 4 pānu 1 sūtu, at the end [of the month,]

o 1313

2(GUR) GUR kas₃-si-i 3(GUR) GUR saḫ-le₁₀ 2(BARIG) 4(BAN₂) ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ 1(BARIG) 1(BAN₂) 3 qa SIG₂.ḪI..A [N MA.NA a]-na 1 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR ep₂-šu₂ i-nu-šu₂ MUL₂.BABBAR ina A in 22 dele-bat ina ŠU₂ ina ABSIN IGI ina TIL ITU ina [RIN₂]

(o 13) 2 kurru; mustard, 3 kurru; cress, 2 pānu 4 sūtu; sesame, 1 pānu 1 sūtu 3 qa; wool, [nn minas] were sold for 1 shekel of silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; around the 22nd, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Virgo; at the end of the month, it was in [Libra;]

o 1414

in 25 GU₄.UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI GENNA ina SAG ITU ina ABSIN in 19 GENNA [ina] SAG RIN₂ ŠU₂ AN ina RIN₂ ITU BI ILLU 1 KUŠ₃ LAL PAP 31 na ITU BI al-te-e um-[ma]

(o 14) around the 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo; Saturn, in the beginning of the month, was in Virgo; around the 19th, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Libra; Mars was in Libra. That month, the river level receded 1 cubit, total: 31 was the na (gauge). That month, I heard as follows:

o 1515

man LUGAL ina URU.MEŠ ša₂ KUR me-luḫ-ḫa šal-ṭa-niš GIN.GIN-ma [x x] LU₂.pu-li-ṭe-e pu-up-pe-e u ep₂-še-e-tu₂ ša₂ GIM u₂-ṣur-tu₂ LU₂.ia-a-man-nu x [...]

(o 15) Antiochus marched victoriously through the cities of Meluhha and [...] the citizens [...] ... and ... which were like a drawing of the Greeks [...]

o 1616

ITU.KIN 30 9.20 na? a.KAM₂? ki PAP NU IGI 1 SI GIN GE₆ 2 [sin] ar₂ RIN₂-ša₂-SI 2 KUŠ₃ sin 5 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG ar₂ AN 3 KUŠ₃ ana NIM GUB sin 3 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 2 SI GIN GE₆ 3 [sin x MUL₂ x]

(o 16) Month VI, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset?: 20'; mist?, when I watched I did not see it. The 1st, the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, [the moon was] 2 cubits behind β Librae, the moon being 5 1/2 cubits low to the south, it stood 3 cubits behind Mars to the east, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south. The 2nd, the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, [the moon was ...]

o 1717

(MUL₂-x)-ša₂?-SAG?-[GIR₂.TAB? N N sin N N ana] ULU₃ SIG 3 SI GIN GE₆ 4 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MUL₂-KUR-ša₂-KIR₄-šil-PA 1 KUŠ₃ sin 2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG GE₆ 5 USAN AN SIG RIN₂-ša₂-[SI 3] KUŠ₃ 5 SI GIN [GE₆ 6]

(o 17) [β/δ Scorpii, the moon being ...] low to the south. The 3rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mars was [3] cubits below [β] Librae. The 5th, the north wind blew. [Night of the 6th,]

o 1818

SAG? GE₆? [sin ar₂? SI]-MAŠ₂ 1 KUŠ₃ sin 3 KUŠ₃ ana [ULU₃] SIG GE₆ 9 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MUL₂-IGI-ša₂-SUḪUR-MAŠ₂ 1 KUŠ₃ sin 2/3? KUŠ₃ ana SI NIM 9 SI GIN GE₆ 10 SAG GE₆ sin [ar₂]

(o 18) beginning? of the night, [the moon was] 1 cubit [behind? β Capri]corni, the moon being 3 cubits low to the [south.] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of γ Capricorni, the moon being 2/3? cubit high to the north. The 9th, the north wind bl[ew. Ni]ght of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [nn cubits behind]

o 1919

[MUL₂-ar₂-ša₂-SUḪUR-MAŠ₂ N KUŠ₃ sin N N ana SI] NIM? GE₆ 11 ina ZALAG₂ GU₄.[UD SIG] DELE-ša₂-IGI-ABSIN 1 KUŠ₃ 8 SI 11 LAL₂-ti₃ NU PAP GE₆ 12 12 SI GIN 13 14 na AN SI GIN GE₆ 14 SAG GE₆ sin [ina IGI]

(o 19) [δ Capricorni, the moon being ... hi]gh? [to the north.] Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Mer[cury was] 1 cubit 8 fingers [below] γ Virginis. The 11th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 12th (and) the 12th, the north wind blew. The 13th, sunset to setting of Mars: 14°; the north wind blew. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moo[n was]

o 2020

[MUL₂-KUR-ša₂-DUR-nu-nu N N sin N N] ana ULU₃ SIG 14 [N ŠU₂? a]-kam₂ muš SI GIN GE₆ 15 6 ME a-kam₂ muš SAG GE₆ sin SIG MUL₂-IGI-ša₂-SAG-ḪUN 1 1/2 KUŠ₃ 15 10 [na x]

(o 20) [... in front of η Piscium, the moon being ...] low to the south. The 1[4th, moonset to sunrise?: nn°,] measured (despite) mist; the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: , measured (despite) mist; beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits below β Arietis. The 15th, sunrise to [moonset:] 10° [...]

o 2121

[...] 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG in 16 AN ina SAG GIR₂.TAB ŠU₂ SI GIN GE₆ 17 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI is-le₁₀ 1 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 4 KUŠ₃ ana [SI NIM]

(o 21) [...] being 1/2 cubit low to the south. Around the 16th, Mars’ last appearance in the beginning of Scorpius; the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of α Tauri, the moon being 4 cubits [high to the north.]

o 2222

[...] x x x x ina KIN.SIG ŠU₂.ŠU₂ SI ŠAR₂ ki ŠU₂ šamaš₂ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE₆ 19 kal GE₆ ŠU₂.ŠU₂ SI ŠAR₂ mar? [x x]

(o 22) [...] ... in the afternoon, very overcast, gusty north wind; at sunset, a little rain shower. Night of the 19th, all night very overcast, gusty north wind, ... [...]

o 2323

[...] x SI ša₂ PA MAR ša₂-kin GIN GE₆ 20 ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG MAŠ.MAŠ-IGI 3 KUŠ₃ 6 SI sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ [ana x x]

(o 23) [...] the north wind which was set to the west side blew. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits 6 fingers below α Geminorum, the moon being 1/2 cubit [...]

o 2424

[...] sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ŠU₂ LAL 22 SI GIN GE₆ 23 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI MUL₂-TUR-[ša₂-4-KUŠ₃]

(o 24) the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west. The 22nd, the north wind blew. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of ρ Leonis,

o 2525

[ar₂ LUGAL ... 23 GU₄.UD] ina NIM ina RIN₂ ŠU₂ NU PAP GE₆ 24 ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG [GIŠ.KUN-A 5 KUŠ₃]

(o 25) [1 cubit 8 fingers in front of Jupiter. The 23rd, Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in (the beginning of) Libra; I did not watch. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 5 cubits below ϑ Leonis,

o 2626

[... 25 ŠU₂.ŠU₂ ina KIN].SIG AN UTAḪ i-[ṣa ...]

r 1'r 1'

[... GE₆ 16 ina ZALAG₂ sin x MUL₂]-ar₂-ša₂-ALLA-ša₂-ULU₃ 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana [...]

(r 1') [... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was] 1/2 cubit [...] δ Cancri, the moon being 1/2 cubit to [...]

r 2'2'

[...] GE₆ 18 ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG MUL₂-TUR-ša₂-4-KUŠ₃-(ar₂-LUGAL)

(r 2') [...] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [...] below ρ Leonis.

r 3'3'

[ar₂ LUGAL N N ... GE₆ 19 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI] GIR₃-ar₂-ša₂-A 1 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 19 DIR AN ZA

(r 3') [...] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of β Virginis, the moon being 1/2 cubit low to the south. The 19th, clouds were in the sky.

r 4'4'

[...] ša₂ PA MAR GAR GIN GE₆ 21 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI SA₄-ša₂-ABSIN 1 KUŠ₃ sin 1 KUŠ₃

(r 4') [...] which was set to the west side blew. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Virginis, the moon being 1 cubit

r 5'5'

[ana ULU₃ SIG ... GE₆ 22 ina ZALAG₂] sin SIG GENNA 3 1/2 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana NIM DIB 22 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ŠED₇ GE₆ 23

(r 5') [low to the south ... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night,] the moon was 3 1/2 cubits below Saturn, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east. The 22nd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew, cold. Night of the 23rd,

r 6'6'

[ina ZALAG₂ sin ...] GE₆ 24 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina IGI MUL₂-SIG-ša₂-SAG-GIR₂.TAB 1 KUŠ₃ sin 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana ULU₃ SIG 24 DIR AN ZA

(r 6') last part of the night, the moon was [...] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of π Scorpii, the moon being 1/2 cubit low to the south. The 24th, clouds were in the sky.

r 7'7'

[GE₆ 25] ina ZALAG₂ sin ar₂ SI₄ 1 1/2 KUŠ₃ [...] ŠU₂ ULU₃ ŠAR₂ ina še-ri₃ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE₆ 26 kal GE₆ DIR AN ZA ULU₃ ŠAR₂ 26 16 KUR DIR muš

(r 7') Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits behind α Scorpii [...] overcast, gusty south wind; in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 26th, all night clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°, measured (despite) clouds;

r 8'8'

DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE₆ 27 27 DIR [...] USAN dele-bat e MUL₂-IGI-ša₂-SUḪUR-MAŠ₂ [N] SI dele-bat 2 SI ana NIM DIB 28 29 DIR AN ZA ITU BI KI.LAM

(r 8') clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 27th (and) the 27th, cl[ouds ... first] part of the night, Venus was [nn] fingers above γ Capricorni, Venus having passed 2 fingers to the east. The 28th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky (,the north wind blew). That month, the equivalent (for 1 shekel of silver was):

r 9'9'

še-im ina SAG ITU 1(GUR) GUR 5(BAN₂) ina MURUB₄ ITU [1(GUR) GUR x x ina TIL ITU 1(GUR) GUR] 4(BAN₂) ZU₂.LUM.MA ina SAG ITU [2(GUR)] GUR 2(BARIG) PI EN TIL ITU 2(GUR) GUR 1(BARIG) 4(BAN₂) kas₃-si-i 3(GUR) GUR 1(BARIG) 5(BAN₂)?

(r 9') barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 kurru 5 sūtu, in the middle of the mon[th, 1 kurru ..., at the end of the month, 1 kurru] 4 sūtu; dates, in the beginning of the mo[nth, 2 ku]r 2 pānu, until the end of the month, 2 kurru 1 pānu 4 sūtu; mustard, 3 kurru 1 pānu 5 sūtu?;

r 10'10'

saḫ-le₁₀ 2(BARIG) 2(BAN₂) ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ ina SAG ITU 1 PI 4 [1/2 qa ina TIL ITU 1 PI] 3? qa SIG₂.ḪI..A 5 MA.NA i-nu-šu₂ MUL₂.BABBAR ina A dele-bat ina SAG ITU ina PA EN TIL ITU ina MAŠ₂ in 15?

(r 10') cress, 2 pānu 2 sūtu; sesame, in the beginning of the month, 1 pānu 4 1/2 qa, [at the end of the month, 1 pānu] 3? qa; wool, 5 minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Sagittarius, until the end of the month, in Capricorn; around the 15th?,

r 11'11'

GU₄.UD ina ŠU₂ ina PA IGI ina TIL ITU ina MAŠ₂ GENNA ina RIN₂ AN [ša₂ ŠU₂-u₂ NU IGI ITU] BI ILLU EN 5 GUB-uz TA 6 EN 12 2/3 KUŠ₃ GIN PAP 27 na TA 14 EN 24

(r 11') Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius; at the end of the month, it was in Capricorn; Saturn was in Libra; Ma[rs, which had set, was not visible. That month,] the river level remained constant until the 5th; from the 6th to the 12th, it rose 2/3 cubit, total: 27 was the na (gauge); from the 14th to the 24th,

r 12'12'

8 SI LAL PAP 29 na TA 25 EN 29 2/3 [KUŠ₃ GIN PAP] 25 na ITU BI U₄ 6.KAM₂ 1-en LU₂.DUMU E.KI LU₂.KAB.SAR LU₂.ŠEŠ ša₂ LU₂.ŠA₃.TAM

(r 12') it receded 8 fingers, total: 29 was the na (gauge); from the 25th to the 29th, [it rose] 2/3 [cubit, total: 2]5 was the na. That month, the 6th, one inhabitant of Babylon, a jeweler, a brother of the administrator

r 13'13'

E₂.SAG.GIL₂ ša₂ ana ku-um-mi-šu₂ LU₂.ŠA₃.TAM-u₂-tu₂ u₂?-[še?-piš?] ina KUŠ.ši-piš-tu₂ ša₂ LUGAL ina LU₂.za-zak-u₂-tu₂ pe-eq-du U₄ BI KU₃.GI šul-lu-ma-nu

(r 13') of Esangil, who in his stead p[erformed?] the administrative duties, was entrusted with the office of zazakku by a message of the king. That day, gold from the dedications

r 14'14'

[TA?] NIG₂.GA E₂.SAG.GIL₂ ana DU₃- ša₂ ku-uz-bi x [x x x] GAL-u₂ ša₂ dEN a-na LU₂.za-zak-ka a₄ u LU₂.UKKIN ša₂ LU₂.ku-tim.MEŠ SUM-in

(r 14') [from?] the property of Esangil was given to this zazakku and the assembly of the goldsmiths for making of α wig? , a great [...] of Bēl.

r 15'15'

ITU BI U₄ 8.KAM₂ 1-en tam-šil dŠEŠ.GAL ša₂ la si-mat? [DINGIR-ti-šu₂] ša₂ LU₂.ša₂-du-u₂-a-a DU₃.MEŠ u DINGIR ša₂ am-ma-mi-ʾi-i-ta-a MU-šu₂ MU-ar₂

(r 15') That month, the 8th, one image of the god Nergal? which ... the mountain-dwellers had made, and of? the god who is called Ammamiʾita

r 16'16'

ina šur-qa qa-li-ip U₄ 10.KAM₂ LU₂.šar-ra-qa.MEŠ ša₂ [d]ŠEŠ.GAL MU-a-ti₃ iq-lu-pu-u₂ kaš-du- kul-lu- ina E₂ LU₂.DI.KUD.MEŠ

(r 16') were peeled off by theft. The 10th, the thieves who had peeled this god Nergal? were caught, held and taken into the temple courthouse.

r 17'17'

ša₂ E₂ DINGIR.MEŠ DIB- U₄ 13.KAM₂ LU₂.šar-ra-qa.MEŠ [x x] ina E₂ DI.KUD.MEŠ ša₂ E₂ DINGIR.MEŠ ana tar-ṣa ša₂ ana ku-um LU₂.ŠA₃.TAM E₂.SAG.GIL₂ u LU₂.DI.KUD.MEŠ

(r 17') The 13th, the thieves [...] were interrogated in the temple courthouse in front of the representative of the temple administrator und the temple judges

r 18'18'

ša₂ E₂ DINGIR.MEŠ ina GIŠ.sim-mil-tu₂ maš-a-a-al-tu₂ [i-ša₂-lu- uk]-tin-nu- U₄ BI ina IZI qa-lu-u₂ ITU BI bu-še-e MAḪ-tu₂ x

(r 18') by means of the rack of interrogation, and were convicted. That day, they were burned. That month,

r 19'19'

ša₂ E₂ DINGIR.MEŠ ša₂ ina E₂ bu-še-e SUMUN ša₂ ina GIŠ.KIRI₆ [ŠIM.LI] GAR- ša₂ ku-um LU₂.ŠA₃.TAM E₂.SAG.GIL₂ u LU₂.E.KI.MEŠ LU₂.UKKIN ša₂ E₂.SAG.GIL₂

(r 19') the representative of the administrator of Esangil and the Babylonians, the assembly of Esangil, took out much property of the temple which had been placed in the old treasury in the juniper garden

r 20'20'

ša₂ E₂ bu-še-e GIBIL ša₂ ina I.ZI IM-3 [ša₂ E₂ bu-še]-e MU-a-ti₃ E₃-u₂

(r 20') from? the new treasury which is on the east wall of this treasury.

r 21'21'

ITU.GAN 30 14 na-su DIR muš [...]

(r 21') Month IX, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 14°, measured (despite) clouds [...]

r 22'22'

EN.NUN ša₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ TA ITU.NE [EN TIL] ITU.APIN ša₂ MU 1 ME 43.KAM₂ [man-ti-ʾu]-uk-su LUGAL

(r 22') (and on several edges): Diary from month V [to the end of] month VIII of year 143, king Antiochus.

t.e. 1t.e. 1

EN.NUN ša₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ TA ITU.NE EN [TIL ITU].APIN MU 1 ME 43.KAM₂ man LUGAL

(t.e. 1) Astronomical Diary from month V until the end of month VIII of year 143, king Antiochus


(l.e.) [] king Antiochus

l.e. 1l.e. 1

[... m]an LUGAL

r.e. 1r.e. 1

[...] MU 1 ME 43.KAM₂ [...]

(r.e. 1) [ y]ear 143 []