ADART 6 87

o 1'o 1'

MU 1 ME 1+ŠU+9.KAM mde-[met-ri LUGAL ...]

(o 1) Year 169, [king] D[emetrius ...]

o 2'2'

KIN? 1 15.30 na MUL₂.[BABBAR ...]

(o 2) Month VI, the 1st, rising of Jupi[ter] to sunrise: 15° 30' [...]

o 3'3'

ar₂ AN 2 KUŠ₃ ana NIM? GUB 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana SI [NIM IGI ...]

(o 3) it stood 2 cubits behind Mars to the east?, 1/2 cubit [high] to the north [...]

o 4'4'

ar₂ RIN₂-ša₂-ULU₃ 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana SI NIM [...]

(o 4) it became sta[tionary ...] behind α Librae, 1/2 cubit high to the north. [...]

o 5'5'

MU 1 ME 57.KAM mde-met-ri LUGAL [...]

(o 5) Year 157, king Demetrius. [...]

o 6'6'

[...] x 4 x [...]

(o 6) [...] ... 4 ... [...]

r 1'r 1'

ša₂ ši-i MU [2 ME 40.KAM ...]

(r 1) which is year [240 ...]