STT 2, 171 [Incantation against the Oath]

oThe fragment 52/217 does not seem to belong here
o 1'o 1'


(o 1') Evil [udug] disappear! [Evil alad disappear]!

[u₂-tuk-ku lem]-nu dup-[pir ...]

o 2'o 2'

saŋ-ba ki mu-un-te-a-[ta ...]

(o 2') Oath: wherever (the demon) appears, [he cannot cross the drawing].

ma-mit e-ma i-ṭe-ḫu-u [...]

o 3'o 3'

ŋeštukul šu nu-un-bar-ra sa-par₃ [...]

(o 3') You were not released by the weapon, you were bound by a net.

ina kak-ki la tu-taš-šir₃ tak-ka-si [...]

o 4'o 4'

tu₆ šu nu-mu-[un]-bur₂-ra sa-par₃ ŋeš-ḫur nam-[...]

(o 4') The incantation that cannot be undone I have drawn for you; do not [approach] the net!

ši-pat la pa-[ša₂]-ri e-ṣir-ka ana sa-par₂-[...]

o 5'o 5'

gu x x nam-šub ḫa-lam-me-en mu pad₃-da ḫe₂-en-[...]

(o 5') You are destroyed by snare, battle, and incantation, may the swearing [shatter you]!

qu-u₂ LID-KU-ka-ma ši-pat ḫa-la-qi₂-ka u₂-ša₂-az-[...]

o 6'o 6'

zi te-en-te-en uš₂ lil₂-la₂ nam-šub ḫa-lam-ma-me-en

(o 6') Extinguisher of life, death, and ghost, you are destroyed by the incantation.

mu-bal-lu-u nap-ša₂-a-ti₃ mu-u₂-tu₄ za-qi₂-qu ina šip-ti ŠU?

o 7'o 7'

in?-sukud-da? zi ud šu₂--ru

(o 7') When you rise up, life and daylight are shattered.

ina u₂-tul-li-ka tu--šiš na-piš-ti

o 8'o 8'

na-an-gub-e-ne na-an-tuš-e-ne?

(o 8') Do not stand, do not sit,

la ta-az-za-az la tu-šab

o 9'o 9'

nam-ba-gi₄-gi₄-e-ne [nam-ba]-niŋin?-[e]-ne

(o 9') do not return, [do not] roam around.

la ta-at-ta-nu-ra [...]-x

o 10'o 10'

[ki nu-ra-zu]-še₃ saŋ?-ba?-ra? mu-un-na-ab?-nu₂?

(o 10') The oath has made you lie down at [a place] unknown to you,

[a-šar la] ud-di-ka ma-mit u₂-šar-bi-iṣ

o 11'o 11'

[ki e₃]-de₃ ḫuŋ-ga-zu ki nu-e₃-de₃ nam-ba-gi

(o 11') and the place where you rest has become a place without rest.

[a]-šar šup-šu-ḫi-ka la tu-šap-šaḫ

o 12'12'

[ŋa₂-e] lu₂ den-ki-ga-me-en

(o 12') I belong to Enki!

o 12a'12a'

*(P₂) ŋa₂-e lu₂ ddam-gal-nun-na-me-en

(o 12a') I belong to Damgalnuna!

o 13'13'

[ŋa₂]-e lu₂kiŋ₂-gi₄-a dasar-lu₂-ḫi-me-en

(o 13') I am the messenger of Marduk,

o 14'o 14'

[šu d]en-ki-ke₄ šu-ŋu₁₀ i₃-ŋal₂

(o 14') what [belongs] to Enki belongs to me!

[... de₂]-a ina qat-ia i-ba--ši

o 15'o 15'

[tu₆ den-ki-ke₄ tu₆]-ŋu₁₀ i₃-ŋal₂

(o 15') [The incantation of Enki] is [in] my [incantation],

[... ina te]-ia i-ba-[-ši]
r 1'r 1'

[... nam]-ba-[ab-tum₃]

(r 1') [Your heart] will not carry [evil],

[... a]-a ub-la

r 2'r 2'

[ka-zu niŋ₂ ḫul-dim₂-ma nam]-ba-ab-tum₃

(r 2') [your mouth] will not carry [evil],

[... a]-a ub-la

r 3'r 3'

[igi-zu niŋ₂ ḫul-dim₂-ma nam-mu]-un-ši-in-bar-ra

(r 3') [and your eye] will not look at me [with evil intent]!

[... a]-a ip-pal-sa-an-ni

r 4'4'

[... *(P₂) a]-na zu-um-ri-ia e te-[eṭ-ḫa-a]

(r 4') Do not [approach] my body!

r 5'5'

[... a-na pa-ni-ia] e ta-as-[...]

(r 5') Do not [turn around before me],

r 6'r 6'

egir-ŋu₁₀-[še₃ nam-ba]-gi₄-gi₄-[e-ne]

(r 6') nor turn back behind me!

ar₂-ki-ia e ta-[...]

r 7'r 7'

ki ŋen-na-ŋu₁₀-še₃ nam-ba-da-du-en

(r 7') Do not go where I go,

a-šar al-la-ka la ta-lak

r 8'r 8'

ki ku₄-ku₄-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ba-ra-an-da-ku₄-ku₄-e-[ne]

(r 8') do not enter where I enter!

a-šar er-ru-bu la te-ru-bu

r 9'9'

e₂-ŋu₁₀ nam-ba-teŋ₃?-ŋe₂₆-e-ne

(r 9') Do not come near my house,

r 9a'9a'

ur₃-ŋu₁₀ nam-bal-[...]

(r 9a') do not break through my roof!

r 10'10'

tu₆-dug₄-ga inim den-ki-[ga]-ke₄ ina MIN<(TU₆.DUG₄.GAe)> [...]

(r 10') Because of the incantation, the word of Enki,

r 11'r 11'

niŋ₂ ḫul-ŋal₂-e igi-ŋu₁₀ nam-mu-un-[...]

(r 11') nothing evil will [come] before me,

mim-ma lem-nu ana IGI-ia a-a x-[...]

r 12'r 12'

niŋ₂ nu-še-ga su!(ZU-)ŋu₁₀ nam-ba-teŋ₃-[...]

(r 12') and nothing unpleasant will approach my body!

la ma-gi-ru ana SU!(ZU-)ia [...]

r 13'13'

zi diŋir gal-gal-e-ne iri-pad₃ [...]

(r 13') I have conjured you by the life of the great gods; [...]


Edited by Jeremiah Peterson for the BLMS project