SBH 10 [Liturgy]

o 11

[umun e-ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂]-ni [e]-ne-eŋ₃-[ŋa₂-ni]

o 22

[ša₂ be-lu a-mat]-su [a]-mat-su

(Sum) The lord, his word, his word (Akk) The word of the lord; his word

o 33

[umun e-ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂]-ni e₂tur₃-ra gig [bi₂-ak]

o 44

[ša₂ be-lu a-mat]-su tar-ba-ṣa ma-ru--[tu₄ ...]

(Sum) The lord, his word afflicts the cattle pen (Akk) The word of the lord afflicts the cattle pen

o 55

[e-ne-eŋ₃ an gu-la]-ke₄ e-ne-eŋ₃-[ŋa₂-ni]

The word of greatest An, his word

o 66

[e-ne-eŋ₃ dmu-ul-lil₂-la₂-ke₄] e-<ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂-ni>

The word of Enlil, his word

o 77

[ur-saŋ umun-irigal-la] e-<ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂-ni>

Hero Nergal, his word

o 88

[dmes-lam-ta-e₃-a] e-<ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂-ni>

Meslamtaea, his word

o 99

[am gal umun-ir₉-ra e-<ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂-ni>]

The great wild bull Lugalirra, his word

o 1010

[e-ne-eŋ₃ an-še₃ an] al-[...]

o 1111

a-ma-at ša₂ e-liš [...]

(Sum) The word above makes the heavens tremble (Akk) The word which above makes the heavens tremble

o 1212

e-ne-eŋ₃ ki-še₃ [...]

o 1313

a-ma-at ša₂ šap-liš [...]

(Sum) The word below shakes the earth (Akk) The word which below shakes the earth

o 1414

e-ne-eŋ₃ da-nun-na [...]

o 1515

a-ma-at dMIN<(...)> [...] x [...]

(Sum) The word blocks/destroys (even) the Anuna (Akk) The word of the Anuna, of destruction

o 1616

a-zu nu-tuku [šim]-mu₂ nu-[tuku]

o 1717

ba-ra-a ul i-ši [ša₂]-i-li ul i-ši

(Sum) (His word) has no diviner, it has no incantation priest (Akk) (His word) has no diviner, it has no dream interpreter

o 1818

a-ma-ru zig₃-ga [gaba]-šu-ŋar nu-tuku

o 1919

a-bu-bu te-bi-[... ša₂] ma-ḫi-ri la i-šu-[u₂]

(His word) is a rising flood with nothing to withstand it

o 2020

[an] al-dub₂-dub₂-[be₂ ki al]-sag₃-[...]

o 2121

[AN]e u₂-[... u₂-nar]-raṭ

(His word) makes heaven tremble and the earth shake

o 2222


o 2323

[...]-BIT?-tu₄ u₂-[qab]-bar

(Sum) (His word) is a reed mat that a mother wraps her (dead) child with (Akk) (His word) is like a reed mat that a mother buries a daughter with

o 2424

[gien₃-bar] pu₂-ba-am₃ mi-ni-ib-gur₂-[gur₂]

o 2525

[...] ina šuq-li-šu₂ -ma-at

(Sum) (His word) kills/bends over the enbar reeds/reed bed in their pond (Akk) (His word) kills the reed bed in its marsh

o 2626

[buru₁₄ išin]-ba mu-ni-ib₂-su₃-su₃

o 2727

[...] ina i-si-ni-šu₂ u₂-ṭa-ab-bi

(Sum) (His word) drowns the harvest on its stalk (Akk) (His word) drowns the harvest on its stalk

o 2828

[a] zig₃-ga-am₃ kiri₃ al-ur-[re]

o 2929

mi-li [te]-bu-u₂ ša₂ ap-pa i-ḫa-am-[ma-am]

(His word) is a rising flood that gathers up to(?) the nose

o 3030

a maḫ-[am₃] kar al-ša₅-[ša₅]

o 3131

ki-ma bu-tuq-[tu₄] ka-a-ri i-ḫa-[...]

(Sum) (His word) is a flood that snaps apart the quay (Akk) (His word) is a breach that breaks the quay

o 3232

ŋešmes gal-gal-[la] gu₂-gur₅-ru- am₃-[me]

o 3333

[...] u₂-kap-par₂

(Sum) (His word) cuts down the great mes trees

o 3434

[...] al-ma-[ma]

o 3535

u₄-mu nap-[...]-ti u₂-rak-[kas]

(Sum) (His word) is a storm that renders (settlements) into ruin heaps at (its?) disposal (Akk) (His word) is a storm that ties everything into bundles

o 3636

ur-saŋ umun-[irigal-la bu₅]-bu₅-am₃ i-bi₂ [nu]-bar-bar-[re]

o 3737

qar-rad dU.GUR it-ta-na-[aš₂]-rab-biṭ i-ni ul [...]

(Sum) (The word of) hero Nergal is flitting about, it cannot be seen (Akk) (The word of) Nergal flits about: the eye cannot see it

o 3838

umun e-ne-[eŋ₃-ŋa₂-ni] umun e-ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂-[ni ...] x x [...]

The lord, his word, the lord, his word ...

o 3939


o 4040

[...] il₂ [...]

o 4141

ur-saŋ [umun-irigal-la gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>]

He ... praise for hero Nergal, the bull

o 4242

dmes-lam-[ta-e₃-a gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>]

He ... praise for Meslamtea the ox

o 4343

am gal umun-ir₉-ra gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for the great wild bull Lugalirra, the bull

o 4444

umun-gu₂-si-sa₂ [gud]-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for Lugalgusisa, the bull

o 4545

en dmes-saŋ-unugki gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for lord MessaŋŋaUnug, the bull

o 4646

umun-e-dgu₂-du₈-aki gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for UmunGudua, the bull

o 4747

umun-e-e₂-mes-lam gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for UmunMeslam, the bull

o 4848

bad₃ maḫ e₂-lam-ma gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for the supreme wall of the Elama temple, the bull

o 4949

[ur]-saŋ en-dag-ga gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for Endaga, the bull

o 5050

[d]TUR-TUR i-bi₂ sag₉-sag₉ gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for ..., the one handsome of face, the bull

o 5151

[umun]-uru₂-ABki gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for ***, the bull

o 5252

[umun]-uru₂-saŋ-ŋa₂ gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for Lugalirisaŋa, the bull

o 5353

umun gu₂-a₂-nun-gi₄-a gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for lord Gudanungia, the bull

o 5454

umun der₃-ra-gal gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for lord Erragal, the bull

o 5555

umun-tug₂palaₓ(NAM.EN.NA)-mu₄ agud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for Lugalpalamu, the bull

o 5656

umun-a-pak gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for LugalApiak, the bull

o 5757

umun-uru₂-bar-ra gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for lord Lugaliribara, the bull

o 5858

umun-uru₂-šag₄-ga gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for lord Lugalirišaga, the bull

o 5959

umun-sirara₂!ki gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for LugalSirara, the bull

o 6060

li-bi-ir dḫendur-saŋ-ŋa₂ gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for the herald Hendursaŋ, the bull

o 6161

den-dumu-nun-abzu? gud-<da a-a-re im-ša₄>

He ... praise for Endumununabzu, the bull

o 6262

lugal-KA-gin₆-na gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for LugalKAgina, the bull

o 6363

ur-saŋ dšu-bu-la gud-<da a-a-re im-DU>

He ... praise for hero Šubula, the bull

o 6464

gud-da a-a-re im-DU gud a-ša₃-ba-ke₄

o 6565

qar-rad ut-ta--ad ina qe₂-reb ma-a-tu₂

(Sum) He ... praise for the bull, the bull of the field (Akk) The hero is praised in the midst of the land

o 6666

gud-da a-a-re im-DU si mul an-na-ke₄

o 6767

<qar-rad ut-ta--ad> nu-ri mut-ta-na-an-bi-ṭu ana ša₂-me-e

(Sum) He ... praise for the bull, the shining horn of heaven (Akk) The hero is praised to(?) the bright light of heaven

o 6868

umun-ŋu₁₀ dim₃-me?-er zig₃-ga-bi aša-mu-un-u₅

o 6969

[...] ša₂-qa-at

(Sum) My lord, the risen deity, may ... make you(?) mount ... (Akk) The lord, ..., whose head is high

o 7070

[...] ša-<mu-un-u₅>

o 7171

[...] mi-ru ba-nu-u₂ a-bi dEN.LIL₂ u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka

(Sum) Goring? breeding bull, may father Enlil make you(?) mount ... (Akk) ... begetting breeding bull, father Enlil exalted you

r 11

[... ša-mu-un]-u₅

r 22


r 33

a₂ [...]

r 44

i-dan ša₂-aq-a-tu₂ be-let DINGIR-MEŠ <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

(Sum) The one with the horns of a wild goat, Ninhursaŋ, may she make you(?) mount ... (Akk) The one with high arms, the lady of the gods, exalted you

r 55

ŋiri₃ gid₂-da gal-gal umun-irigal-la ša-<mu-un-u₅>

r 66

ina ta-lu-ki GAL-MEŠ be-lu₄ ina KIti₃ <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

(Sum) The one of great long journeys(?), Nergal, may he make you(?) mount ... (Akk) In great courses, the lord in the netherworld exalted you

r 77

a-nu-ma-al gašan-na-na ša-<mu-un-u₅>

(Sum) The strong one, Inana, may she make you(?) mount ...

r 88

kur₉ nir-ba gašan dnisaba ša-<mu-un-u₅>

r 99

ina ne₂-re-bi tar-ṣu-tu₄ be-el-tu₄ dMIN<(...)> <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

r 1010

am si mu₂ a-a diškur ša-<mu-un-u₅>

r 1111

ri-i-mu qar-nu-u₂ a-bi dIŠKUR <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

(Sum) The wild bull growing horns, father Iškur, may he make you(?) mount ... (Akk) The horned wild bull, father Adad exalted you

r 1212

gud-a₂-nun-gu₄-a₂ kur-ra ša-<mu-un-u₅>

r 1313

qar-rad ša₂ la im-maḫ-ḫar ša₂ KUR ša₂-qa-at <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

(Sum) Gudanungia of the netherworld, may he make you(?) mount ... (Akk) Hero who cannot be opposed, he of the high land(?), he exalted you

r 1414

bur-zi! <u₄>-sakar-ra dgibil₆ iri₁₂-gal-la ša-<mu-un-u₅>

r 1515

nap-tan ša₂-qu-u₂ ana šu-uḫ-mu-ṭu dGIRA₃ IRI₁₂.GAL.LA <u₂-šaq-qi₂-ka>

(Sum) (The one of?) the crescent-shaped(?) burzi vessels, Gibil of the Erigal temple, may he make you(?) mount ... (Akk) To roast an exalted banquet, Girra of the Erigal temple(?), he exalted you

r 1616

il₂-la-ab il₂-la-ab a₂-zu an-na

r 1717

ša₂-qu-u₂ ša₂-qu-u₂ id-ka ana ANe

(Sum) Raise, raise your horn to heaven (Akk) High, high is your arm to heaven

r 1818

umun-ŋu₁₀ il₂-la-ab a₂-<zu an-na>

r 1919

be-lu₄ ša₂-qu-u₂ <id-ka ana ANe>

(Sum) Raise, raise your horn to heaven (Akk) High, high is your arm to heaven

r 2020

umun-irigal!?-la il₂-la-ab a₂-<zu an-na>

(Sum) Nergal, raise your horn to heaven

r 2121

uru₂-zu a₂ gur₄-gur₄ im-me-ḫul-a-zu

r 2222

ša₂ IRI-ka e-mu-qan pu-ug-<gu>-la-tu u₂-šal-pi-it

(Sum) Your city, your (city) that the thick-armed one destroyed (Akk) He who destroyed your city with massive strength

r 2323

uru₂-zu a₂ il₂-la im-me-<ḫul-a-zu>

r 23a23a

<ša₂ IRI-ka e-mu-qan> ša₂-qa-ti <u₂-šal-pi-it>

(Sum) Your city, your (city) that the one with raised arms destroyed (Akk) He who destroyed your city with elevated strength

r 2424

elam-maki ḫu-bu-re im-me-<ḫul-a-zu>

r 24a24a

ša₂ e-liš u šap-liš <u₂-šal-pi-it>

(Sum) Your Elam and Hubur that he destroyed (Akk) That which is above and below, he destroyed

r 2525

dubur₂ an gil-le im-me-<ḫul-a-zu>

r 2626

i-šit-tu₄ ša₂-me-e et-gu?-ru-tu₂ <u₂-šal-pi-it>

(Sum) Your intricate foundations of heaven that he destroyed (Akk) He destroyed the entertwined foundations of heaven

r 2727

šag₄ a-ab-ba-gin₇ še am₃-ša₄-zu

r 2828

ki-ma lib₃-bi tam-ti₃ tu-dam-mu-u₂

(Sum) Your one who moans like the midst of the sea (Akk) You moan(?) like the midst of the sea

r 2929

ga-am₃-ma-ab-ŋen-ŋen ga-am₃-ma-ab-ŋen-ŋen

r 3030

lul-lik-šu₂ lul-lik-šu₂

(Sum) I want to go, I want to go (Akk) I want to go to him, I want to go to him

r 3131

lu₂ ki-bala-a-ra ga-<am₃-ma-ab-ŋen-ŋen>

r 3232

ana ša₂ KUR nu-kur₂-ti MIN<(lul-lik-šu₂)>

I want to go to the one of the rebel land

r 3333

lu₂ en nu-še-ga-ra ga-<am₃-ma-ab-ŋen-ŋen>

r 3434

ana la ma-gir be-li₂ MIN<(lul-lik-šu₂)>

I want to go to the one who disobeys the lord

r 3535

en den-lil₂-la₂-ra lu₂ en nu-še-ga-ra ga-<am₃-ma-ab-ŋen-ŋen>

r 3636

ana la ma-gir be-li₂ dMIN<(...)> MIN<(lul-lik-šu₂)>

I want to go to the who disobeys lord Enlil

r 3737

ki-ur₃-ra ga-am₃-ŋen? [ud] ga-am₃-[...]

r 3838

[...]-UD-ma lul-mad

(Sum) I want to go to the Ki'ur complex, I want to ... (Akk) ..., I want to know ...

r 3939

[...] x-da [...]

r 4040

[...] MIN<(...-UD-ma)> lul-mad

(Sum) ... (Akk) ..., I want to know ...

r 4141

[...] gu ga-am₃-ma-da-[...]

r 4242

[...] qa-a lu--lu-la

I want to plunder flax from that place

r 4343

[...] še ga-am₃-[ma-da-...]

I want to plunder grain from that place

r 4444

[...] ga-[am₃-ma-da-...]

I want to plunder from the possessions of my mother

r 4545


I want to plunder from the possessions of Ninhursaŋa

r 4646


r 4747

[...] be-lu₄ x MIN<(...)>

May my lord ascertain that place

r 4848


May it be known to the lord, to Enlil

r 4949

[... a₂]-ŋu₁₀-[a me]-e? mu-lu-ra ga-am₃-ma!?-da-[...]

r 5050

[... i-di]-ia? [...] na-ak-ri lik-nu-šu₂

(Sum) I want to prostrate myself with my arms to the man (Akk) May my [arms?] be prostrated to the enemy

r 5151

a₂ [zid-da]-ŋu₁₀-[a me]-e? <mu-lu-ra ga-am₃-ma-da-...>

I want to prostrate myself with my right arm to the man

r 5252

a₂ gab₂-bu-ŋu₁₀-[a me]-e? <mu-lu-ra ga-am₃-ma-da-...>

I want to prostrate myself with my left arm to the man

r 5353

a₂ zid-da-ŋu₁₀ aa₂ gab₂-[bu-ŋu₁₀-a me]-e? <mu-lu-ra ga-am₃-ma-da-...>

I want to prostrate myself with my right arm and left arm to the man

r 5454

a₂ gab₂-ŋu₁₀ aa₂ [zid-da-ŋu₁₀-a me]-e? <mu-lu-ra ga-am₃-ma-da-...>

I want to prostrate myself with my left arm and right arm to the man

r 5555

a₂ mu-lu ŊIŠ-NI-GAN?-x [...] na-an-gur₂

r 5656

ana i-di-ia x-[...]

r 5757

a₂ zid-da-[ŋu₁₀ ...]

... my right arm ...

r 5858

a₂ zid-[da-ŋu₁₀ ...]

... my right arm ...

r 5959

[...] ḫe₂-em-ma-[...]

r 6060

[...] lik-nu-šu₂

May he bow down ...

r 6161

[... a₂ zid-da-ŋu₁₀]-a mu-un-gur₂-[...]

... prostrate myself with my right arm

r 6262

[... a₂ gab₂-bu-ŋu₁₀]-a mu-un-<gur₂-...>

... prostrate myself with my left arm

r 6363

[... a₂] gab₂-bu-ŋu₁₀-a mu-un-<gur₂-...>

... prostrate myself with my right arm and left arm

r 6464

[... a₂] zid-da-ŋu₁₀-a mu-un-<gur₂-...>

... prostrate myself with my left arm and right arm

r 6565

[...]-ni ḫe₂-em-ma-ab-[...]

May he prostrate himself in the temple out of fear(?)

r 6666

[ŋi₆-a am₃-di]-di umun-e ŋi₆-a am₃-[di-di]

r 6767

[...] be-lu₄ MIN<(...)>

He goes at night, the lord goes at night

r 6868

[...] x NU AL.TIL ana DU₁₂ ZIḫi IM.GID₂.DA [...]

[... excerpt of the balaŋ composition a galgal buru susu], unfinished, excerpted for singing

r 6969

[... mdnanna]-u₃-tud ŠU? mU-A-MU A-šu₂ Eki itix-x [...]

... hand of Bēl-apla-iddin, his son: Babylon month of ..., [day ..., 119th year]

r 7070

ša₂ ši-i MU DIŠ-ME-DIŠ-3(U)-3(DIŠ)-KAM₂ mar-[...]

Which is the 183rd year. Arsaces, king of kings

Edited by Jeremiah Peterson for the BLMS project