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Corpus of Ancient Mesopotamian Scholarship

Three clay figurines of protective apkallu-sages dressed in fish-cloaks, from 7th-century Nineveh (BM ME 91837)

Editions and translations of a wide range of Mesopotamian scholarly writings, contributed by many different people and projects.

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Anzu [anzu/]
Composite transliterations of the Epic of Anzu, prepared by Amar Annus for the book The Standard Babylonian Epic of Anzu (State Archives of Assyria, Cuneiform Texts 3), Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2001. Lemmatisation by Philip Jones.
Buy the book from Eisenbrauns.
Barutu [barutu/]
Texts on extispicy (divination by the entrails of sacrificed animals). Currently contains only the Old Babylonian liver model BM 92668. The ordering of the omens was determined by Ruth Horry, the transliteration and translation made by Eleanor Robson.
The Geography of Knowledge in Assyria and Babylonia [gkab/] (GKAB)
Editions of scholarly tablets from Huzirina, Kalhu, and Uruk for the Geography of Knowledge project, comprising editions and translations of a wide range of Mesopotamian scholarly writings.
Funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2007-12.
Ludlul [ludlul/]
Score and manuscript transliterations of Ludlul bēl nēmeqi, prepared by Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi for the book Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi: The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer (State Archives of Assyria, Cuneiform Texts 7), Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2010.
Buy the book from Eisenbrauns.
Seleucid Building Inscriptions [selbi/] (SelBI)
Third-century BC building inscriptions, from Borsippa and Uruk. Edition of the Antiochus (Borsippa) Cylinder by Kathryn Stevens; edition of the Anu-uballiṭs' inscriptions from Uruk by Eleanor Robson.

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