Table B10: Other scholars and copyists attested in the āšipus' house in Late Babylonian Uruk

Title Name Family Activity
āšipu Ištar-nadin-ahi Son of Arad-Gula, descendant of Gimil-dGÀR.AN Owner of SpTU 3: 67: written for him by GUB-šu-Šamaš
Sin-banunu Son of Ileʾʾi-Marduk (no ancestral name) Owner of SpTU 3: 80
āšipu of Uruk [...] Mentioned in the colophon of SpTU 3: 111
āšipu ṣehru GUB-šu-Šamaš Son of Ibni-Ištar, descendant of Gimil-Nanaya Wrote SpTU 3: 67 for Ištar-nadin-ahi
Sin-[...] Owner of SpTU 1: 69: written for him by Bel-ah-iddin
kalû Ištar-šum-ereš Son of Balaṭu (no ancestral name) Mentioned in the colophon of SpTU 2: 28
(none) Anu-apal-iddin Son of Anu-šum-lišir, descendant of Kuri Owner of SpTU 3: 74A
Bel-URU.UL.LA-KA.KEŠDA Owner of SpTU 3: 98 = cryptographic writing of Anu-ikṣur or Belu-kaṣir? [Table B8]
Beltiya-[...] Owner of SpTU 1: 84
Marduk-kišir-ina-zeri(?) Mentioned in the colophons of SpTU 2: 36; 5: 260, the former owned by Ninurta-ibašši(?)
Ninurta-ibašši(?) Owner of SpTU 2: 36, whose colophon also mentions Marduk-kišir-ina-zeri(?)
Šamaš-ah-iddin Son of Ištar–id[...] (no ancestral name) Owner of SpTU 1: 39
[...] Son of unknown person Owner of SpTU 1: 29
[...] Son of Rimut (no ancestral name) Owner of SpTU 1: 86
[...] Copyist of SpTU 3: 94

Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table B10: Other scholars and copyists attested in the āšipus' house in Late Babylonian Uruk', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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