Table B12: kalûs of Seleucid Uruk

Title Name Date Context Sources
(chief) kalû of Anu and Antu, Urukean Anu-belšunu [2] Son of Nidintu-Anu [6], grandson of Anu-belšunu [1], descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Scribe of BagM Beih. 2: 65 (undated) for Nidintu-Anu [1] (Table B11)? Owner of BagM Beih. 2: 5, 89 (SE 147, 150)
Chief kalû of Anu and Antu, Urukean Anu-ah-ittannu Son of Rihat-Anu Owner of TCL 6: 44 (undated); owner of seal AUWE 19: 438?
Chief kalû of Anu, Urukean Nidintu-Anu [3] Son of Anu-uballiṭ [3]?, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni; father of Anu-belšunu [1] and Illut-Anu? Owner of BRM 4: 21; TCL 6: 46 (SE 81, 84), written by his son Anu-belšunu [1]; owner of seal AUWE 19: 502
kalû [...] Son of Itti-Anu-nuhšu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner of BagM Beih. 2: 17 (322 BC?)
kalû of Anu Nidintu-Anu [5] Son of Itti-Anu-nuhšu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner of TCL 6: 56–57 and perhaps BagM Beih. 2: 17 (338, 322 BC)
kalû of Anu (and Antu) Anu-uballiṭ [3] Son of Nanaya-ereš, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni; father of Nidintu-Anu [3] Owner of BagM Beih. 2: 16 (SE 85), Beaulieu 1995b (SE 87), written for him by Illut-Anu, and TCL 6: 54 (undated)
kalû of Anu (and Antu), Urukean Anu-belšunu [1] Son of Nidintu-Anu [3], descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni; father of Nidintu-Anu [4] and Anu-ab-uter Scribe of BRM 4: 21; TCL 6:46 (SE 81, 84) for his father and TCL 6: 32 (SE 83) for Anu-belšunu [3] (Table B13). Owner of ACT 400, 640; BagM Beih. 2: 12; BRM 4: 11; Weidner 1967: pl. 15–16; Steele 2000; TCL 6: 12, 23 = ACT 102, 24 + 26 = ACT 135, 45 (SE 108–121), most copied for him by his sons Nidintu-Anu [4] and Anu-ab-uter; also mentioned in fragmentary colophon to Leichty 1970: 232; owner of seal AUWE 19: 563
kalû of Anu and Antu Nidintu-Anu [4] Son of Anu-belšunu [1], descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni; father of Anu-belšunu [2] Scribe of BRM 4: 11 (SE 108) for his father Anu-belšunu [1]
[...] = Anu-ab-uter? Son of Anu-belšunu [1], descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner(s) of ACT 161, 174 (both SE 124), written by [...] = Anu-uballiṭ [2] and/or Anu-ah-ušabši [3] (Table B11)?
[...] = Anu-ab-uter? Descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Scribe(s) of ACT 192 for [...] = Šamaš-eṭir? and ACT 601 for Šamaš-eṭir (both SE 118)
kalû of Anu and Antu, ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil, Urukean Anu-ab-uter Son of Anu-belšunu [1], grandson of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Scribe of ACT 400, 640+820; Steele 2000; TCL 6: 12, 24+26 = ACT 135+220; Weidner 1967: 45 (SE 119-121) and probably BagM Beih. 2: 12; TCL 6: 23 = ACT 102 (SE 112, 120) for his father Anu-belšunu [1]; ACT 163, 171; TCL 6: 28 = ACT 600 (SE 118) and probably ACT 192, 601 (both SE 118) for the āšipu Šamaš-eṭir (Table B11); Weidner 1967: 41 (undated). Owner of TCL 6:27 = ACT 501 (SE 124), written for him by Anu-uballiṭ [4] (Table B13); TCL 6: 25 = ACT 194 (SE 130), BagM Beih. 2: 6 (SE 136), both written for him by his nephew Anu-balassu-iqbi (Table B13); ACT 165, 802; BagM Beih. 2: 86; TCL 6: 33, 51 (all undated); and perhaps ACT 161, 174, 700 (all SE 124) and ACT 300 (undated), written for him by either or both of the āšipu Anu-ah-ušabši [3] (Table B11) and Anu-uballiṭ [4] (Tablet B13)
kalû of Anu and Antu, Urukean Illut-Anu Son of Nidintu-Anu, grandson of Anu-uballiṭ [?], great-grandson of Tattannu Copied Beaulieu 1995b (SE 87) for Anu-uballiṭ [3]
šamallû, kalû Mannu-iqapu [2] Son of Anu-iqišanni, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner of TCL 6: 48 (undated)

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Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table B12: kalûs of Seleucid Uruk', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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