Table B13: Other scholarly writers of Seleucid Uruk

Title Name Date Context Sources
rab ša rēš āli of Uruk, Urukean Anu-balassu-iqbi [1] Son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of Ahʾutu; father of Anu-belšunu [3] and Tanittu-Anu Owner of Weidner 1941/44: Taf. VI (SE 80), written by his son Tanittu-Anu; TCL 6: 1 (SE 91), written by Nidintu-Anu [1] (Table B11)
ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil [...] = Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)? Son of Anu-belšunu [1] Scribe(s) of BagM Beih. 2: 12 (SE 112) and TCL 6: 23 = ACT 102 (SE 120) for Anu-belšunu [1]
Urukean Anu-balassu-iqbi [3] Son of Nidintu-Anu [4] (Table B12), descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Scribe of TCL 6: 25 = ACT 194 and BagM. Beih. 2: 6 (SE 130, 136) for his uncle Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)
Anu-belšunu [3] Son of Anu-balassu-iqbi [1], descendant of Ahʾutu Owner of TCL 6: 32 (SE 83), written by Anu-belšunu [1] (Table B12)
Anu-uballiṭ [4] Son of Ina-qibit-Anu [1], grandson of Anu-ah-ušabši [1], descendant of Ekur-zakir, brother of Anu-ah-ušabši [3] (all Table B11) Scribe of TCL 6: 27 and perhaps ACT 174, 300, 702 (SE 124) for Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)
Ša-Anu-iššu Son of Ištar-šum-ereš Scribe of SpTU 4: 157 (SE 85) for a member of the Ekur-zakir family, perhaps Anu-ah-ušabši [1] (Table B11). Owner of seal AUWE 19: 401?
(none) Anu-balassu-iqbi [2] Son of Anu-ah-ušabši [1] (Table B11), descendant of Ekur-zakir Scribe of BRM 4: 7, 8 and SpTU 1: 2 (all SE 61) for his father Anu-ah-ušabši [1] (Table B11)
Ina-qibit-Anu [4] Son of Nidintu-Anu [2] (Table B11), grandson of Ina-qibit-Anu, descendant of Hunzu Scribe of TCL 6: 5 for Nidintu-Anu [1] (Table B11); TCL 6: 31 for his father (both undated); owner of seal AUWE 19: 308
[...] Owner of Weidner 1967: Taf. 13–14 (undated), written by Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)
[...] = Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)? Son of Anu-belšunu [1], descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner of BagM Beih. 2: 86
[...] = Anu-belšunu [2] (Table B12)? Son of Nidintu-Anu [3] or [4]? (Table B12), descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Scribe of BagM Beih. 2: 65 for [...] = Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)?
[...] = Anu-uballiṭ [1]? Owner of ACT 803, written by Šamaš-eṭir (Table B11)
[...] = Anu-uballiṭ [2] or Nidintu-Anu [1]? Son of Anu-belšunu, descendant of Ekur-zakir Owner of BagM Beih. 2: 65, written by [...] = Anu-belšunu [2] (Table B12)?
[...] = Nidintu-Anu [3] (Table B12)? Son of Anu-uballiṭ [3]? (Table B12), descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner or scribe of BagM Beih. 2: 109 (SE 66)
[...] = Nidintu-Anu [4] or Abu-ab-uter (both Table B12) Son of Anu-belšunu [1] (Table B12), descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni Owner of ACT 800a
[...] = Šamaš-eṭir (Table B12)? Owner of ACT 192 (SE 118), written by [...] = Anu-ab-uter (Table B12)?

Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table B13: Other scholarly writers of Seleucid Uruk', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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