Table B6: Scholars of Parthian Babylon and their associates

See Hackl (2013: 319–36, 342–3) for an extensive prosopography of āšipus, kalûs and ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil attested in the Late Babylonian archival records of the Esangila temple.

Title Name Date Context Sources
kalû ṣehru of MardukMarduk-zer-ibni, son of Ea-balassu-iqbi [1], descendant of Nanna-utu 137–134 BC BC Copyist of two balaggu-laments for his father and one for an unknown owner Reisner (1896: nos. 5 and 18); Spar and Lambert (2005: no. 2)
Ea-balassu-iqbi [3], son of Bel-apla-iddin [2], descendant of Nanna-utu 87–86 BC Copyist of four balaggu-laments for his father Reisner (1896: nos. 27, 28, 36, and 55)
(none)Bel-ahhe-uṣur, son of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu, descent of Mušezib Copyist of Gilgamesh Tablet X, for his father George (2003: 114–15 ms b)
Bel-apla-iddin [1], son of Ea-balassu-iqbi [1], descendant of Nanna-utu (132-60 BC), 130, 127 BC Copyist of a a balaggu-lament for his father; owner of a balaggu-lament and an astronomical table Reisner (1896: nos. 25, 49; ACT 611+822(Zm))
Bel-apla-iddin [2], son of Ea-balassu-iqbi [2], descendant of Nanna-utu113, 91-86 BC Copyist of three balaggu-laments copied for his father; owner of six balaggu-laments, copied by his own hand', by his son Ea-balassu-iqbi [3] the kalû ṣehru, and by Nabu-šum-lešir of the Egiba-tila family Reisner (1896: nos. 3, 10, 19, 27, 28, 36, 45, 46, 51, and 55)
Bel-apla-iddin [1 or 2], son of Ea-balassu-iqbi [1 or 2], descendant of Nanna-utu Copyist of a balaggu-lament for his father; owner of three two balaggu-laments and a šuʾillakku-prayer to Ninurta Reisner (1896: nos. 20a, 44 and 53); Spar and Lambert (2005: no. 15)
Bel-uballissu, son of Nabu-mušetiq-uddi descendant of Mušezib69 BC Owner of the Fable of the Poor, Forlorn Wren and a literary letter of Ashurbanipal, both copied for him by his son Nabu-mušetiq-uddi Walker (1972: no. 93); Frame and George (2004: 278)
Ea-balassu-iqbi [1], son of Bel-apla-iddin, descendant of Nanna-utu 137–130 BC Owner of three balaggu-laments and a ritual, copied fo him by his son Bel-apla-iddin and by the kalû ṣehru Marduk-zer-ibni Reisner (1896: nos. 5 and 25); Spar and Lambert (2005: nos. 2 and 8)
Ea-balassu-iqbi [2], son of Bel-apla-iddin [1], descendant of Nanna-utu 113 BC Owner of three balaggu-laments, copied for him by his son Bel-apla-iddin [2] Reisner (1896: nos. 10, 19 and 45)
Ea-balassu-iqbi [1, 2 or 3], son of Bel-apla-iddin [-, 1 or 2], descendant of Nanna-utu Copyirt of a balaggu-lament for his father; owner of a balaggu-lament, copied for him by his son Bel-apla-iddin [1 or 2] Reisner (1896: nos. 20a and 53)
Iddin-Bel, son of Bel-ahhe-uṣur, descendant of Mušezib (77–76 BC) Owner of a lunar table ACT 123(Zk)
Itti-Marduk-balaṭu, son of Iddin-Bel, descendant of Mušezib Owner of a copy of Gilgamesh Tablet X, copied for him by his son Bel-ahhe-uṣur George (2003): 114–15 ms b
Marduk-šum-iddina, son of Bel-iddina, descendant of Egibatila (132–71 BC) Owner of a planetary table ACT 420_821b(Zld)
Nabu-balassu-iqbi, son of Marduk-zer-ibni, descendant of Egibatila 103 BC Owner of a six commentaries on omen series, copied from a leather rolls from Babylon and tablets from Borsippa; copyist (for himself?) of three further commentaries Spar and Lambert (2005: nos. 69-70); CCP 3.4.1.A.i, 3.5.31, 3.8.3.B, 4.1.10; AfO 21, 46; CT 41: pls. 30-31 DT 37; pl. 32 DT 36
Nabu-mušetiq-uddi, son of Bel-uballissu, descendant of Mušezib 69 BCCopyist of the Fable of the Poor, Forlorn Wren and a literary letter of Ashurbanipal, for his father Walker (1971: no. 93); Frame and George (2004: 278)
Nabu-šum-lešir, son of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu, descendant of Egibatila 91-90 BC Copyist of two balaggu-laments for his father; owner of a literary letter of Ashurbanipal Reisner (1896: nos. 3 and 51); Frame and George (2004: 278)
Nabu-šum-lešir, son of Nabu-balassu-iqbi, descendant of Egibatila 103 BC Copyist of three commentaries on omen series for his father CT 41: pls. 30-31 DT 37; pl. 32 DT 36; CCP 3.7.2.B
[...], son of Eṭir-Marduk, descendant of Nanna-utu (49 BC) Owner of a lunar table ACT: 18(Zq)
Title Name Date Context Sources
kalû, ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil Nabu-apal-uṣur, son of Nabu-mušetiq-uddi 119 BC ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila, ousted by Bel-uṣuršu, son of Bel-ab-uṣur CT 49: no. 144
rab banê, ša muhhi āli, uppedūtu ša bītāt ilāni, ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil Itti-Marduk-balaṭu, son of Iddin-Bel 127 BC Maybe identical to the Itti-Marduk-balaṭu in the table above. Abandons ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil duties at Esangila in favour of court position with Hyspaosines Pinches (1896: 132)
ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil Bel-ab-uṣur, son of Bel-rimanni 119 BC Deceased ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila CT 49: no. 144
Bel-ahhe-uṣur, son of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu 127, 119 BC May be identical to the Bel-ahhe-uṣur in the table above. Claims his absent father's rights and duties as ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila, with his brother Nabu-mušetiq-uddi; still in post a decade later; holds post of prostātesin SE 196 according to a letter from Muranu, son of Bel-bullissu Pinches (1896: 132); CT 49: no. 144; Iraq 43: 139 (AB 247)
Belšunu, son of Bel-bullissu ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila Pinches (1896: 132)
Bel-uṣuršu 127 BC ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila Pinches (1896: 132)
Bel-uṣuršu, son of Bel-ab-uṣur 119 BC Claims his deceased father's rights and duties as ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila Pinches (1896: 132)
Iddin-Bel 127 BC ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila Pinches (1896: 132)
Labaši, son of Bel-bullissu 127, 119 BC ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila Pinches (1896: 132), CT 49: no. 144, 186
Marduk-šapik-zeri, son of Bel-bullissu Gains rights and duties of ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila, shared equally with his brothers Belšunu, Labaši, and Muranu at an unknown date CT 49: 186
Muranu, son of Bel-bullissu 127, 119, 116 BC ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila; writes letter to Bel-ahhe-uṣur, son of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu Pinches (1896: 132), CT 49: nos. 144, 186; Iraq 43: 139 (AB 247)
Nabu-mušetiq-uddi, son of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu 127 BC Claims his absent father's rights and duties as ṭupšar Enūma Anu Ellil at Esangila, with his brother Bel-ahhe-uṣur; still in post a decade later Pinches (1896: 132); CT 49: no. 144

Dates in parentheses are those of the calculated astronomical data; all others are from colophons.

Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table B6: Scholars of Parthian Babylon and their associates', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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