SpTU 1, 028 [Sakikku 01 commentary]

oo NaN  (start of obverse missing)
o 1'o 1'

[...] x

(o 1) [...] ...

o 2'2'

[...] Eu₂

(o 2) [... that] is said

o 3'3'

[...] ITI UŠ₂

(o 3) [...] month: he will die.

o 4'4'

[...] x

(o 4) [...] ...

(end obverse missing)
rr NaN  (start of reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

[...] ša₂-niš pa-ni [...]

(r 1') [...] alternatively [...] face of [...] meaning he (sexually) approached a man's wife [...].

r 2'2'

[... lib₃-bu]-u₂ a-na DAM LU₂ TE[ḫe ...]

r 3'3'

[...] ANŠE RA-su : RA : ra-ḫa-ṣi : RA : ma-ḫa-ṣi

(r 3') [...] a donkey tramples it : RA (means) : to trample : RA (means) : to beat.

r 4'4'

DINGIR sa-ḫi-ra : dla-ta-ra-ak-a : tug₂NIG₂.DARA₂.ŠU.LAL₂

(r 4') A roaming god (is) : La-tarak. :

(r 4') TUG₂.NIG₂.DARA₂.ŠU.LAL₂ (means) : sullied rag. : ŠU.LAL₂ (means) : sullied, ŠU.LAL₂ (also means) : soiled.

r 5'5'

u₂-la-pi lu-ʾu-u₂ : ŠU.LAL₂ : lu-ʾu-u₂

r 6'6'

ŠU.LAL₂ : lu-up-pu-ut-tu₄ : lu₂BA.AN.ZI : pe-su-u₂ mi-šil LU₂

(r 6') LU₂.BA.AN.ZI (means) : dwarf (that is) a half-man.

r 7'7'

SIG₄.AL.UR₃.RA IGI GIG BI UŠ₂ -šum UR₃ : ša₂-rap : UR₃ : ṣa-ra-pa

(r 7') (If the āšipu) sees a baked brick: that patient will die because UR₃ (means) : to fire : UR₃ (means) : to burn.

r 8'8'

lu₂UŠ₂ IGI GIG BI TIuṭ : ša-al-ma-ti lib₃-bu-u₂ pu-u₂-ḫu IGI

(r 8') (If) he sees a dead man: that patient will live (because) : corpses, meaning he sees a substitute (for the patient).

r 9'9'

[...] IGI GIG BI ŠU d15 ina ŠA₃ ša₂ mulGIGIR : ddele-bat

(r 9') (If) he sees [...]: that patient, the hand of Ištar in the Chariot (means) : Venus.

r 10'10'

[gišMAR.GID₂].DA : a-ri-ik-tu₄ : GABA.GAL₂.LA : pi-it-nu

(r 10') GIŠ.MAR.GID₂.DA (means) : spear. : GABA.GAL₂.LA (means) : box [...] GABA.GAL₂.LA (is) : to hold back meaning he sees a front of a chariot ... [...].

r 11'11'

[... GABA?].GAL₂.LA : ka-lu-u₂ lib₃-bu-u₂ GABA IGI x [...]

r 12'12'

[...] DU-ma SUR₂.DU₃mušen ana 15-šu₂ DIB[iq ...]

(r 12') He goes [...] and a hawk crosses to his right [...].

r 13'13'

[...] ša₂ KA UM.ME.A ša₂ * U₄ma ana E₂ GIG KA.[PIRIG ...]

(r 13') [...] from the mouth of an expert of "When an āšipu [...] to a patient's house" [...].

r 14'14'

[... md60—ik]-ṣur A lu₂SANGAdNIN.URTA x [...]

(r 14') [...] Anu-ikṣur, descendant of Šangi-Ninurta ... [...].

Created by Philippe Clancier for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P348449