
  • SpTU 2, 018




  • Seleucid
  • Uruk
  • Incantation-Ritual
  • Namburbu
  • includes hymns to Shamash; first part of (series) entitled “To [...] the evil of ominous conditions (and) [...] signs”.


  • Foster 2005, passim
  • Maul 1994
  • Mayer 1976, 318-320
  • von Soden 1953, 503-510 ms. K

SpTU 2, 018 [Namburbu]

o 1o 1

ana ḪUL A₂-MEŠ GISKIM-MEŠ ḪUL-MEŠ ša₂ ina [...]

(o 1) To release the evil of ominous conditions (and) bad signs that [...] in [...]: [...] glasswort, gypsum and myrrh.

o 22

šup-ṭu-ru NAGA.SI IM.BABBAR u šimSES [...]

o 33

ina MURU₂ E₂ UR₅ tu-ur-ri E₂ LU₂ tu-sar-raq ina [...]

(o 3) In the middle of that house you sprinkle the ṭurru-feature of the man's house.

(o 3) You sweep the house with a [...] of the north and you pour the sweepings from the house [...] and you raise the holy water vessel after that, and the evil in the house [...].

o 44

ša₂ tu₁₅SI.SA₂ E₂ tu-šeš-šer₃-ma šu-šu-rat E₂ [...]

o 55

ta-tab-bak-ma A.GUB₂.BA EGIR-šu₂ ŠUBdi-ma ḪUL E₂ [...]

o 66

ana KI.MIN<(ḪUL)> A₂-MEŠ GISKIM-MEŠ ḪUL-MEŠ ša₂ ina [...] šup-ṭu-ru ina mu-šu me₂-še-li te-te-eb-be₂-ma E₂ tu-šeš-[šer₃ ...]

(o 6) To ditto (release the evil of ominous conditions (and) bad signs that [...] in [...]): you arise at midnight and you sweep the house. You gather [...] into a container and you burn (them). [...] a censer (full) of juniper. You throw (it) into the river, and [...].

o 77

ana ginu-us-ḫi ta-kam-mis-ma ta-qal-la NIG₂.NA šimLI [...]  ; <ana> ID₂ ŠUB[di-ma ...]

o 88

ana ḪUL GISKIM-MEŠ ana LU₂ la₃ TEe na₄ab₃--mu na₄mu-ṣa NA₄ ZU₂.LUM.[MA ...]

(o 8) For the evil of signs not to approach a man: [...] abašmû-stone, mūṣu-stone (and) date-stone [...], you put (them) on (his) neck, and the sign of evil will not approach him.

o 99

ina GU₂ GAR-ma GISKIM ḪULti₃ NU TE-šu₂ u₂LAL šimSES u₂ḫa-?-[...]

(o 9) You anoint him with ašqulālu-plant, myrrh, ... in cypress oil, and the sign of evil will not [...].

o 1010

ina I₃ gišŠUR.MIN₃ ŠEŠ₂-su-ma GISKIM ḪULti₃ NU [x x]

o 1111

ana GISKIM ḪUL ana LU₂ u E₂-šu₂ la₃ TEe SAG.DU pa-ša₂-namušen u₂[...]

(o 11) For an evil sign not to approach a man and his house: you mix the head of a pašānu-bird, ... [...] in cypress oil.

o 1212

ina I₃ gišŠUR.MIN₃ ḪI.ḪI ina ITI U₄ 1-KAM U₄ 10-KAM U₄ 20-KAM U₄ 21-KAM KA₂? [...]

(o 12) During the month on the 1st day, the 10th day, the 20th day (and) the 21st day you smear the gate [...] and the door frames of his house, and the evil sign will not approach the man and his house. The god [...].

o 1313

u sip-pi₂ E₂-šu TAG.TAG-ma GISKIM ḪUL ana LU₂ u E₂-šu₂ NU TE DINGIR [...]

o 1414

ana KI.MIN<(GISKIM)> ḪUL ana LU₂ u E₂-šu₂ la₃ TEe SAḪAR E₂ DINGIR lu ana A ID₂ lu ana A PU₂ ŠUB-ma E₂ ta?-[...]

(o 14) For ditto (an evil sign not to approach a man and his house): you throw dust from the temple of a god either into river-water or into well-water and you [...] the house, you put juniper and myrrh on the right and the left at the gate of the house of the man, and the signs [...] will be released and good fortune will exist in the house of the man and that house [...].

o 1515

šimLI u šimSES ZA₃ u GUB₃ ina KA₂ E₂ LU₂ GAR-ma GISKIM-MEŠ [...]

o 1616

DU₈-ME-ma SIG₅ ina E₂ LU₂ GAL₂-ma E₂ BI [...]

o 1717

tar-muš u₂IGI-lim ḪAR.ḪAR KUR.KUR ŠURIM.dGU₄ ina SIG₂ munusAŠ₂.GAR₃ GIŠ₃.NU.ZU GAR [...]

(o 17) You put lupin, imhur-līm-plant, thyme, white hellebore (and) ox-dung-stone in hair from a virgin female kid [...], you bury [...] at the threshold of the outer gate. This ... [...].

o 1818

ina I.DIB KA₂ LA₂i te-te-mir an-nu-u₂ NIG₂ IGI? [...]

o 1919

EN ša₂ ina ANe šu-pu-u ina KIti₃ šu-tu-ru dUTU [...]

(o 19) Lord who is resplendent in heaven (and) supreme on earth, Šamaš, the [...] of all humankind, bringer of order to the wide earth, ... [...] who loves healing!

o 2020

kal te-ne₂-še-e-tu₂ muš-te-šir KIti₃ DAGALti₃ x [...]

o 2121

ša₂ bul-luṭ i-ram-me EN mu-nam-mir ek-let [...]

(o 21) Lord, the brightener of darkness, the [...] of orphans, the one who clears away troubles, ... [...]!

o 2222

e-ka-a-tu₂ mu-zak-ku-u₂ dal-ḫa-a-tu₂ DA BU? [...]

o 2323

IGI d60 d50 u dIDIM a-mat-ka ma-ag-rat KI? [...]

(o 23) Before Anu, Ellil, and Ea your word is favoured. ... [...] the asakku-demon, dispeller of sin, remover of guilt, [...]!

o 2424

a-sak-ku mu-paṭ-ṭir en-ne₂-tu₂ mu-nak-kir₃ šer₃-tu₂ [...]

o 2525

pa-ṭi-ru? ki-ṣir lum-nu EN GALu₂ ina DINGIR-MEŠ at-[ta ...]

(o 25) Releaser of the knot of evil, you are the great lord among the gods, [...], so-and-so, son of so-and-so, whose god is so-and-so (and) his goddess is so-and-so, who ... [...] ... with him ... [...]

o 2626

NENNI₂ A NENNI₂ ša₂ DINGIR-šu₂ NENNI₂ d15-šu₂ NENNI₂tu₂ ša₂ x [...]

o 2727

x x x x U₂? KI-šu₂ AN? [...]

(rest of column missing)
rr NaN  (start of column missing)
r 1'r 1'

U? RU? x-MEŠ IG? x [...]

(r 1') Put ... [...] in order.

r 2'2'

šu-te-šir₃ dUTU ina qi₂-bi-ti-ka [...]

(r 2') Šamaš, at your speech [...], may [...] increase for him. May all of his that has been scattered gather for him. May his transgressions be undone. May [...] be released.

r 3'3'

lik-ši-šu₂ mim-mu-šu₂ sap-ḫi lip-ḫur-šu₂ ar₂-nu-šu₂ lip-[ta?-ši?-ru? ...]

r 4'4'

DU₈-ME kiš-pi ru-ḫu-u ru-su-u up-ša₂-šu-u lem-nu-[tu₂ ...]

(r 4') May kišpu-sorcery, ruhû-sorcery, rusû-sorcery, evil magical procedures, [...], lament, terrifying dreams, ominous conditions, [...] signs, [...], troubling instructions, fever, death (and) wrongdoing, which exist [...], be distant. May they go far off, move away, go off.

r 5'5'

ta-zi-im-tu₂ MAŠ₂.GE₆-ME par₂-da-a-tu₂ A₂-ME GISKIM-ME [...]

r 6'6'

te-ret dal-ḫa-a-tu₂ ṣe-tu₂ mu-tu₂ ḫi-bil-tu₄ ša₂ [...]

r 7'7'

GAL₂u₂ lis-su-u li-ri-qu li-dap-pir lit-tal-[lak ...]

(r 7') [...] cannot be changed and your permanent consent [...].

r 8'8'

[x] la₃ KUR₂ru u an-ni-ki ki-i-nu [...]

r 9'9'


(r 9') Wording of the kiʾutukku-incantation.

r 10'10'

EN₂ šur-bu-u git₂-ma-lu IBILA d.IM₂.BABBAR ZALAG₂ ed-de-šu-u [...]

(r 10') Incantation: Formidable one, perfect one, son of Namraṣit, light constantly renewing itself, [...] the face of the people, discloser of light!

r 11'11'

IGI UN-MEŠ mu-kal-lim ZALAG₂ dUTU muš-te-šir lu₂UŠ₂ u TI ba-[ar₂]

(r 11') Šamaš, bringer of order to the the dead and the living, scrutiniser of all and any of everything!

r 12'12'

kal mim-ma šum-šu₂ dUTU ZALAG₂ ANe u KIti₃ ša₂-ru-ru KUR.KUR [...]

(r 12') Šamaš, light of heaven and earth, brilliance of all the lands, [...].

r 13'13'

ṣu-lul E₂.BABBAR.RA ta-lim dAMAR.UTU tuk-lat Eki ana qi₂-bi-[ti-ka]

(r 13') Protection for the Ebabbara, favourite brother of Marduk, support for Babylon! The gods, the Igigi, attend to your speech. The widespread people, the black-headed people, [...].

r 14'14'

u₂-taq-qu-u DINGIR-ME di₂-gi₃-gi₃ UN-MEŠ DAGAL-MEŠ ṣal-mat qaq-qad₂ [...]

r 15'15'

kal tap-pa-a tu-šar-ši ana la i-ša₂-ri ta-nam-din ap-lu ed-[lu-ti ...]

(r 15') You supply everyone with a companion. You give an heir to an impotent man. You open the locked [...].

r 16'16'

tu-pat-tu₂ ana la na-ṭil GAR <<nu>> ZALAG₂ ṭup-pi ar-mu la₃ BADa [...]

(r 16') You provide light to a blind man. [...] a covered, unopened tablet.

r 17'17'

ina ŠA₃ UDU.NITA₂ SARar₂ UZU DI.KU₅ DINGIR-ME be-lu di₂-[gi₃-gi₃ x x]

(r 17') You write an omen in the innards of a sheep. Judge of the gods, lord of the Igigi! [...], you are the lord of the destiny of the land.

r 18'18'

EN ši-mat KUR at-ta-ma šim-tu₂ ši-me a-lak-tu₂ SIG₅iq li-ši-ra [...]

(r 18') Determine (my) destiny, make (my) course propitious. May [...] be favourable, [...] my dreams [...].

r 19'19'

MAŠ₂.GE₆-u₂-a MAŠ₂.GE₆ aṭ-ṭul ana SIG₅tu₂ GARnu i-ša₂-riš lul-lik tap-[pa-a ...]

(r 19') Turn the dream that I saw into good fortune. May I proceed correctly. [...] a companion.

r 20'20'

ina u₄-mi-ia lu SIG₅tu₂ šu-ut-lim-am-ma INIM.GAR SIG₅ ina SILA lu [...]

(r 20') May good fortune be in my days. Grant me a good reputation. May [...] in the street.

r 21'21'

ul-ṣu u ri-šat lu-bil u₄-mu dNIG₂.ZI liz-ziz ina ZA₃-ia₅ dmi-[šar ...]

(r 21') May I spend (my) days in pleasure and rejoicing. May divine Truth stand on my right. [...] divine Justice [...].

r 22'22'

DINGIR-<<ME>> mu-šal-lim ina A₂-ia₅ lu ka-a-a-an a-a ip-par-ku MAŠKIM [...]

(r 22') May a safe-guarding god be constantly present at my side. May the guardian demon of [...] never cease [...].

r 23'23'

li-ta-mu-ka dBU.NE.NE SUKKAL INIM SIG₅tu₂ da-a ḫi-ir-tu₂ na-ram-[ta-ka ...]

(r 23') May Bunene, the minister, speak a word of kindness to you. [...] Aya, your wife, the beloved, [...].

r 24'24'

dUTU a-ša₂-red DINGIR at-ta TUKU-a re-me ANu₂ liḫ-du-ka ABZU [...]

(r 24') Šamaš, you are first and foremost among the gods. Have mercy on me. May heaven be joyful over you. [...] the Apsu [...].

r 25'25'

DINGIR-ME ša₂ kiš-šat lik-ru-bu-ka DINGIR-ME GAL-ME lib₃-ba-ka [...]

(r 25') May the gods of the pantheon greet you. [...] the great gods [...] your heart.

r 26'26'


(r 26') A šuʾillaku-incantation to Šamaš.

r 27'27'

EN₂ LUGAL ne₂-me-qi₂ DU₃u ta-šim-tu₂ MAS.SU₃u₂ ṣi-ri [...]

(r 27') Incantation: King of wisdom, creator of discernment, exalted leader, [...].

r 28'28'

EN₂ gaš-ri šu-pu-u NIR.GAL₂ [...]

(r 28') Incantation: Strong one, resplendent one, lord of [...].

r 29'29'

EN₂ at-tu₂ ID₂ DU₃at DU₃.A.BI e-nu-[ma ...]

(r 29') Incantation: You are the river, the one who creates everything. When [...].

r 30'30'

pir-su IGIu₂ ana ḪUL A₂-MEŠ GISKIM-MEŠ [...]

(r 30') First part of (the series entitled) 'To [...] the evil of ominous conditions (and) [...] signs [...]'.

r 31'31'

e-nu-ma NIG₂.LA₂ KU₅is EGIR-šu₂ GAR SA₅? [...]

(r 31') When you cut a bandage, after that you apply (it). You fill [...].

r 32'32'

IM mBAša₂-a bu₁₂-kur₂ mdINANAMUKAM ŠA₃.BAL.[BAL ...]

(r 32') Tablet of Iqiša, son of Ištar-šum-ereš, descendant of [...].

Created by Graham Cunningham for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2010 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as