SpTU 2, 055 [sale of field]

o 1o 1

ṭup-pi A.ŠA₃ ki-šub-ba-[a ...]

(o 1) Tablet of a waste field [... in] the canal Harru of Nabu which is inside Uruk.

o 22

id₂ḫar-ri ša₂ dMUATI? x [...]

o 33

ša₂ qe₂-reb UNUG[ki]

o 44

37 ina 1 KUŠ₃ US₂ AN.TA tu₁₅[U₁₈.LU]

(o 4) 37 cubits upper length to the [south] beside the house of Bel-ah-iddin, [son of PN];

o 55

DA E₂ mdENŠEŠMU [A-šu₂ ša₂ m...]

o 66

37 ina 1 KUŠ₃ US₂ KI.TA tu₁₅SI.[SA₂]

(o 6) 37 cubits lower length to the north beside the house of Ahhešaya, son of [PN];

o 77

DA E₂ mŠEŠ-MEŠ-ša₂-a A-šu₂ ša₂ m[...]

o 88

20 ina 1 KUŠ₃ SAG.KI AN.TA tu₁₅[KUR.RA]

(o 8) 20 cubits upper width to the [east] beside the house of Marduk-eriba, son of Ilšu-šarranni;

o 99

DA E₂ mdAMAR.UTUSU A-šu₂ ša₂ mDINGIR-šu₂LUGALan-ni

o 1010

20 ina 1 KUŠ₃ SAG.KI KI.TA tu₁₅MAR.TU

(o 10) 20 cubits lower width to the west beside the narrow street without exit [...].

o 1111

DA SILA qat₂-nu la a-ṣu-u₂ [...]

o 1212


(o 12) Šamaš-iddin, son of Abaya-ili, agreed the price together with Erra-gamil, son of Bel-ibni, for 1/3 (mina) 3 shekels of silver in blocks and (Šamaš-iddin) bought his field at the full price.

o 1313

A-šu₂ ša₂ mADDINGIR it-ti mdER₃.RAga-mil

o 1414

A-šu₂ ša₂ mdENDU₃ GANBA im-be-e-ma

o 1515

i-šam ŠAM₂ A.ŠA₃-šu₂ gam-ru-tu

o 1616

PAP 1/3 3.1/2 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR KU₃.PAD.DU a-di 1/2 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR

(o 16) Total: 1/3 (mina) 3 1/2 shekels of silver in blocks together with 1/2 shekel of silver which have been given as the additional (payment).

o 1717

ša₂ a-ki-i a-tar SUMnu mdER₃.RAga-mil

(o 17) Erra-gamil, son of Bel-ibni, has received, from the hands of Šamaš-iddin, son of Abaya-ili, the price of his field for the complete payment. He is paid.

o 1818

A-šu₂ ša₂ mdENDU₃ ina ŠU-MIN mdUTUMU! A-šu₂ ša₂ mADDINGIR

o 1919

ŠAM₂ A.ŠA₃-šu₂ ki-i ka-sap

o 2020

TILtu₂ ma-ḫir a-pil za-ku ru-gum₂-ma

(o 20) (Šamaš-iddin) is free (from claim). There will be no claim. They will not return and they will not raise a claim against each other.

o 2121

NU TUKU NU GUR-MEŠ-ma ana a-ḫa-miš

o 2222

NU DU₁₁-MEŠ ma-ti-ma ina EGIR u₄-mu

(o 22) At any time in the future, (anyone from the) brothers, sons, family, relatives or allies of the house of Erra-gamil, son of Bel-ibni, who will raise and claim concerning that field; induce (somebody) to make claim; retract; raise a claim or to provide a claimant saying: "That field was not sold; the silver was not received"; (this one) will repay the silver (Erra-gamil) received up to twelvefold.

o 2323

ŠEŠ-MEŠ DUMU-MEŠ IM.RI.A ni-su-tu  ; u sa-lat

r 1r 1

ša₂ E₂ mdER₃.RAga-mil A-šu₂ ša₂ mdENDU₃

r 22

ša₂! E₁₁!-ma! a-na muḫ-ḫi A.ŠA₃ BI-MEŠ

r 33

i-dab-bu-ub u₂-šad-ba-bu BALu₂

r 44

u₂-paq-qa-ru u pa-qi₂-ra-nu u₂-šar-šu-u

r 55

um-ma A.ŠA₃ šu-MEŠ ul SUM-ma KU₃.BABBAR

r 66

ul ma-ḫir i-qab-bu-u₂ ka!-sap!

r 77

im-ḫur-ru EN 12-TA.AM₃ i-ta-nap!-pal

r 88

ina ka-nak imDUB MU-MEŠ MU.MU-šu₂-ma

(r 8) At the sealing of that tablet were present Marduk-šum-uṣur the governor of Uruk (and) Marduk-nadin-šumi, the šatammu of Eanna.

r 99


r 1010

mdAMAR.UTUna-dinMU lu₂ŠA₃.TAM E₂.AN.NA

r 1111


(r 11) In the presence of Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Iddin-Nergal; Bel-usati, son of Nabu-nadin-apli, the herald; Nadnaya, son of Kunaya; Šamaš-iddin, son of Nabu-nadin-apli, the [...]; Ištar-zer-ibni, son of Ištar-ah-iddin ... [...], descendant of Šangi-DN; Marduk-eriba, son of Nabu-zer-iddin [...], descendant of Šangi-Ninurta [...] and the scribe Itti-ilišu-balaṭu, son of Nabu-[...], descendant of Šangi-Ninurta.

r 1212

mdENu₂KUR A-šu₂ ša₂ mdNA₃SUMA lu₂NIMGIR?

r 1313

mnad-na-a A-šu₂ ša₂ mku-na-a

r 1414

[m]dUTUMU A-šu₂ ša₂ mdNA₃SUMA lu₂x-[...]

r 1515

[m]dINANA?NUMUNDU₃ A-šu₂ ša₂ mdINANA?ŠEŠ?MU? lu₂?[...]

r 1616

DUMU lu₂SANGAd[...]

r 1717

mAMAR.UTUKU₄? A-šu₂ ša₂ mdNA₃NUMUNMU [...]

r 1818


r 1919

u lu₂UMBISAG mKIDINGIR-šu₂DIN A-šu₂ ša₂ md!NA₃x [...]

r 2020


(r 20) Uruk, month Kislimu, day 11, year 14, Nabopolassar, king of Babylon [...].

r 2121

itiGAN U₄ 11-KAM₂ MU 14?-[KAM₂]

r 2222


r 2323

UMBIN mdER₃!.RA[ga-mil]

(r 23) Nail of Erra-[gamil] instead of [his seal ...].

r 2424

ki-ma im[KIŠIB-šu₂ ...]

Created by Philippe Clancier for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2008 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P348658