SpTU 3, 101 [Enuma Anu Enlil Varia commentary]

oo NaN  (start of obverse missing)
o 1'o 1'

* mul[...]

(o 1') (If) the [...] star [...] the mouth of the river [...] river [...].

o 2'2'

KA ID₂ [...]

o 3'3'

ID₂ [...]

o 4'4'

* dUDU.IDIM ana mul[...] KI.MIN ZIMBIRki [...]

(o 4') (If) a planet [...] to the [...] star [...]; alternatively, Sippar [...] the Crab [...] river of Ningirsu, Mars [...].

o 5'5'

mulAL.LUL ID₂ dNIN.GIR₂.SU mulṣal-bat-a-nu [...]

o 6'6'

* mulṣal-bat-a-nu mulAL.LUL TE ELAM.MA ZI IRI DABbat x [...]

(o 6') (If) Mars approaches the Crab: Elam will arise. A city will be seized.

o 7'7'

* mulMAN-ma mulAL.LUL TE NUN UŠ₂ * mulMAN-ma mul[...]

(o 7') (If) the Strange star approaches the Crab: a prince will die. (If) the Strange star [...] star [...].

o 8'8'

* mulU₄.KA.DU₈.A ana mulKU₆ TE dIDIM ina ABZU KU₃ u ID₂ ra-[...]

(o 8') (If) the Leopard approaches the Fish: Ea will submerge himself in the pure Apsu and the ... [...] river. Tiamat will show her features to the people.

o 9'9'

i-šal-li ti-amat bu-un-na-an-ni-šu₂ UN-ME u₂-kal-lam [...]

o 10'10'

* mulUR.BAR.RA mulU₄.KA.DU₈.A! TE UR.MAḪ u UR.BAR.RA-MEŠ [...]

(o 10') (If) the Wolf approaches the Leopard: lions and wolves will devour [...]. ... will thrive. Anu [...] star.

o 11'11'

GU₇-ME LU NIM ME SI RI SI.SA₂ d60 mul[...]

o 12'12'

* MUL.MUL mulŠUDUN KURud ina MU BI [...] GAN₂.BA TURer [...]

(o 12') (If) the Bristle reaches the Yoke: that year [...] business will diminish. [...].

o 13'13'

* MUL.MUL mulKA.MUŠ.I₃.GU₇.E KURud ina MU BI [...]

(o 13') (If) the Bristle reaches the Obliterator: in that year [...].

o 14'14'

* MUL.MUL mulAMAR.UTU KURud ina MU BI um-mu u um-ši [...]

(o 14') (If) the Bristle reaches the Marduk-star: in that year heat and summer [...].

o 15'15'

* MUL.MUL mulELLAG₂ KURud ina MU BI um-mu x [...]

(o 15') (If) the Bristle reaches the Kidney: in that year heat ... [...].

o 16'16'

* MUL.MUL mul1(IKU)gana₂ KURud a-ki-lu GAL₂ši dIŠKUR [x]

(o 16') (If) the Bristle reaches the Field: there will be (a plague of) caterpillars. Adad [...].

o 17'17'

* MUL.MUL mul1(IKU)gana₂ KURud GUN gišGIŠIMMAR LA₂ x [...]

(o 17') (If) the Bristle reaches the Field: the yield of the date palm will diminish. ... [...].

o 18'18'

* mula-ru₆ ana MUL.MUL KURud dIŠKUR [...]

(o 18') (If) the Frond reaches the Bristle: Adad [...].

o 19'19'

* mula-ru₆ ana mulUG₅ KURud ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ NIM SIG₅!(IGI) x [...]

(o 19') (If) the Frond reaches the Raven: the early sesame will be good. ... [...].

o 20'20'

* mulLU.LIM MUL.MUL KURud GU₇ti [...]

(o 20') (If) the Stag reaches the Bristle: devouring of [...].

o 21'21'

* mulTI₈mušen ana MUL.MUL TE dIŠKUR [...]

(o 21') (If) the Eagle approaches the Bristle: Adad [...].

o 22'22'

* mulPAN ana mulTI₈mušen KURud ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ SIG₅ [...]

(o 22') (If) the Bow reaches the Eagle: the sesame will be good. [...].

o 23'23'

* mulPAN ana mulŠUL.PA.E₃ KURud ELAM.MAki NINDA x [...]

(o 23') (If) the Bow reaches Šulpae: Elam [...] ... food.

o 24'24'

* mulPAN ana mulKAK.SI.SA₂ KURud BURU₁₄ SI.SA₂ GANBA [...]

(o 24') (If) the Bow reaches the Arrow: the harvest will go well. Business [...].

o 25'25'

* mulUZ₃ mul1(IKU)gana₂ KUR-ma GUBiz ina MU BI x [...]

(o 25') (If) the Goat reaches the Field and stands (there): in that year ... [...].

o 26'26'

* mulUZ₃ mulUR.BAR.RA KURud ina MU BI [...]

(o 26') (If) the Goat reaches the Wolf: in that year [...].

o 27'27'

* mulUZ₃ mulgišGANA₂.UR₃! KURud ina MU BI [...]

(o 27') (If) the Goat reaches the Harrow: in that year [...].

o 28'28'

* mulUZ₃ dUTU KURud SU.GU₇ bu-li₃ U₂.GUG GAL₂ši ddele-bat dŠUL.PA.E₃ [...]1

(o 28') (If) the Goat reaches the Sun: hunger of livestock. There will be famine. Venus, Šulpae [...].

o 29'29'

* mulUG₅.GA KASKAL dUTU KURud x x x [...]

(o 29') (If) the Raven reaches the path of the Sun: ... [...].

o 30'30'

* mulUG₅.GA ana dŠUL.PA.E₃ KURud x [...]

(o 30') (If) the Raven reaches Šulpae: [...].

o 31'31'

* mulx.TE ana mulAL.[LUL] KURud x [...]

(o 31') (If) the ...-star reaches the Crab: ... [...] Jupiter [...].

o 32'32'

dSAG.ME.GAR [...]

o 33'33'

* mulELLAG₂ ana mulUGAmušen i-ziz [...]

(o 33') (If) the Kidney stands at the Raven: [...].

o 34'34'

[...] mulUG₅.GA i-ziz ḪA ME [...]

(o 34') [...] stands [...] the Raven: ... [...].

o 35'35'

[...] x IL LU mula-nu-ni-tu₄ [...]

(o 35') [...] ... Annunitu [...].

o 36'36'

[...] x mulUR.MAḪ KURud x [...]

(o 36') [...] reaches the Lion: ... [...].

o 37'37'

[...] dUTU KURud SU.GU₇ ina [...]

(o 37') [...] reaches the Sun: hunger in [...].

(rest of obverse missing)
rr NaN  (start of reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

[...] x x x [...]

(r 1') [...] ... [...].

r 2'2'

* mulUG₅.GA x x x x x x x [...]

(r 2') (If) the Raven ... [...].

r 3'3'

* mulUDU.IDIM 6 ITI ina ANe !-tab-ri-ma [...]

(r 3') (If) a planet remains visible in the sky for 6 months and [...] until sunset [...].

r 4'4'

EN dUTU.ŠU₂.A [...]

r 5'5'

* mulUR.MAḪ MUL-MEŠ-šu₂ il-tap-pu-u₂ [...]

(r 5') (If) the Lion - its stars repeatedly flare up [...].

r 6'6'

* mulIM.ŠU.RIN.NA mulx x x x [...]

(r 6') (If) the Oven ... [...].

r 7'7'

* mulKU₆ mul60 šu₂-lum [...]

(r 7') (If) the Fish [...] Anu-star completeness [...] Saturn [...].

r 8'8'

dSAG. [...]

r 9'9'

* mulŠU.GI kur-kur-ru-šu₂ i-nam!-bu-[uṭ ...]

(r 9') (If) the Old Man - its kurkurru becomes bright [...] Venus where the foot [...].

r 10'10'

ddele-bat KI GIR₃ [...]

r 11'11'

* mulŠU.GI GABA-su du-ʾu-mat [...]

(r 11') (If) the Old Man - his chest is very dark [...] Saturn in ... [...].

r 12'12'

dSAG. ina mul[...]

r 13'13'

* mulddele-bat KI ni-ṣir-tu₂ KURud SIG₅ [...]

(r 13') (If) Venus reaches the secret place: the best of [...].

r 14'14'

* diš₈-tar₂ ina dUTU.E₃ ina mulUR.GU.[LA ...]

(r 14') (If) Ištar [...] at sunrise in the Lion [...].

r 15'15'

* diš₈-tar₂ ina dUTU.ŠU₂.A ina mulUR.GU.[LA ...]

(r 15') (If) Ištar [...] at sunset in the Lion [...].

r 16'16'

* mulUDU.IDIM [...]

(r 16') (If) a planet [...].

r 17'17'

TA ŠA₃ gišDA mu-kal-<lim>-ti₃ * U₄ AN dEN.LIL₂ [...]

(r 17') From a wooden writing board. Commentary to 'When Anu and Ellil' [...].

r 18'18'


(r 18') Written like the original (and) checked. Long tablet of [...], man whose god is Nusku, ... whose goddess is Dumuzi-[Abzu, ...], [...] Ur-Gula, pure supplicant, honoured one of [...], descendant of Ellil-belšunu, nêšakku-priest of Ellil. Hand of [...].

r 19'19'


r 20'20'

ur-dME.ME mu-sa₇-pu₂-u₂ ZA.GIN₃.NA ka-bit [...]

r 21'21'

A mdEN.LIL₂EN-šu₂-nu lu₂NU.EŠ₃ dEN.LIL₂ ŠU [...]

r 22'22'

lugal-ŋu₁₀ igi maḫ nam-maḫ-zu me-teš₂ <ḫe₂>-i-i dMAŠ [...]

(r 22') My king, great eye, may I praise your greatness!2 Ninurta [...].

(end reverse missing)

1This line is written on the left edge of the tablet.

2 This line is written in Sumerian . A quote from a hymn?

Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P348705