SpTU 5, 264 [Enuma Anu Enlil 07 commentary]

oo NaN  (start of obverse missing)
o 1'o 1'

* 30 AN.GE₆ GAR-ma la x x [...]

(o 1') (If) the Moon undergoes an eclipse and not ... [...].

o 2'2'

ana 15-šu₂ IGI-šu₂ GARnu U₄ 1-KAM MEŠ : ana 2.30-šu₂ : ina? DUNGU IGI-ma

(o 2') "To its right its face is displayed" (means:) 1 days : to its left (means): it will appear in cloud and the Moon is bearded with the Bristle like a beard. : the Bristle of heaven : the Bristle : of the Moon [...].

o 3'3'

AN.GAL za-ap-pi GIM SU₆ za-qin : za-ap-pi ANe : MUL.MUL : ša₂ 30 [...]

o 4'4'

x x x x KI-šu₂ šit-qul : mulis le-e AN.GAL GIM? SU₆ za-[qin]

(o 4') ... is in conjunction with it (means): the Bull's Jaw is bearded with the Moon like a beard.

o 5'5'

30 u mulis le-e šit-qu-lu : a-mir-šu₂ SIG₅ ḫi-pi₂ -[šu₂]

(o 5') The Moon and the Bull's Jaw are in conjunction (means): its observer (...) good (gloss: new break).

o 6'6'

LU₂ ša₂ i-mu-ru-šu₂ ḫi-pi₂ -[šu₂]ina qab-la-ti-šu₂ dNIN.SI₄.AN.NA x [...]

(o 6') The man who observes it (gloss: new break) in its middle Ninsiana ... [...].

o 7'7'

ina itiBARA₂ ddele-bat IGI-ma : MURU₂ qab-lu : MURU₂ : na-an-mu-[ur-tu₄]

(o 7') In Nisannu Venus appears and : MURU₂ (means) middle. : MURU₂ : (If) a heliacal rising is visible at an uncalculated (time) (means): it appears at sunrise and it exists during that day ... [...].

o 8'8'

ina la mi-na-ti-šu₂ IGI : ina dUTU.E₃.A IGI-ma ina? U₄-BI GAL₂ X [...]

o 9'9'

U₄ 13-KAM MUL ana IGI-šu₂ GUB : ddele-bat ana ŠA₃ KU₄

(o 9') (If) on the 13th day a star stands in front of it (means): Venus will enter the interior (of the Moon).

o 10'10'

MUL ina EGIR-šu₂ IGI-ma GUB dṣal-bat-a-nu -ta-[...]

(o 10') A star appears behind it and stands (there) (means): Mars ... [...] of Mars [...] from Mercury ... [...] you touch [...] ... its horn: in that year .... [...] sesame ... [...] ... [...].

o 11'11'

ša₂ dṣal-bat-a-nu [...] ul-tu dGU₄.[U₄] x x [...]

o 12'12'

ta?-la?-pat? [...] x SI-šu₂ ina MU BI x x x [...]

o 13'13'

ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ x [...] x x MU KAL x x [...]

o 14'14'

mulMAŠ.TAB.BA GAL.[GAL ...]-ma ina SI 15-šu₂ GUB x [...]

(o 14') The Great Twins [...] and stand in its right horn: ... [...].

o 15'15'

ša₂ ŠUB.BA : RA? ša₂ d?[IŠKUR ...] x : x x x x x [...]

(o 15') The one who is fallen (means): Adad's devastating [...] ... : ... [...].

o 16'16'

dGU₄.U₄ u dṣal-bat-a-[nu ...] x-tu-u₂ [...]

(o 16') Mercury and Mars [...] ... [...].

o 17'17'

ina SI 15-šu₂ i-šet : d[...]

(o 17') It remains in its right horn : [...].

o 18'18'

ina SI 2-šu₂!(IGI) KU? x : d[...]

(o 18') In its 2 horns ... : [...].

r 1r 1

ARḪUŠ : bi-ki-ti : GIM -ḫi-il-ṭiₓ(DIM) [...]

(r 1) Compassion (means): weeping. : Like a potsherd [...]. Black star (means): Saturn. :

r 22

MUL GE₆ : dSAG. : li-ba-nu--šu₂ [...]

(r 2) (If) in its inside [...] Mercury in its right horn in [...] draws level with it and (gloss: new break). : Rising (means): ... [...] completes and stands there. : Mars : on its left a star [...] (gloss: new break) ... : defeat. :

r 33

dGU₄.U₄ ina SI 15 ina [...]

r 44

-tam-šil-ma ḫi-pi₂ -šu₂: MU₂ : ḫa-ti-[...]

r 55

u₂!-gam-mir-ma GUB : dṣal-bat-a-nu : ina GUB₃-šu₂ MUL [...]

r 66

ḫi-pi₂ -šu₂ŠID-da-a : dab₂-du-u : 2 MUL-ME a-ri-[a ...]

(r 6) 2 stars side by side [...] Mercury and Mars : side by side equally : side by side [...] side to side.

r 77

dGU₄.U₄ u dṣal-bat-a-nu : a-ri-a mal₂-ma-liš : a-ri-[a ...]

r 88

i-di a-na i-di : 30 ina SU ṭur-ri TUR₃ GUBiz : x [...]

(r 8) (If) the Moon, on brightening, stands in the knot of a lunar halo (means): ... a star stands [...] its horns : brightening of the knot (means): corner. : Jupiter [...].

r 99

SI-ša₂ MUL GUB : SU ṭur-ri : tub₂-qi₂ : dU₄.AL.[TAR ...]

r 1010

DUMU reš-tu-u₂ -šu₂-u₂ ša₂?-niš? [... u₂?]-nak-kil?-ma dSAG.ME.GAR x

(r 10) New first-born son; alternatively, [...] he made skilfully and Jupiter and Mars stand in the space between its horns (gloss: new break).

r 1111

u dṣal-bat-a-nu ina bi-rit SI-šu₂ GUB-<ME> ḫi-pi₂ -šu₂30 ina MU₂-šu₂ MUL ana EGIR-šu₂ DU

(r 11) (If) Moon at its rising - a star goes behind it: the king of the world will arise but will not live long. : Hunger of ... (gloss: new break) that Mars approaches the Moon : behind it : behind because of Ububul.

r 1212

LUGAL ŠU₂ E₁₁-ma NU SUMUN!(IGI)bar : bu-bu-ut x ḫi-pi₂ -šu₂

r 1313

ša₂ dṣal-bat-a-nu ana 30 TE-ma : EGIR-šu₂ : EGIR -šu₂ dU₄.BU.[BU.UL]

r 1414

dṣal-bat-a-nu : AD ḫi-pi₂ -šu₂2 ki-ṣir ina BA x x x qa-bi

(r 14) Mars : ... (gloss: new break) 2 knots in .... it is said. Livestock will be struck by lightning ... [...] ....

r 1515

MAŠ₂.ANŠE ib-ba-riq x [...] MA IS x x [...]

(r 15) [...] removes and falls from its right horn [...] of Mars [...] ... [...]

r 1616

-ri-iq-ma [ina] SI 15 ŠUB [...] ša₂ dṣal-[bat-a-nu ...]

r 1717

[...] x RA? x MA? [...]

(rest of reverse missing)

Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P348851