CTN 4, 058 [Tašritu hemerology]

o 1o 1


In the 1st year, the 7th month, ....

o 22

i-na MU 7 ITI na-sa-ḫu

Excerpting 7 months from the year.

o 33

a-na itiDU₆ 7 U₄-MEŠ ZAL.LA.AN

For Tašritu (Month VII) 7 days ....

o 44

ina itiDU₆ 7 U₄-MEŠ na-sa-ḫu

Excerpting 7 days from Tašritu.

o 55

U₄ 1-KAM₂ tu₁₅a-šam-šu-ta i-na EDIN la u₂-ma-ḫar ḫa-lu-li-ia i-ḫar-šu

On the 1st day: he should not drive against a dust storm in the open country, (or) the centipede-demon will seek him in marriage.

o 66

u₂SUMsar la GU₇ GIR₂.TAB SIG₃-su

He should not eat garlic, (or) a scorpion will strike him.

o 77

u₂SUM.SIKIL la₃ GU₇ ṣu-ru-up lib₃-bi₄ GAL₂-šu

He should not eat šamaškillu-onions, (or) there will be burning of the heart (heart-burn?) for him.

o 88

ar₂-ra-ab UR₃ la₃ GU₇ NIG₂.GIG dNIN.LIL₂ ma-ru--ta IGImar

He should not eat dormice of the roof -- Ninlil's taboo -- (or) he will experience trouble.

o 99

U₄ 2-KAM₂ u₂SUMsar la₃ GU₇ ina qin-ni-šu₂ IDIM UŠ₂

On the 2nd day: he should not eat garlic, (or) an important member of his family will die.

o 1010

bi--ra ZA₃.ḪI.LI la₃ GU₇ DU₁₄ GAL₂-šu₂

He should not eat leeks (or) cress, (or) there will be a legal battle for him.

o 1111

UZU ŠEG₆.GA₁₄ la₃ GU₇ SAḪAR.ŠUB.BAa i-la-bi-

He should not eat cooked meat, or he will catch leprosy.

o 1212


He should not eat bull meat, goat meat (or) pig meat, (or) there will be sankidabbû-illness for him.

o 1313

ana PU₂ la u₂-ša-ar IGI la₃ LA₂-šu₂

He should not lean into a well, (or his) eyes will not work satisfactorily for him.

o 1414

ana UR₃ la₃ DU₆.E₃ KIS.KI.LI.KI i-ḫar-šu

He should not go up to the roof, (or) the ardat-lilî-demon will seek him in marriage.

o 1515

U₄ 3-KAM₂ KU₆ la₃ GU₇ tuš-šu UGU-šu₂ ŠUBut

On the 3rd day: he should not eat fish, (or) hostile talk will fall on him.

o 1616


He should not stand in a field (where) a donkey keeps rolling, (or) he will fall sick with sagallu-illness.

o 1717

A.ŠA₃ ŠE.GIŠ.I₃-MEŠ A-MEŠ la NAG kur-si-su DAB-su

He should not drink water from a field of sesame, (or) a kursissu-rat will seize him.

o 1818

ana MUNUS la₃ TEḫe MUNUS ši-i TEŠ₂-BI TUM₃

He should not approach a woman, (or) that woman will take away his dignity.

o 1919

U₄ 4-KAM₂ ID₂ la₃ e-bir ku-zu-ub-šu₂ ŠUBut

On the 4th day: he should not cross a river, (or) his sexual allure will fall.

o 2020

UZU MUŠEN la₃ GU₇ MUŠEN DABtu₄ lu-maš-šir₃

He should not eat bird meat. He should release a captured bird.

o 2121

ana a-du-re-e la₃ DU ge-ru-u₂ i-gi-ri-šu

He should not go to any villages, (or) an opponent will attack him.

o 2222

ZU₂.LUM.MA la₃ GU₇ ZU₂-MEŠ-šu₂ i-nu--ša

He should not eat dates, (or) his teeth will become loose.

o 2323

u₂SUMsar la₃ GU₇ GIR₂.TAB SIG₃-su

He should not eat garlic, (or) a scorpion will strike him.

o 2424

u₂SUM.SIKIL la₃ GU₇ ṣu-ru-up lib₃-bi₄ GAL₂-šu₂

He should not eat šamaškillu-onions, (or) there will be burning of the heart (heart-burn?) for him.

o 2525

U₄ 5-KAM₂ bi--ra ZA₃.ḪI.LIsar la₃ GU₇ ši-qu DAB-su

On the 5th day: he should not eat leek (or) cress, (or) šīqu-illness will afflict him.

o 2626

UZU ŠAḪ la₃ GU₇ di-nu GAL₂-šu₂ UZU ŠEG₆.GA₁₄ la₃ GU₇ MAŠKIM₂ DAB-su

He should not eat pig meat, (or) there will be lawsuit for him. He should not eat cooked meat, (or) the bailiff-demon will seize him.

o 2727


He should not eat ox meat, (or) there will be the hand of an utukku-demon for him. He should not eat goat meat, (or) there will be sankidabbû-illness for him.

o 2828

ar-ki ur-ṣu la₃ GUB ru-ṭi₂-ib-ta GIG

He should not stand behind a spice-mortar, (or) he will fall sick with ruṭibtu-illness.

o 2929

ZU₂.LUM.MA la₃ GU₇ na-šu₂-qi-ta IGImar

He should not eat dates, (or) he will experience the kissing-demon.

o 3030

[x giš]KIRI₆ la₃ u₂-ša₂-ar₂ dŠU.LAK SIG₃-su

He should not bend over [...] an orchard, (or) Šulak will strike him.

o 3131

[... ŠE].GIŠ.I₃ A-MEŠ la₃ NAG kur-si-su GAL₂-šu₂

He should not drink water [...] sesame, (or) there will be a kursissu-rat for him.

r 1r 1

[...] ana MUNUS la₃ TEḫe MUNUS ši-i TEŠ₂-BI TUM₃

[...] he should not approach a woman, (or) that woman will take away his dignity.

r 22

[...] la₃ DU₆.E₃ KIS.KI.LI.LI i-ḫar-šu

He should not go up [...], (or) the ardat-lilî-demon will seek him in marriage.

r 33

[x] E₂ mu-sa-te la KU₄ub dŠU.LAK SIG₃-su

He should not enter a toilet, (or) Šulak will strike him.

r 44

ana PU₂ la₃ u₂-ša-ar IGI la₃ LA₂-šu₂ A.GAR₃ la₃ BALit GIG MURU₂ GAL₂-šu

He should not lean into a well, (or his) eyes will not work satisfactorily for him. He should not cross a common meadow, (or) there will be illness of the hips for him.

r 55

A.ŠA₃ ma-suk-ta ŠUB la₃ GUB SA.GAL GAL₂-šu

He should not stand in a field (where) a mortar has been abandoned, (or) there will be sagallu-illness for him.

r 66

A.ŠA₃ ANŠE GUR.GUR la₃ GUB mi-iq-tu₂ GAL₂-šu₂ ana gišKIRI₆ la₃ u₂-ša-ar₂ i-sa-la-

He should not stand in a field (where) a donkey keeps rolling, (or) there will be collapse for him. He should not bend over in an orchard, (or) he will sicken.

r 77

U₄ 7-KAM₂ UZU PEŠ₂.UR₃ la₃ GU₇ aḫ-ḫa-za GIG

On the 7th day: he should not eat dormouse meat, (or) he will get ill with jaundice.

r 88

KI ur-ṣu ŠUBu₂ la₃ DIB.BA ru-ṭi₂-ib-ta GIG

He should not pass where a mortar has been abandoned, (or) he will get sick with ruṭibtu-illness.

r 99

A.ŠA₃ ANŠE GUR.GUR la₃ GUB SA.GAL GIG bu-tiq-ta la₃ BALit GIG MURU₂ GAL₂-šu₂

He should not stand in a field (where) a donkey keeps rolling, (or) he will get sick with sagallu-illness. He should not cross water escaping from a dam, (or) there will be illness of the hips for him.

r 1010

PA₅ la₃ GU₄.U₄iṭ ša-gi-šu i-ša₂-gi-su

He should not jump a ditch, (or) a murderer will murder him.

r 1111

ana KASKAL la₃ DU ḫab-ba-tu i-ḫab-ba-tu-šu

He should not go on a journey, (or) bandits will rob him.

r 1212

ana E₂.DURU₅-MEŠ la₃ KU₄ NAM.NE.RA i-šal-lal-šu₂ ana PU₂ la u₂-šar IGI la LA₂-šu₂

He should not enter any villages, (or) a plunderer will plunder him. He should not lean into a well, (or his) eyes will not work satisfactorily for him.

r 1313

ana E₂ mu-sa-te la₃ KU₄ dŠU.LAK SIG₃-su

He should not enter a toilet, (or) Šulak will strike him.

r 1414

ana UR₃ la₃ DU₆.E₃ KI.SIKIL.LIL₂.LA₂ i-ḫar-šu

He should not go up to the roof, (or) the ardat-lilî-demon will seek him in marriage.

r 1515

ana gišKIRI₆ la₃ u₂-šar is-sa-la- ID₂ la₃ e-bir ku-zub-šu₂ ŠUBut

He should not bend over in an orchard, (or) he will sicken. He should not cross a river, (or) his sexual allure will fall.

r 1616

ana u₂-šal-li ID₂ la₃ DU la--bu i-la--ib-šu

He should not go to a river meadow, (or) liʾbu-disease will afflict him.

r 1717

A.ŠA₃ ŠE.GIŠ.I₃ A-MEŠ la₃ NAG kur-si-su GAL₂-šu₂

He should not drink water from a field of sesame, (or) there will be a kursissu-rat for him.

r 1818

dNISABA ina EDIN la₃ u₂-šam-ḫar aš₂-ra-tu₄ i-kal-la-šu₂

He should not confront Nisaba in the open country, (or) heaven will detain him.

r 1919

DU₃-ma la₃ GU₇ ina E₂-šu₂ li-qu-ul liš-taḫ-ri-ir

He should not eat anything. He should be silent in his house. He should be absolutely still.

r 2020

dNIN.LIL₂ ana dBAD a-bu-su DAB-su

Ninlil will convey his message to Ellil.

r 2121

[ik]-ki-bit dNIN.URTA dNIN.E₂.GAL la₃ KU₅ DINGIR DAB-su

Ninurta and Ninegal's taboo. He should not pass judgement, (or) a god will seize him.

r 2222


On the 8th [...]: Ea's day of rejoicing. King, noble, (and) prince should cleanse themselves. He should wash (his) hands. He should cleanse himself.

r 2323

GURUN gišKIRI₆ E₂-su SA₅li ḫi-du-ta GARnu ana MUNUS BARte la₃ DU

He should fill his house with orchard fruit. They should bring about rejoicing. He should not go to a strange woman.

r 2424

[x] DAM at-tu-šu₂-ma li-lik U₄ šu₁₃-a-tu₄ MUNUS BI NITA ir-ri

He should go [...] the woman belonging to him. That day, that woman will conceive a male (child).

r 2525

u₂-tuk-ku ša itiDU₆

Ominous days of Tašritu (Month VII).

r 2626

ŠU mdGALmuSIG₅iq lu₂šag-ga-maḫ-ḫu ša m-šurPAPA  ; LUGAL kurd-šur

Hand of Ištaran-mudammiq, senior exorcist of Assurnaṣirpal, king of Assyria,

r 2727

DUMU tap-pu-ia lu₂ŠA₃.TAM ša iriBAD₃.ANki

son of Tappuya, šatammu-administrator of Der,

r 2828

DUMU ḫu-za-li lu₂ŠA₃.TAM

son of Huzalu, šatammu-administrator.

Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P363473