TCL 06, 13 [nativity omens]

Column i
o io i column runs from obverse to reverse
obv top
obv topobv top NaN  (start of obverse missing)
obv topobv top 
obv top 1'1'

[... an]-na-a-ti ana? DUḪ.LAL₃

(obv top 1') [...] these [...] for wax [...] alabaster.

obv top 2'2'

[...] na₄GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL

90 degrees
90 degrees90 degrees 
90 degrees 11

[...] ḪA SU x [...] x KI KAL E₂.GAL MAḪ dLUGAL.IR₉.RA

(90 degrees 1) [...] ... [...] ... exalted palace, Lugalira

(rest of surface missing)
270 degrees
270 degrees 1270 degrees 1

[...] d40 GUB-MEŠ muldele-bat mulŠU.GI mulUR.GU.LA mulMAŠ.TAB GAL.GAL mulUGA mul[zi-ba]-ni-tu₄ mulGIR₂.TAB mulU₄.KA.<DU₈>.A mulAL.LUL mulSIM.MAḪ mulKA₅.A 12 MUL-MEŠ šu-ut d60 GUB-MEŠ

(270 degrees 1) [...] stand (in the path) of Ea. Venus, the Old Man, the Lion, the Great Twins, the Raven, the Scales, the Scorpion, the Leopard, the Crab, the Swallow, the Fox: the 12 stars that stand (in the path) of Anu.

270 degrees 22

mulAPIN mula-nu-ni-tu₄ mulMUŠ mulAL.TAR mulMAR.GID₂.DA mulŠU.PA mulEN.TE.NA.BAR.ḪUM mulLUGAL mulUZ₃ mulTI₈mušen mulDA.MU muldAMAR.UTU 12 MUL-MEŠ šu-ut d50 GUB-MEŠ

(270 degrees 2) The Plough, Annunitu, the Snake, Jupiter, the Wagon, ŠU.PA, the Mouse, the King, the Goat, the Eagle, Damu, Marduk: the 12 stars that stand (in the path) of Ellil.

(1 line blank)

rev left
rev leftrev left NaN  (start of surface missing)
rev left 1'rev left 1'

[...] x GAL

(rev left 1') [...] great ... [...] great ... [...] stand (in the path of) Anu. [...] of the great gods.

rev left 2'2'

[...]-šu₂ GAL-MEŠ

rev left 3'3'

[...] d60 GUBzu

rev left 4'4'


rev left 5'5'

[...] x

(rev left 5') $ 3 lines unclear

rev left 6'6'

[...] x GA₂?

rev left 7'7'

[...] x

(rest of surface missing)
(rest of column missing)
Column ii
rev left iirev left ii column runs from obverse to reverse
(start of column missing)
rev leftrev left 
obv 1'obv 1'

* mulSAG.ME.GAR GIat₂ SILIMat₂ NIG₂.TUK U₄ GID₂.DA * d[dele-bat ...]

(obv 1') (If the baby is born under) Jupiter: (the sign) is healthy, peaceful. He will be wealthy. Long days. (If) Venus: [...].

obv 2'2'

* dGU₄.U₄ qar-da-at₂ e-tel-let e-mu-qan pu-ug-lu * d[ṣal-bat-a-nu ... ḫa]-an-ṭu-su

(obv 2') (If) Mercury: (the sign) is valiant, a lord. (He will have) great strength. (If) Mars: [...] he will hastily [...].

obv 3'3'

* dSAG. GE₆.GE₆ dal-ḫat GIGat u si-qat₂

(obv 3') (If) Saturn: (the sign) is dark, disturbed, sick and constrained.

obv 4'4'

* d30 ZALAG₂at₂ SIG₅ ki-na-at u GID₂.DA : * AN.GE₆ 30 ek-let dal-ḫat la₃ ZALAG₂at KIN la₃ GI * AN.GE₆ 20 par-sat par₂-da-<at>

(obv 4') (If) the Moon: (the sign) is bright, good, permanent and long-lasting. (If) an eclipse of the Moon: (the sign) is dim, disturbed, not bright. An untrue omen. (If) an eclipse of the Sun: (the sign) is divided, frightening.

obv 5'5'


(obv 5') (If) with Mars: death by illness, death by lions, or death by royal weapons. : (If) with Jupiter: significant riches. His name will be good. A true omen. It will be good concerning the people. The god (and) king ... [...].

obv 6'6'

* KI ddele-bat DUMU-MEŠ u DUMU.MUNUS-MEŠ UN-MEŠ BI * KI dUDU.IDIM.SAG. UŠ₂ ar₂-nu GAR la₃ SI.[SA₂] KI dGU₄.U₄ e-tel-liš DU.DU  ; E₂-MEŠ ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šu₂ BEel

(obv 6') (If) with Venus: the sons and daughters of that people. (If) with Saturn: death by sin will take place. Not favourable. (If) with Mercury: he will go around like a lord (and) rule over his brothers' households.

obv 7'7'

ina 1 DUR GABA.RI GUB-ME 1-ma : ina 1 KI 2 u₂-lu 3 GUB-ME 1-ma

(obv 7') In 1 simultaneous visibility they stand opposite (each other) .... : In 1 zodiacal sign 2 or 3 stand (there) ....

obv 8'8'

3-šu₂-nu ina 1 DUR GUB-ME 1-ma : e-nu-ma -te-niš KUR₄-ME 1-ma

(obv 8') 3 of them stand (there) in 1 simultaneous visibility .... : When they shine abnormally brightly together ...: enemy attack. Watch carefully. Pay attention. You keep looking for the places of enemy attack and you observe the dates of enemy attack.

obv 9'9'

ZI KUR₂ it-<id> pit-qad KI-ME ZI KUR₂ KIN.KIN u U₄.DA ZI KUR₂ URU₃

obv 10'10'

U₄ 15-ME u U₄ 16-ME ina ITI EN.NUN-ka URU₃

(obv 10') You observe the 15th day and the 16th day of the month of your watch.

obv 11'11'

BE dṣal-bat-a-nu MU₂-ma ina mul₂LU₂.ḪUN.GA₂ u dSAG.ME.GAR ina mul₂UR.A u₂-lu ina

(obv 11') If Mars rises and becomes stationary in the Hireling, and Jupiter is faint in the Lion or in the Field or in the Scorpion or in its position: there will be an enemy attack against Akkad. If the Moon in the positions ... opposite this sign on the 15th day, the 16th day: the Moon and Sun will be eclipsed in the sign of Akkad.

obv 12'12'

mul1(IKU)gana₂ u₂-lu ina mul₂GIR₂.TAB u₂-lu ina NA-BI un-nu-ut ZI KUR₂ ana kurURIki GAL₂

obv 13'13'

šum₄-ma ana tar-ṣi GISKIM an-ni-tu₄ U₄ 15-ME U₄ 16-ME 30 ina KI!(IGI)GUB-MEŠ x x x

obv 14'14'

ina KI kurURIki 30 u 20 ER₂-MEŠ šum₄-ma dSAG. u dGU₄.U₄ [...] KUR₄-ME

(obv 14') If Saturn and Mercury [...] are bright: the enemy will attack and take booty.

obv 15'15'

KUR₂ ZI-ma NAM.RI E₃ šum₄-[ma ana] GABA.RI GISKIM-MEŠ an-na-a-tu₂ dSAG.ME.GAR

(obv 15') If opposite these signs Jupiter is extremely bright: the Sun and the Moon will not be eclipsed in the sign of Akkad. The enemy will attack but will not bring out booty. Alternatively, the enemy will fall in 50s by his blow. :

obv 16'16'

ma-gal KUR₄ 30 u 20 ina KI [kur]URIki NU ER₂-MEŠ KUR₂ ZI-ma NAM.RI NU E₃

obv 17'17'

KI.MIN KUR₂ 50-MEŠ ina GE₆-[šu₂ ŠUB]ut : dṣal-bat-a-nu ina GIR₂.TAB -ma KUR₄ ZI su-ti₂-i

(obv 17') (If) Mars becomes stationary in the Scorpion and is bright: attack of the Suteans.

obv 18'18'

šum₄-ma dSAG.ME.GAR ana GABA.RI-šu₂ lu ina 1(IKU)gana₂ lu ina NA-BI KUR₄ KUR₂ ZIa mim-ma NU TI

(obv 18') If Jupiter is bright opposite it, either in the Field or in its position: the enemy will attack (but) will not take anything.

obv 19'19'

šum₄-ma dṣal ina UR.A lu ina GIR₂.TAB lu ina MAŠ.TAB GAL.GAL lu ina ALLA -ma KUR₄ u dGU₄.U₄

(obv 19') If Mars becomes stationary and is bright in the Lion or in the Scorpion or in the Great Twins or in the Crab, and Mercury is bright in the Old Man or in the Field: there will be an enemy attack against the land. If Jupiter is faint: (the enemy) will bring out booty.

obv 20'20'

ina ŠU!.GI lu 1(IKU)gana₂ KUR₄ ZI KUR₂ ana KUR GAL₂ šum₄-ma dSAG.ME.GAR SIG NAM.RI E₃

obv 21'21'

šum₄-ma dṣal KUR₄-ma ina ŠA₃ AB.SIN₂ lu ina GU₄ ZI KUR₂ ana kurELAM GAL₂-ma

(obv 21') If Mars is bright and becomes stationary inside the Furrow: there will be an enemy attack on Elam. If Venus is faint: (the enemy) will bring out booty.

obv 22'22'

šum₄-ma ddele-bat SIG NAM.RI E₃ šum₄-ma dKAK.SI.SA₂ šum₄-ma dṣal KUR₄-ma

(obv 22') If the Arrow (or) if Mars is bright and becomes stationary inside the Scales or in the Great One or in the Old Man: the enemy will attack against Amurru. If the Arrow or Jupiter is faint: (the enemy) will bring out booty.

obv 23'23'

ina ŠA₃ RIN₂ lu ina GU.LA lu ina ŠU!.GI KUR₂ ana kurMAR ZIa BE dKAK.SI.SA₂

obv 24'24'

u₂-lu dSAG.ME.GAR SIG NAM.RI E₃ šum₄-ma <<šum₄-ma>> dSAG.ME.GAR u₂-lu GU x x

(obv 24') If Jupiter or ... becomes stationary in the Crab or in the Tails and is bright, Mars ... in the Scorpion or in the Bristle or in its position: enemy attack. There will be an attack of Akkad against Subartu and Guti. ... Subartu ... 16 days ....

obv 25'25'

ina ALLA lu ina KUN -ma KUR₄ dṣal ina! GIR₂.TAB lu ina MUL₂.MUL₂ lu ina NA-BI x x x

obv 26'26'

ZI KUR₂ ZIut URIki ana kurSU u GU GAL₂ x kurSU x x MA U₄ 16-MEŠ x x

obv 27'27'

šum₄-ma dṣal lu ddele-bat ina NAM.RI -ma KUR₄ ZI [x] ana KUR GAL₂

(obv 27') If Mars or Venus becomes stationary in ... and is bright: there will be an [...] attack against the land.

obv 28'28'

dSAG.ME.GAR SIG-ma [(...)] dSAG. KUR₄

(obv 28') Jupiter is faint and [(...)] Saturn is bright.

obv 29'29'


(obv 29') Appointed times of enemy attack.


diagram 1
diagram 1 1diagram 1 1

PAP et-gu-ru

(diagram 1 1) Cross-shaped total.

diagram 1 22


(diagram 1 2) A hostile star that is bright: enemy attack.

diagram 1 33


(diagram 1 3) That star ....

diagram 1 44

mul₄ṣal KUR₄

(diagram 1 4) Mars is bright.

diagram 1 55

mul₄KU KUR₄

(diagram 1 5) The ...-star is bright.

diagram 1 66


(diagram 1 6) The ...-star ....

diagram 1 77


(diagram 1 7) The ...-star.

diagram 1 88

mul₄ṣal KUR₄

(diagram 1 8) Mars is bright.

diagram 1 99

mul₄KU KUR₄

(diagram 1 9) The ...-star is bright.

diagram 1 1010


(diagram 1 10) The ...-star ....

diagram 1 1111

mul₄ṣal LA₂

(diagram 1 11) Mars is small.

diagram 1 1212

mul₄ṣal KUR₄

(diagram 1 12) Mars is bright.

diagram 1 1313

mul₄KU KUR₄

(diagram 1 13) The ...-star is bright.

diagram 1 1414


(diagram 1 14) Venus.

diagram 1 1515


(diagram 1 15) The Rebel star.

diagram 1 1616

mul₄ṣal KUR₄

(diagram 1 16) Mars is bright.

diagram 1 1717

mul₄KU KUR₄

(diagram 1 17) The ...-star is bright.

diagram 1 1818


(diagram 1 18) The ...-star ....

rev 1rev 1

DUR dSAG.ME.GAR u ddele-bat GUB-MEŠ-ma 30 ER₂ GISKIM BI ana KUR KUR₂ SUM

(rev 1) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Jupiter and Venus stand (there) and Sin becomes eclipsed: that sign is given for a hostile land.

rev 22

DUR d30 ER₂ dSAG.ME.GAR ana IGI-šu₂ GUBza GISKIM BI TAG₄ ana KUR dam-qa-at  ; ana KUR KUR₂ ḫa-ṭa-at

(rev 2) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon becomes eclipsed (and) Jupiter stands in front of it: that sign is disregarded. It is good for the land, malign for a hostile land.

rev 33

DUR dSAG. u dṣal-bat-a-nu u₂-lu dGENNA ina ŠU₂ GUB-ma <<ana>> 30 ER₂ GISKIM BI  ; TAGat₂ KUR ZAḪ₂ IRI ina-qar LUGAL BI LA₂mu

(rev 3) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Saturn and Mars, or Saturn in setting, stand (there) and the Moon becomes eclipsed: that sign is unfavourable. The land will be destroyed, the city demolished, that king bound up.

rev 44

DUR dSAG.ME.GAR u₂-lu ddele-bat GUB-MEŠ 20 ER₂ GISKIM BI ana UŠ₂ LUGAL [TAG]at₂  ; NUN UŠ₂ šum₄-ma ID₂ is-sek-kir šum₄-ma IRI DABbat

(rev 4) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Jupiter or Venus stands (there and) the Sun becomes eclipsed: that sign is unfavourable for the death of the king. A prince will die. Either a river will be blocked or a city will be captured.

rev 55

DUR dSAG. dṣal u₂-lu mulKAK.SI.SA₂ GUB-MEŠ 20 ER₂ GISKIM ana UŠ₂ [TAG]at₂

(rev 5) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Saturn (and) Mars or the Arrow stand (there and) the Sun becomes eclipsed: that sign is unfavourable for a death.

rev 66

DUR dṣal-bat-a-nu dSAG. u₂-lu mul<KAK>.SI.SA₂ GUB-MEŠ-ma KUR₄ ZI KUR₂ ana KUR

(rev 6) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Mars (and) Saturn or the Arrow stand (there) and are bright: enemy attack against the land.

rev 77


(rev 7) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Jupiter and Venus stand (there) and are bright: good signs for that land.

rev 88


(rev 8) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon becomes eclipsed (and) Jupiter is faint: that land will be destroyed, the king bound up.

rev 99

DUR d30 u d20 ER₂ dSAG. u dṣal-bat-a-nu GUB-MEŠ ZAḪ₂ [...]  ; 30 3.20 LA₂mu E₂.GAL NUN kar-mu-tu₂ [x]

(rev 9) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon or Sun becomes eclipsed (and) Saturn and Mars stand (there): disappearance of [...] the Moon; the king will be bound up, the prince's palace [...] ruination.

rev 1010

DUR dGU₄.U₄ u ddele-bat GUB-MEŠ KUR₄-ME ŠEG₃-ME u ILLU-ME

(rev 10) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Mercury and Venus stand (there and) are bright: rains and floods.

rev 1111

DUR ddele-bat u dṣal-bat-a-nu GUB-MEŠ-ma KUR₄-ME ZI KUR₂ ana KUR BI

(rev 11) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Venus and Mars stand (there) and are bright: enemy attack against that land.

rev 1212

DUR ddele-bat u mulKAK.SI.SA₂ GUB-MEŠ-ma KUR₄-ME ZI KUR₂ ana KUR BI

(rev 12) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Venus and the Arrow stand (there) and are bright: enemy attack against that land.

rev 1313

DUR dṣal-bat-a-nu u dGU₄.U₄ GUB-MEŠ-ma KUR₄-ME ZI KUR₂ MUNUS.KUR₂-MEŠ

(rev 13) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Mars and Mercury stand (there) and are bright: enemy attack (and) hostilities.

rev 1414

DUR dṣal-bat-a-nu u dSAG. GUB-MEŠ-ma KUR₄-ME <<MEŠ>> UŠ₂ NU [...]

(rev 14) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Mars and Saturn stand (there) and are bright: death will not [...].

rev 1515

DUR d30 u dUTU ER₂-MEŠ-ma dSAG.ME.GAR un-nu-ut TIL BAL

(rev 15) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon and Sun become eclipsed and Jupiter is faint: end of a reign.

rev 1616


(rev 16) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon and Sun become eclipsed and Jupiter does not stand (there): end of a reign.

rev 1717

DUR d30 ER₂ d20!(30) ER₂ dSAG.ME.GAR NU GUB TIL x [...]

(rev 17) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon becomes eclipsed (or) the Sun becomes eclipsed (and) Jupiter does not stand (there): end of ... [...].

rev 1818

DUR d30 ER₂ d20 ER₂ UŠ₂ LUGAL ZAḪ₂ [...]

(rev 18) Simultaneous visibility: (if) the Moon becomes eclipsed (or) the Sun becomes eclipsed: death of a king, disappearance of [...].

rev 1919

DUR dSAG.ME.GAR [...]-MEŠ SIG₅ [...]

(rev 19) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Jupiter [...] will be good [...].

rev 2020

DUR dSAG.ME.[GAR ...] BI LA₂mu

(rev 20) Simultaneous visibility: (if) Jupiter [...] that [...] will be bound up.

rev 2121

[...] x ZI KUR₂ [...]

(rev 21) [...] ... enemy attack [...].

(rest of surface missing)
diagram 2
diagram 2 1diagram 2 1

BARA₂ dele-bat

(diagram 2 1) Nisannu (I): Venus.

diagram 2 22


(diagram 2 2) Ayyaru (II): Saturn.

diagram 2 33


(diagram 2 3) Simanu (III): Saturn.

diagram 2 44


(diagram 2 4) Duʾuzu (IV): Saturn.

diagram 2 55

NE x

(diagram 2 5) Abu (V): ....

diagram 2 66


(diagram 2 6) Ululu (VI): Mercury.

diagram 2 77


(diagram 2 7) Tašritu (VII): Saturn.

diagram 2 88


(diagram 2 8) Arahsamnu (VIII): Mercury.

diagram 2 99


(diagram 2 9) Kislimu (IX): Mercury.

diagram 2 1010

AB dṣal

(diagram 2 10) Ṭebetu (X): Mars.

diagram 2 1111

ZIZ₂ dṣal

(diagram 2 11) Šabaṭu (XI): Mars.

diagram 2 1212


(diagram 2 12) Addaru (XII): Mercury.

(rest of column missing)

Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as