TCL 06, 38 [Daily offerings]

o 1o 1

u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA ina nap-tan GALu₂ ša₂ še-e-ri e-lat šap-pi-MEŠ ša₂ ma-aq-qa-ne₂-e

(o 1) Daily for the entire year at the main meal in the morning you set out 18 gold šappu-bowls on the offering table of Anu, in addition to the šappu-bowls for libations. Out of (these) you set out before Anu 7 šappu-bowls to the right, 3 (containing) barley-beer (and) 4 labku-beer; 7 šappu-bowls to the left, 3 (containing) barley-beer, one labku-beer, one nāšu-beer, one zarbābu-beer, and milk in a šappu-bowl (made) of alabaster; (and) 4 gold šappu-bowls with pressed wine.

o 22

18 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ina gišBANŠUR d60 ta-rak-kas₂ ina lib₃-bi 7 šap-pi ana 15

o 33

3 KAŠ ŠE.BAR 4 kašlab-ku 7 šap-pi a-na 2.30 3 KAŠ ŠE.BAR 1en kašlab-ku

o 44

1en kašna-a-šu₂ 1en kašzar-ba-ba u₃ GA ina šap-pi ša₂ na₄GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL

o 55

4 <<PA>> šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ GEŠTIN SUR.RA a-na ma-ḫar da-nu₃ ta-rak-kas₂

o 66

ša₂ tar-den-nu ša₂ še-e-ri u₃ GALu₂ u₃ tar-den-nu ša₂ li-lat KI.MIN-ma

(o 6) At the secondary meal in the morning and the main and secondary meals in the evening, ditto, but at the main and secondary meals in the evening milk is not presented. Out of the gold šappu-bowls for the offering table 5 (are) gold šappu-bowls with stands (made) of algamišu-stone.

o 77

ina GALu₂ u₃ tar-den-nu ša₂ li-lat GA ul i-qar-rub ina šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂

o 88

ša₂ gišBANŠUR 5 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ za-ri-i-ni na₄ALGAMEŠ(U₄.SAL.ḪUB₂)

o 99

5 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ 1 SILA₃-TA.AM₃ i-ṣab-bat ma-aq-qa-ne₂-e ša₂ e₂pa-pa-ḫa [d]60

(o 9) The 5 gold šappu-bowls which hold 1 each (are) libation bowls for the cella of Anu.

o 1010

ina lib₃-bi 1en KAŠ ŠE.BAR 1en kašlab-ku 1en kašna-a-šu₂ 1en GEŠTIN SUR.RA u₃? [...]

(o 10) Out of (these) one (contains) barley-beer, one labku-beer, one nāšu-beer, one pressed wine and [...].

o 1111

šap-pi ša₂ 5 NINDA-ḪI.A i-ṣab-bat ša₂ GEŠTIN kura-za-al-lu 4 TI.LIM.[DA₃ x x]

(o 11) The šappu-bowl which holds 5 akalu (is) for wine from Azallu. 4 [...] tilimtu-bowls (are) for the cella of Anu. Out of (these) one (is) the gold tilimtu-bowl which [...] with almond(-shaped decoration)s, one the gold tilimtu-bowl which is embossed with rosettes, one the gold tilimtu-bowl whose neck is encircled with a band (and) one the [...] tilimtu-bowl [...].

o 1212

ša₂ e₂pa-pa-ḫa d60 ina lib₃-bi 1et TI.LIM.DA₃ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ ši-iq-du [...]

o 1313

1et TI.LIM.DA₃ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ a-a-ri še-en-de-et

o 1414

1et TI.LIM.DA₃ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ DUR ti-ik-ka-šu₂ NIGINu₂ 1et TI.LIM.[DA₃ ...]

o 1515

PAP 4-TA TI.LIM.DA₃ KU₃.SI₂₂ ina muḫ-ḫi kan-du-re-ne₂-e [...]

(o 15) A total of 4 gold tilimtu-bowls on top of stands [...] for Anu and Antu.

o 1616

ša₂ da-nu₃ u₃ an-tu₄

o 1717

14 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ina gišBANŠUR an-tu₄ tara-kas₂ KAŠ SAG-MEŠ GIM [...]

(o 17) You set out 14 gold šappu-bowls on the offering table of Antu, (containing) the finest beer like [...].

o 1818

12 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ IGI dINANA 10 šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ IGI [...]

(o 18) 12 gold šappu-bowls (are) before Ištar (and) 10 gold šappu-bowls before [...].

o 1919

e-lat šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA ša₂ DINGIR-MEŠ a-ša₂-bu-tu ša₂ [x x]

(o 19) (These are) in addition to the gold šappu-bowls for the entire year for the (other) gods resident in [...].

o 2020

u₃ e-lat šap-pi-MEŠ KU₃.SI₂₂ ša₂ a-na ṣi-di-ti DINGIR-MEŠ u₃ 2-TA TI.LIM.DA₃ [...] u₂-kan-nu

(o 20) (They are) also in addition to the gold šappu-bowls which (are) for the travel provisions of the gods and the 2 tilimtu-bowls (which) [...] sets up [...].

o 2121

u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA 1en BUR 3 GUR 3(BARIG) PI ŠE.BAR u₃ [...]

(o 21) Daily for the entire year: one pūru-bowl (holding) 3 kurru (and) 3 pānu of barley and [...] - (that is written sexagesimally) 1 48 sūtu (or written decimally) 1 hundred, 8 sūtu, the original amount of the regular offerings, according to the sūtu-measure of 10 minas [...] ... - which the millers in the kitchen deliver to the cooks each day for the 4 meals of Anu, Antu, Ištar, Nanaya and the (other) gods resident in Uruk.

o 2222

1.48 gišBAN₂-MEŠ 1 ME 8 gišBAN₂ SAG.DU gi-ne₂-e ina gišBAN₂ ša₂ 10 MA.NA [...]-šu₂?

o 2323

ša₂ lu₂ARA₃-MEŠ ina E₂ lu₂MUḪALDIM-MEŠ a-na 1en u₄-mu a-na 4 nap-tan ša₂ d[60] an-tu₄

o 2424

dINANA dna-na-a u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ a-ša₂-bu-tu ša₂ UNUGki a-na lu₂MUḪALDIM-MEŠ i-nam-di-in

o 2525

ina lib₃-bi 1.21 giš!(SILA₃.)BAN₂-MEŠ ZI₃ ŠE.BAR 27 gišBAN₂-MEŠ ZI₃ IMGAGA

(o 25) Out of (these 1 48 sūtu) 1 21 sūtu (are) barley-flour (and) 27 sūtu emmer-flour, which the cook bakes into 2 hundred, 43 loaves, from which for the four meals the cook delivers (a total of) 30 loaves to the offering table before Anu.

o 2626

ša₂ a-na 2 ME 43 ṣib-tu₄ lu₂MUḪALDIM ip-pu-u₂ ša₂ TA lib₃-bi a-na 4 nap-tan

o 2727

a-na gišBANŠUR a-na IGI da-nu₃ 30 ṣib-tu₄ lu₂MUḪALDIM i-nam-din

o 2828

ina GALu₂ u₃ tar-den-nu ša₂ KIN.NIM 8-TA.AM₃ ṣib-tu₄ lu₂MUḪALDIM i-nam-din1

(o 28) At the main and secondary meals in the morning the cook delivers 8 loaves each time.

o 2929

ina GALu₂ u₃ tar-den-nu ša₂ KIN.SIG 7-TA.AM₃ ṣib-tu₄ lu₂MUḪALDIM i-nam-din2

(o 29) At the main and secondary meals in the evening the cook delivers 7 loaves each time.

o 3030

30 ṣib-tu₄ IGI an-tu₄ 30 ṣib-tu₄ IGI dINANA 30 ṣib-tu₄ IGI dna-na-a 12 ṣib-tu₄ IGI

(o 30) 30 loaves (are set) before Antu, 30 loaves before Ištar, 30 loaves before Nanaya, 12 loaves before the seat of Anu and the household god of the cella of Antu, 4 loaves before the two crowns of Anu, 16 loaves before the ziggurat and the household god of the ziggurat, 16 loaves before the wings of the cella of Anu and Antu. A total of 1 hundred, 68 loaves which the cook delivers for the four meals.

o 3131

šu-bat d60 u DINGIR E₂ ša₂ e₂pa-pa-ḫa an-tu₄ 4 ṣib-tu₄ IGI 2 AGA ša₂ da-nu₃

o 3232

16 ṣib-tu₄ IGI ziq-qur-rat u₃ DINGIR E₂ ša₂ ziq-qur-rat 16 ṣib-tu₄ IGI a-ḫa-nu ša₂ pa-pa-ḫa d60

o 3333

u₃ an-tu₄ PAP 1 ME 68 ṣib-tu₄ ša₂ a-na 4 nap-tan lu₂MUḪALDIM SUMin

o 3434

e-lat 1.15 ṣib-tu₄ ša₂ a-na DINGIR-MEŠ a-ša₂-bu-tu ša₂ UNUGki ina E₂-MEŠ-šu₂-nu

(o 34) (These are) in addition to the 1 15 loaves which are presented at the 4 meals to the (other) gods resident in Uruk in their temples. (They are also) in addition to the immense loaves and the bread (made) of fine cut dates which (are) for the travel provisions of the gods, the monthly offerings, the eššēšu-festivals, the opening of the gates, the clothing (ceremonies for divine statues), (the rituals for) the holy water vessels, the nocturnal offerings, the brazier (ceremonies), the sacred marriage rituals, (the offerings of) kāribu-priests and the supplementary offerings of the king. (They are also in addition to) the red cakes which (are) in sellu-baskets (normally used) for mutāqu-cakes, (and) the takkasû-cakes which are collected in sellu-baskets (normally used) for makūtu-cakes and kubbušu-cakes.

o 3535

ina 4 nap-tan i-qar-rub e-lat ṣi-ba-at rab-bu-u₂ u₃ a-kal ma-ak-kas₃

o 3636

ša₂ a-na ṣi-di-i-tu₄ DINGIR-MEŠ gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e U₄.EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ BADte KA₂-MEŠ lu-bu-ša₂-at

o 3737

dugA.GUB₂.BA-MEŠ ba-a-a-at-MEŠ GUNNI-MEŠ GARZA.GARZA ḫa-ša₂-du ka-ri-bi-MEŠ

o 3838

u₃ tar-di-i-tu₄ LUGAL sa-mu-tu ša₂ ina gise-li-MEŠ ša₂ mun-ta-qu

o 3939

tak-ka-su-u₂ ša₂ ina gise-li-MEŠ ša₂ ma-ka-at ku-ub-bu-šu es-pi

o 4040

u₃ 1 lim 2 ME ku-si-ip-e-ti I₃.GIŠ ša₂ ina šu-pal ma-ak-kas₃ u₃ as-ne₂-e

(o 40) Also (they are in addition to) the 1 thousand 2 hundred kusīpu-loaves (made) with oil which are placed under fine cut dates and Dilmun dates, and the filtered oil (which) is presented on the kalakku-container of Anu, Antu and the (other) gods of Uruk, and the maṣhatu-flour which (is) in masabbu-baskets from the grain-stores (and) which daily for the entire year the miller delivers to the temple-enterer.

o 4141

-šak-kan u₃ I₃.GIŠ ḫal-ṣa a-na muḫ-ḫi ka-lak ša₂ d60 an-tu₄ u DINGIR-MEŠ šu-ut UNUGki

o 4242

i-qar-rub u₃ ZI₃.MAD.GA₂ ša₂ ina ma-sap-pi ka-re-e

o 4343

ša₂ u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA lu₂ARA₃ a-na lu₂KU₄.E₂ SUMin

o 4444

lu₂ARA₃ ina muḫ-ḫi ṭe₄-e-nu ša₂ na₄UR₅ mulAPIN ina EDIN gišAPIN ŠE.NUMUN iṣ-mi-du

(o 44) The miller, during the grinding at the mill-stone, says the blessing 'Plough-star, they have hitched up the seeder plough in the open country', and the cook, during the kneading of the lump (of dough) and the presenting of the hot loaves, says the blessing 'Nisaba, abundant plenty, pure food'.

o 4545

naq-bit i-qab-bi u₃ lu₂MUḪALDIM ina muḫ-ḫi ba!(MA-)la-la ša₂ ge-er-ṣi

o 4646

u₃ ṭa-ḫu-u₂ ša₂ em-me₂-e-ti dNISABA ḪE₂.EN.GAL du--šu-u₂

o 4747

ma-ka-lu-u₂ el-lu naq-bi-tu₄ i-qab-bu-u₂

o 4848

u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA ina 4 nap-tan 1.48 gišBAN₂-MEŠ 1 ME 8 gišBAN₂ ma-ak-kas₃

(o 48) Daily for the entire year at the four meals: (written sexagesimally) 1 48 sūtu (or written decimally) 1 hundred, 8 sūtu of fine cut dates, Dilmun dates, figs and raisins, in addition to the hiṣṣaṣātu-foods and tabnītu-offerings which are presented to Anu, Antu, Ištar, Nanaya and the (other) gods resident in Uruk.

o 4949

as-ne₂-e gišPEŠ₃ u₃ mun-ziq e-lat ḫi-iṣ-ṣa-ṣa-at u₃ tab-ni-ti ša₂ a-na d60

o 5050

an-tu₄ dINANA dna-na-a u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ a-ša₂-bu-tu ša₂ UNUGki i-qar-rub

r 1r 1

GU₄-MEŠ u₃ UDU.NITA₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA a-na d60 an-tu₄ dINANA dna-na-a

(r 1) The cattle and sheep for the regular offerings which are presented daily for the entire year to Anu, Antu, Ištar, Nanaya and the (other) gods resident in the Rēš, the Irigal and the Ešara, (that is) the Baramah, the ziggurat of Anu, from the 1st day of Nisannu until the 30th day of Addaru at the main meal in the morning:

r 22

u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ a-ša₂-bu-tu ša₂ e₂re- e₂IRI₁₂.GAL u₃ E₂.ŠAR.RA BARA₂.MAḪ ziq-qur-rat d60

r 33

ša₂ TA U₄ 1-KAM ša₂ itiBARA₂ a-di U₄ 30-KAM ša₂ itiŠE ina nap-tan GALu₂ ša₂ še-e-ri i-qar-rub

r 44

a-na nap-tan GALu₂ ša₂ še-e-ri ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA 7 UDU.NITA₂ reš-tu-u₂-tu₂ ma-ru-tu₄ DADAG.GA

(r 4) For the main meal in the morning for the entire year: 7 finest rams, fattened (and) pure, which have fed on barley for two years, (and) one sacrificial sheep for the regular offerings, plump with milk.

r 55

ša₂ 2-TA MU.AN.NA-MEŠ ŠE.BAR GU₇-MEŠ 1en udu-ka-lu-u₂ gi-ne₂-e kab-ri ša₂ GA

r 66

PAP 8 UDU.NITA₂ gi-ne₂-e 1en GU₄ GALu₂ 1en gu₄AMAR GA u₃ 10 UDU.NITA₂ kab-ru-tu

(r 6) A total of 8 sheep for the regular offerings. One full-grown ox, one suckling calf and 10 plump rams of lower quality which have not fed on barley. A total, at the main meal in the morning for the entire year, of 18 sheep, among (them) one sacrificial sheep for the regular offerings, (plump) with milk; one full-grown ox; (and) one suckling calf. During the slaughtering of the cattle and sheep the butcher says the blessing:

r 77

ša₂ EGIR-MEŠ-šu₂-nu ša₂ ŠE.BAR la GU₇-MEŠ PAP ina nap-tan GALu₂ ša₂ še-ri₃ ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA 18 UDU.NITA₂

r 88

ina lib₃-bi 1en udu-ka-lu-u₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ GA 1en GU₄ GALu₂ 1en gu₄AMAR GA ina muḫ-ḫi

r 99

na-ka-sa ša₂ GU₄ u₃ UDU.NITA₂ lu₂GIR₂.LA₂ naq-bi-tu₄ i-qab-bi

r 1010

DUMU dUTU be-lu bu-li₃ ina EDIN u₂-šab-ša₂-a ri-ʾi-i-ti

(r 10) 'The son of Šamaš, the lord of livestock, has created pasture for me in the open country.'

r 1111

ša₂-niš a-na muḫ-ḫi na-ka-sa ša₂ GU₄ u₃ UDU.NITA₂ lu₂GIR₂.LA₂ GALu₂ a-na d60 an-tu₄ MUL.GAL

(r 11) Alternatively, during the slaughtering of the cattle and sheep the chief butcher says a well-being to Anu, Antu, Jupiter and Venus, but does not speak to (any) other god.

r 1212

u₃ ddele-bat ba-la-ṭu i-qab-<bi>-ma a-na DINGIR-MEŠ ša₂-nim-ma ul i-qab-bi

r 1313

nap-tan-nu tar-den-nu ša₂ še-e-ri gi-nu-u₂ ša₂ d60 an-tu₄ u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-MEŠ-šu₂-nu

(r 13) The secondary meal in the morning, the regular offerings for Anu, Antu and the (other) gods in their temples, with reference to the Reš, Irigal and Baramah, for the entire year: 6 rams, fattened (and) pure, which have fed on barley for two years; one ram for the regular offerings, plump with milk; and 5 plump rams of lower quality which have not fed on barley; one full-grown ox; 8 lambs; 5 ducks which have fed on dough; 2 ducks of lower quality; 3 geese which have fed on dough; 4 dormice; 30 marratu-birds; 20 doves; 3 ostrich eggs; (and) 3 duck eggs.

r 1414

ša₂ e₂re- e₂IRI₁₂.GAL u₃ BARA₂.MAḪ ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA 6 UDU.NITA₂ ma-ru-tu₂ DADAG.GA ša₂ 2-TA MU.AN.NA-MEŠ ŠE.BAR GU₇-MEŠ

r 1515

1en UDU.NITA₂ gi-ne₂-e kab-ri ša₂ GA u₃ 5 UDU.NITA₂ kab-ru-tu₂ ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu ša₂ ŠE.BAR la GU₇-MEŠ 1en GU₄ GALu₂ 8 uduSILA₄ 5 BIBADmušen ša₂ NIG₂.SILA₁₁.GA₂ GU₇

r 1616

2 BIBADmušen ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu 3 KUR.GImušen ša₂ zi₃NIG₂.SILA₁₁.GA₂ GU₇ 4 PEŠ₂.gišGI

r 1717

30 ŠEŠmušen 20 TU.GUR₄mušen 3 NUNUZ GA.NU₁₁mušen 3 NUNUZ BIBADmušen

r 1818

nap-tan GALu₂ ša₂ KIN.SIG gi-nu-u₂ ša₂ d60 an-tu₄ u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-MEŠ-šu₂-nu ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA3

(r 18) The main meal in the evening, the regular offerings for Anu, Antu and the (other) gods in their temples for the entire year:

r 1919

4 UDU.NITA₂ ma-ru-tu₂ DADAG.GA ša₂ 2-TA MU.AN.NA ŠE.BAR GU₇-MEŠ 1en udu-ka-lu-u₂

(r 19) 4 rams, fattened (and) pure, which have fed on barley for two years; one sacrificial sheep for the regular offerings, plump with milk; 5 other rams of lower quality which have not fed on barley; and 10 doves.

r 2020

gi-ne₂-e kab-ri ša₂ GA 5 UDU.NITA₂ ša₂-nu-u₂-tu₂ ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu ša₂ ŠE.BAR la GU₇-MEŠ u₃ 10 TU.GUR₄mušen

r 2121

nap-tan tar-den-nu ša₂ KIN.SIG gi-nu-u₂ ša₂ d60 an-tu₄ u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-MEŠ-šu₂-nu ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA4

(r 21) The secondary meal in the evening, the regular offerings for Anu, Antu and the (other) gods in their temples for the entire year:

r 2222

4 UDU.NITA₂ ma-ru-tu₂ DADAG.GA ša₂ 2-TA MU.AN.NA ŠE.BAR GU₇-MEŠ 1en udu-ka-lu-u₂

(r 22) 4 rams, fattened (and) pure, which have fed on barley for two years; one sacrificial sheep for the regular offerings, plump with milk; and 5 other rams of lower quality which have not fed on barley.

r 2323

gi-ne₂-e kab-ri!(LU) ša₂ GA u₃ 5 UDU.NITA₂ ša₂-nu-u₂-tu ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu ša₂ ŠE.BAR la GU₇-MEŠ

r 2424

PAP u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA a-na 1en u₄-mu ina 4 nap-tan 21 UDU.NITA₂ reš-tu-u₂-tu ma-ru-tu₂

(r 24) The total, daily for the entire year, for each day at the 4 meals: 21 finest rams, fattened (and) pure, which have fed on barley for two years; 4 sacrificial sheep for the regular offerings, (plump) with milk; 25 inferior rams of lower quality which have not fed on barley; 2 full-grown oxen; one suckling calf; 8 lambs; 30 marratu-birds; 30 doves; 3 geese which have fed on dough; 5 ducks which have fed on dough; 2 ducks of lower quality; 4 dormice; 3 ostrich eggs; (and) 3 duck eggs.

r 2525

DADAG.GA ša₂ 2-TA MU.AN.NA-MEŠ ŠE.BAR GU₇-MEŠ 4 udu-ka-lu-u₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ GA

r 2626

25 UDU.NITA₂ šap-lu-u₂-tu₂ ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu ša₂ ŠE.BAR la GU₇-MEŠ 2 GU₄ rab-bu-tu

r 2727

1en gu₄AMAR GA 8 uduSILA₄ 30 ŠEŠmušen 30 TU.GUR₄mušen 3 KUR.GImušen ša₂ NIG₂.SILA₁₁.GA₂ GU₇

r 2828

5 BIBADmušen ša₂ zi₃NIG₂.SILA₁₁.GA₂ GU₇ 2 BIBADmušen ša₂ EGIR-šu₂-nu 4 PEŠ₂.gišGI 3 NUNUZ GA.NU₁₁mušen 3 NUNUZ BIBADmušen

r 2929

u₄-mi-šam kal MU.AN.NA 10 UDU.NITA₂ ma-ru-tu DADAG.GA ša₂ SI u₃ UMBIN šuk-lu-lu

(r 29) Daily for the entire year 10 rams, fattened (and) pure, whose horns and hooves are perfect, are prepared in the slaughter-house for offering voluntarily to Anu and Antu of heaven, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, the rising of the Sun and the appearance of the Moon.

r 3030

a-na d60 u₃ an-tu₄ ša₂ ANe dSAG.ME.GAR ddele-bat dGU₄.U₄ dGENNA dṣal-bat-a-nu

r 3131

KURḫa dUTU u₃ IGI.DU₈.AM₃ d30 a-na na-qe₂-e lib₃-bi ina E₂ ma-ḫa-aṣ-ṣa-at in-ne₂-ep-pu-

r 3232

U₄ 16-KAM ša₂ ITIus-su 10 UDU.NITA₂ reš-<tu>-u₂-tu₂ ma-ru-tu₂ DADAG.GA ša₂ SI u UMBIN šuk-lu-lu

(r 32) The 16th day of every month: 10 finest rams, fattened (and) pure, whose horns and hooves are perfect, are prepared for boiled meat for Anu and Antu of heaven and the 7 planets at the (ceremony of the) purification of hands in the Bara-mah, the ziggurat of Anu, as for the 16th day of Ṭebetu.

r 3333

a-na d60 u₃ an-tu₄ ša₂ ANe u₃ dUDU.IDIM-MEŠ 7-šu₂-nu a-na sa-al-qa i-na

r 3434

te-bi-ib-tu₄ ŠU-MIN ina BARA₂.MAḪ ziq-qur-rat d60 ki-ma ša₂ U₄ 16-KAM ša₂ itiAB DU₃

r 3535

e-lat UDU.NITA₂ gi-ne₂-e ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA ša₂ E₂.AN.NA u₃ E₂-MEŠ DINGIR-MEŠ dTIR.AN.NAki

(r 35) (These are) in addition to the sheep for the regular offerings of the entire year in the Eana and (other) temples of the gods of Tirana.

r 3636

u₃ e-lat GU₄ u₃ UDU.NITA₂ ša₂ a-na gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ BADte KA₂-MEŠ

(r 36) (They are) also in addition to the cattle and sheep which (are) for the monthly offerings, the eššēšu-festivals, the opening of the gates, the clothing (ceremonies for divine statues), (the rituals for) the holy water vessels, the nocturnal offerings, the brazier (ceremonies), the sacred marriage rituals, (the offerings of) kāribu-priests and the supplementary offerings of the king - which are written down in the cultic ordinances for the entire year (and) which are presented to Anu, Antu and all the gods in the Reš, Irigal, Eana and (other) temples of the gods of Tirana.

r 3737

tug₂lu-bu-ša₂-at dugA.GUB₂.BA-MEŠ ba-a-a-at-MEŠ GUNNI-MEŠ GARZA.GARZA ḫa-ša₂-du

r 3838

ka-ri-bi-MEŠ u₃ tar-di-i-tu₄ LUGAL ša₂ ina GARZA ša₂ kal MU.AN.NA šaṭ-ri ša₂ ina e₂re-

r 3939

e₂IRI₁₂.GAL E₂.AN.NA u₃ E₂-MEŠ DINGIR-MEŠ TIR.AN.NAki a-na d60 an-tu₄ u DINGIR-MEŠ DU₃.A.BI i-qar-rub

r 4040

ina E₂ dUTU UZU UDU.NITA₂ a-na dŠAKKAN₂ ul i-qar-ru-ub

(r 40) In the temple of Šamaš meat from a ram is not presented to Šakkan.

r 4141

ina E₂ d30 UZU GU₄ a-na dNIN.GUBLAGA!(EZEN×GU₄) ul i-qar-ru-ub

(r 41) In the temple of Sin meat from an ox is not presented to Ningublaga.

r 4242

UZU MUŠEN a-na dGAŠANEDIN ul i-qar-rub UZU GU₄ u₃ UZU MUŠEN a-na dEREŠ.KI.GAL ul i-qar-rub

(r 42) Meat from a bird is not presented to Belet-ṣeri. Meat from an ox and meat from a bird are not presented to Ereškigal.

r 4343

qat₃ mdUTUSUR A ša₂ minaqi₂-bitd60 A ša₂ mšib-qat₂d60

(r 43) (Copied by the) hand of Šamaš-eṭir, son of Ina-qibit-Anu, son of Šibqat-Anu.

r 4444

gišDA GARZA d60u₂-tu₂ ŠU.LUḪ.ḪA KU₃-MEŠ sak-ke-e LUGALu₂-tu₂ a-di ŠU.LUḪ.ḪA DINGIR.RA ša₂ e₂re- IRI₁₂.GAL

(r 44) (Copied from a) writing-board (consisting) of the cultic ordinances of Anu's divinity, the holy purification rituals (and) the rites of kingship, including the purification rituals of the gods of the Reš, Irigal, Eana and (other) temples of Tirana, the cultic activities of the incantation priests, the lamentation priests and the musicians, and of all the scholars who (are) after the ..., (not) forgetting everything that concerns an apprentice scholar.

r 4545

E₂.AN.NA u₃ E₂-MEŠ TIR.AN.NAki al-ka-ka-at lu₂MAŠ.MAŠ-MEŠ lu₂GALA-MEŠ u lu₂NAR-MEŠ u₃ DUMU-MEŠ um-man-nu

r 4646

nap-ḫar-šu₂-nu ša₂ EGIR lu₂PAP a-na ma-še-e ma-la ša₂ lu₂ŠAMAN₂mal.LA₂ kul-lu₄ ki-i pi-i ṭup-pi-MEŠ5

(r 46) (Written) in accordance with the wording of tablets that Nabopolassar, king of Mat-tamti, carried off from Uruk, and then Kidin-Anu the Urukean, the incantation priest of Anu and Antu (and) descendant of Ekur-zakir, the high priest of the Reš temple, saw those tablets in the land of Elam, and during the reign of Seleucus and Antiochus, the kings, copied (them) and brought (the copies) to Uruk.

r 4747

ša₂ mdNA₃AURI₃ LUGAL KURtam-ti₃ TA qe₂-reb UNUGki -lu-lu-ma i-nu- mki-dind60 lu₂UNUGkia

r 4848

lu₂MAŠ.MAŠ d60 u an-tu₄ ŠA₃.BAL.BAL mE₂.KURza-kir lu₂ŠEŠ.GALi ša₂ e₂SAG ṭup-pi-MEŠ MU-MEŠ

r 4949

ina kurELAM.MAki ip-pal-lis-ma ina BALe msi-lu-ku u man-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su LUGAL-MEŠ

r 5050

-ṭur-u₃-ma a-na qe₂-reb UNUGki u₂-bi-il

1KIN.NIM can also be read kaṣâtu 'early morning'

2KIN.SIG can also be read kinsikku 'late afternoon'

3KIN.SIG can also read kinsikku 'late evening'

4KIN.SIG can also read kinsikku 'late evening'

5the reading kul-lu₄ is disputed; also KUL.LUM = brewer or diviner

Created by Graham Cunningham for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2008 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as