TCL 06, 44 [Kettledrum rituals]

Column i
o i 1o i 1

e-nu-ma LI.LI.IZ₃ ZABAR a-na a-[ra-mi IGI]-ka

(o i 1) When it is your intention to cover the copper kettledrum, a knowledgeable expert will carefully inspect from its head to the tip of its tail an ungelded black bull whose horns and hooves are in good condition.

o i 22

GU₄ šuk-lu-lu GE₆ ša₂ SI-MEŠ u₃ gišUMBIN-MEŠ šal-mu TA SAG.DU-šu₂

o i 33

EN ap-pi KUN-šu lu₂UM.ME.A mu-du-u₂ it-ta-nap-la-as-su-ma

o i 44

šum-ma zu-mur-šu₂ GIM ESIR GE₆ a-na par-ṣi u KI.DU.DUde-e

(o i 4) Then if its body is black as pitch it will be taken for the rites and rituals. If it is dotted with 7 white hairs like a star, (or) has been beaten with a stick, (or) struck with a whip, it will not be taken for the rites and rituals.

o i 55

il-leq-qu šum-ma 7 SIG₂ BABBARtu₄ GIM MUL ta-kip ina gišNIG₂.GIDRU

o i 66

ma-ḫi-iṣ ina qin-na-zi la-pit ana par-ṣi u ki-du-de-e ul il-leq-qe₂

o i 77

e-nu-ma GU₄ a-na E₂ mu-um-mu tu-šer₃-re-bu ina U₄ ŠE.GA

(o i 7) When you bring the bull into the temple-workshop, you step up to the side of the bull on a propitious day, sweep the ground, sprinkle pure water (and) solemnly enjoin the temple-workshop.

o i 88

ina A₂ GU₄ ZI.GA KI SAR A KU₃ SU₃ E₂ mu-um-mu tu-ta-am-<ma>

o i 99

2-TA SIG₄ 15 u GUB₃ ša₂ KA₂ E₂ mu-um-mu ŠUBdi

(o i 9) You lay down 2 bricks on the right and left of the temple-workshop's door.

o i 1010

ser₃-qi₂ a-na DIM₃.ME.ER AN.NA DIM₃.ME.ER AN KI.A DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ ta-sa-raq1

(o i 10) You strew offerings for the gods of heaven (and) the gods of heaven and earth, (that is) the great gods.

o i 1111

KAŠ SAG BALqi₂ GU₄ a-na E₂ mu-um-mu tu-še-reb

(o i 11) You libate finest beer (and) bring the bull into the temple-workshop.

o i 1212

giKID.MA₂.ŠU₂.A ŠUBdi KI.TA giKID.MA₂.ŠU₂.A ba-aṣ-ṣa

(o i 12) You lay down a reed mat. You pile sand underneath the mat. You encircle the sides of the mat with sand. You stand that bull [...] top of the mat and you restrain (it) [...] the shin with a tethering rope (made) of goat's hair. You put thin billatu-beer in a bronze uppu-drum in front of the bull.

o i 1313

[DUB]ak A₂-MEŠ giKID.MA₂.ŠU₂.A ba-aṣ-ṣa NIGINmi GU₄ ša₂-a-šu₂

o i 1414

[x] muḫ-ḫi giKID.MA₂.ŠU₂.A tuš-za-za-ma ina EŠ₂.LA₂ ša₂ SIG₂ UD₅

o i 1515

[x kin]-ṣi tara-kas₂ kašDIDA SIG₅ ina UB₃ ZABAR ina IGI GU₄ GARan

o i 1616

[x dug]A.GUB₂.BA a-na dKU₃.SU₃ u dNIN.GIRIM₃ GUBan

(o i 16) You set up [...] holy water-vessels for Kusu and Ningirim.

o i 1717


(o i 17) You set up [...] offering tables. You put out 7 loaves of barley, 7 loaves of emmer (and) a cake (made) of honey, butter, dates (and) fine flour.

o i 1818


o i 1919

[x x] GA GUBan dugA.DA.KURru GUB[an ...] A?

(o i 19) You set up [...] (and) milk. You set up a libation-vessel. [...] ...

o i 2020

[...] x x x x x [...] x šimLI

(o i 20) [...] ... [...] ... juniper

o i 2121

[...] x dugmaš-qu-u₂ GUBan

(o i 21) [...] ... you set up a mašqû-vessel.

o i 2222

[...] x 1/3 MA.NA SIG₂ BABBAR₂

(o i 22) [...] ... 1/3 mina of white hair

o i 2323

[...] x NA 7 1/2 <MA.NA> SIG₂ UD₅ GARan

(o i 23) [...] ... you put out 7 1/2 minas of goat's hair.

o i 2424

[...] AN DIDA SIG₅?

(o i 24) [...] ... thin billatu-beer

o i 2525

[...] MA ḫur-da-at ša₂ ŠINIG

(o i 25) [...] ... a cross-beam of tamarisk

o i 2626


(o i 26) [...] young date-palm, šalālu-reed

o i 2727

[...] GA gišKIŠI₁₆

(o i 27) [...] ... acacia

o i 2828

[...] dugA.GUB₂.BA ŠUBdi

(o i 28) [...] you pour [...] the holy water-vessel.

o i 2929

[...] I₃ gišEREN LAL₃ I₃.NUN.NA

(o i 29) [...] cedar oil, honey, butter

o i 3030

[...] ŠUBdi ina NIG₂.NA u GI.IZI.LA₂

(o i 30) you pour [...]. With a censer and torch

o i 3131

[...] uzuZA₃.LU uzuME.ḪE₂

(o i 31) [...] shoulder, fatty tissue

o i 3232

[...] GEŠTIN GA BALqi₂

(o i 32) [...] you libate [...] wine (and) milk.

o i 3333

[...] ŠUBdi

(o i 33) You pour [...].

o i 3434

[...] x dugA.GUB₂.BA

(o i 34) [...] the holy water-vessel

o i 3535

[...] SU₃ šu-šu-rat

(o i 35) you sprinkle [...]. The sweepings

o i 3636

[...] 12 SIG₄ ŠUBdi

(o i 36) [...] you lay down 12 bricks.

Column ii
o ii 1o ii 1

12 GADA ina muḫ-ḫi ŠUBdi DINGIR-MEŠ 12-šu₂-nu ina muḫ-ḫi tu-še-šeb

(o ii 1) You lay down 12 (pieces of) linen on top. You sit (representations of) 12 gods on top.

o ii 22

A-MEŠ TA dugA.GUB₂.BA ša₂ dNIN.GIRIM₃ IL₂-ma KEŠ₂-MEŠ tu-ul-lal 12 GI.DU₈ GUB

(o ii 2) You raise water from the holy water-vessel of Ningirim and purify the ritual arrangements. You set up 12 offering tables.

o ii 33

12 uduSISKUR₂ BALqi₂ uzuZA₃.LU uzuME.ḪE₂ u uzuKA.IZI

(o ii 3) You present 12 offerings. You present shoulder, fatty tissue and roast meat. You libate beer, wine (and) milk. You strew seeds. You set up the kettledrum.

o ii 44


o ii 55

1 SIG₄ a-na dLUM.ḪA ŠUBdi 1 GI.DU₈ GUBan udunita₂SISKUR₂

(o ii 5) You lay down 1 brick for Lumha. You set up 1 offering table. You present the offering. You present shoulder, fatty tissue and roast meat.

o ii 66

BALqi₂ uzuZA₃.LU uzuME.ḪE₂ u uzuKA.IZI tu-ṭaḫ-ḫe

o ii 77

KAŠ SAG GEŠTIN GA BALqi₂ A-MEŠ ina maḫ-ri-šu₂-nu GUBan

(o ii 7) You libate finest beer, wine (and) milk. You set up water in front of them (the gods).

o ii 88

šid-di GID₂.DA GU₄ ša₂-a-šu₂ LUḪ.KA tu-še-pes-su

(o ii 8) You draw the curtains. You perform the mouth-washing (ceremony) on that bull.

o ii 99

EN₂ gud gal gud maḫ u₂ ki us₂ kug-ga ina giSAG.KU₅ GI DU₁₀.GA

(o ii 9) You whisper the incantation 'Great bull, magnificent bull, treading holy pastures' into its right ear through a tube (made) of sweet reed. You whisper the incantation 'O bull, you (are) the offspring of Anzu' into its left ear through the tube (made) of sweet reed. You sprinkle it with cedar resin. You purify it with the censer and torch. You surround it with a magic circle. You stand at the head of the bull and sing (the hymn) 'Honoured one, return to me' to the accompaniment of the bronze manzû-drum.

o ii 1010

ana lib₃-bi GEŠTU-MIN 15-šu₂ tu-laḫ₃-ḫaš EN₂ GU₄ i-lit-tu₄ an-zi-i at-ta-ma

o ii 1111

ina giSAG.KU₅ GI DU₁₀.GA a-na lib₃-bi GEŠTU-MIN GUB₃-šu₂

o ii 1212

tu-laḫ₃-ḫaš UŠ₂ gišEREN SU₃-šu₂ ina NIG₂.NA u GI.IZI.LA₂

o ii 1313

tu-ḫa-bi-šu₂ ZI₃.SUR.RAa ta-lam-miš ina SAG GU₄

o ii 1414

GUB-ma dilmunki niŋin-na ina MEZE ZABAR ta-za-am-mur

o ii 1515

EGIR-šu₂ dim₃-me-er [gal-gal-e]-ne an ki-a mu-un-dim₂-ma

(o ii 15) After that you recite (the prayer) 'The great gods who created heaven and earth'. You slaughter that bull and you light cedar resin. You roast its heart with cedar, juniper (and) scented flour in front of the kettledrum. You remove the sinew from its left thigh and you bury the carcass of that bull in one red ... cloth.

o ii 1616

ŠIDnu GU₄ ša₂-a-šu₂ ta-pal-laq-ma gišUŠ₂? gišEREN MU₂ lib₃-ba-šu2

o ii 1717

ina gišEREN šimLI ZI₃.MAD.GA₂ ina IGI LI.LI.IZ₃

o ii 1818

ta-qal-la SA uzuGIŠ.KUN GUB₃-šu₂ IL₂-ma

o ii 1919

AD₆ GU₄ ša₂-a-šu₂ ina 1en TUG₂.KUR.RA SA₅ ta-qeb-ber

o ii 2020

I₃.GIŠ gu-un-nu a-na muḫ-ḫi-šu₂ ŠUBdi IGI-šu₂ ana dUTU.ŠU₂.A

(o ii 20) You pour ordinary oil over it. You place its face towards the sunset. You take the hide of that bull and you soak (it) with pure-grain flour in water, finest beer (and) wine.

o ii 2121

GARan KUŠ GU₄ ša₂-a-šu₂ ta-leq-qe₂-e-ma ina ZI₃.KUM

o ii 2222

dNISABA KU₃.GA ina A-MEŠ KAŠ SAG GEŠTIN te-re-es-si-in

o ii 2323

ina I₃.NUN.NA gu₄<AB₂> KU₃.GA u ŠIM-MEŠ lib₃-bu u₂SAR-šu₂-nu it-ti 4 SILA₃ ZI₃ MUNU₄ 4 SILA₃

(o ii 23) You lay (it) in butter from a pure cow and aromatics from their plants, together with 4 litres of malt flour (and) 4 litres of bitqu-flour of regular quality. You dye (it) red with madder-plant and alum from Hattu. You cover the bronze kettledrum (with it).

o ii 2424

ZI₃ bit-qa ana sad-ru ŠUBdi ina gišḪAB u NA₄.KUR.RA ša₂ kurḫat-ti

o ii 2525

ta-ṣar-ra-pu LI.LI.IZ₃ ZABAR tar-rim

o ii 2626

1en EŠ₂.LA₂ ša₂ GADA ana muḫ-ḫi GID₂.DA gišGAG-MEŠ

(o ii 26) You tighten one tethering rope (made) of linen on top. You purify with paint the pegs for the bronze kettledrum, (pegs made) of Magan-tree, boxwood, cedar (and) ebony, as well as the rest of the pegs, all of martû-wood.

o ii 2727


o ii 2828

u re-eḫ-tu₄ sik-kat-MEŠ gab-bi gišmaš-tu-u₂

o ii 2929

a-na LI.LI.IZ₃ ZABAR ina ŠE.GIN₂ KU₃.GA3

o ii 3030

ina SA uzuGIŠ.KUN GUB₃-šu₂ ba-ab-šu ta-šap-pi

(o ii 30) You fasten its (the drum's) opening with sinew from its (the bull's) left thigh.

o ii 3131

EŠ₂.LA₂ DU₈-ma a-na muḫ-ḫi nap-du-u₂ ŠUBdi

(o ii 31) You loosen the tethering rope and you lay (it) down on top of the fastening.

o ii 3232

DIRIrat KUŠ TAB.BA ta-qeb-ber

(o ii 32) You bury the rest of the ... hide.

o ii 3333

1 KEŠ₂ a-na dLUM.ḪA KEŠ₂as udunita₂SISKUR₂

(o ii 33) You set out 1 ritual assemblage for Lumha. You present an offering. You present shoulder, fatty tissue and roast meat. You libate finest beer, wine and milk.

o ii 3434

BALqi₂ uzuZA₃.LU uzuME.ḪE₂ uzuKA.IZI

o ii 3535

tu-ṭaḫ-ḫe KAŠ SAG GEŠTIN u GA BALqi₂

Column i
r i 1r i 1

da-nu₃ dEN.LIL₂ u de₂-a DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ

(r i 1) Anu, Ellil and Ea, the great gods.

r i 22


(r i 2) Lugalira and Meslamtaea.

r i 33

dzi-šum₂-mu nibruki šag₄-ga-ke₄

(r i 3) Zišumu of the centre of Nibru (:)5 Ninimma of the centre of Nippur.

r i 44

dNIN.IMMA₃ ša₂ qe₂-reb ni-ip-pu₂-ru4

r i 55

dbi-ŋiri₃-ḫuš <engur>-ra-ke₄

(r i 5) Biŋirihuš of the Engur (:) Šuziana of the Apsu.

r i 66

dŠU.ZI.AN.NA ša₂ ap-si-i

r i 77

dšeg₉-bar-ra-im₂-im₂-me a-šag₄ mar-ra-ke₄

(r i 7) Šegbaraimime of cultivating the field (:) Ennugi, cultivator of the field.

r i 88

dEN.NU.GI ša₂-kin eq-li

r i 99

dur₃-bad₃-da en sukud-da-ke₄ : dKU₃.SU₃ be-lu ša₂-qu-u

(r i 9) Urbad, lord of being exalted : Kusu, exalted lord.

r i 1010

dur₃-bad₃-ḫum-ḫum dumu e₂-ša₃-ba-ke₄ : dNIN.NISIG DUMU E₂.ŠA₃.BA

(r i 10) Urbadhumhum, son of Ešaba : Ninnisig, son of Ešaba.

r i 1111

dgub-ba-ga-ra-ra-e₃ dumu iri gibil₄-la-ke₄

(r i 11) Gubagararae, son of the new city (:) Ninkasi, son of the new city.

r i 1212


r i 1313

da-bar-ra-laḫ₅ dumu ud 30-kam ud nud-am₃

(r i 13) Abaralah, son of the 30th day, the lying-down day (:) Nusku, son of the thirtieth day of the month, the day of the moon's disappearance.

r i 1414

dNUSKA DUMU še-la-še-e bu-um-bu-li

r i 1515

a-na U₄ 15-KAM LI.LI.IZ₃ ZABAR ana IGI

(r i 15) On the 15th day you bring out the bronze kettledrum before Šamaš. You set out 5 ritual assemblages for Ea, Šamaš, Asalluhi, Lumha and the (now) divine kettledrum. You present an offering.

r i 1616

dUTU tu-še-eṣ-ṣe 5 KEŠ₂ a-na de₂-a

r i 1717


r i 1818

KEŠ₂as udunita₂SISKUR₂ BALqi₂

r i 1919

uzuZA₃.LU uzuME.ḪE₂ u uzuKA.IZI tu-ṭaḫ-ḫe

(r i 19) You present shoulder, fatty tissue and roast meat.

r i 2020


(r i 20) You libate finest beer, wine (and) milk. You purify with the censer and torch. You purify [...] from the holy water-vessel.

r i 2121

tu-ḫa-ba [... dug]A.GUB₂.BA tul-lal

r i 2222

den-ki dutu dx [...] ZA de₂-de₂

(r i 22) You recite three times 'Enki, Utu ... [...] ...'. You perform the mouth-washing (ceremony) ... [...] .... You anoint it (the kettledrum) with butter and filtered oil. The chief kalû-priest lays a [...] on top of the bronze kettledrum. You clear away the ritual assemblages.

r i 2323

3-šu₂ ŠIDnu LUḪ.KA x [...] x

r i 2424

tu-še-pes-su I₃.NUN.NA u I₃.GIŠ BARA₂.GE₂ ŠEŠ₂-su lu₂GALA.MAḪ [x]

r i 2525


r i 2626

ina NIG₂.NA u GI.IZI.LA₂ tu-ḫab-bi-šu₂ ŠU-MIN LILIZ ana IGI DINGIR-ME

(r i 26) You purify it with the censer and torch. You lead the kettledrum before the gods and you set (it) up in (a bed of) seeds.

r i 2727


r i 2828

lugal-e dim₃-me-er an ki-a ER₂ GARan

(r i 28) You perform the prayer 'King, god of heaven (and) earth'.

(3 lines blank)
r i 2929

DIM₂.DIM₂.MA an-na-a ša₂ te-ep-pu- A₂.E₃

(r i 29) A novice may witness this procedure which you perform. An outsider, not accredited as a master of ritual, must not witness (it). His days will be short (if he does).

r i 3030

IGI a-ḫu-u₂ la DUMU EN GARZA la₃ IGImar

r i 3131

U₄-MEŠ-šu₂ LUGUD₂.DA-MEŠ ZUu₂ a-na ZUu₂

(r i 31) The initiated may show (it) to the initiated, (but) the uninitiated must not see, according to the taboo of Anu, Ellil and Ea, the great gods. [...]. His days will be long.

r i 3232

li-kal-lim la ZUu₂ la₃ IGI ina NIG₂.GIG d60 dEN.LIL₂  ; u dIDIM DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ

Column ii
r ii 1r ii 1

[... U₄-MEŠ]-šu₂ GID₂.DA-MEŠ

r ii 22


(r ii 2) [...] the bronze kettledrum,

r ii 33

[...] gišŠUR.MIN₃ 1/2 MA.NA šimGIR₂

(r ii 3) [...] cypress, 1/2 mina of myrtle,

r ii 44

[...] šimŠAL 1/2 MA.NA GI DU₁₀.GA

(r ii 4) [...] boxwood, 1/2 mina of sweet reed,

r ii 55

[...] lad-nu 10 GIN₂ šimqu-an-na-bu

(r ii 5) [...] ladanum resin, 10 shekels of hemp,

r ii 66

[...] šimka-ṣi-ṣi-ḫa-tu₄

(r ii 6) [...] kaṣiṣihatu-aromatic,

r ii 77

[...] GIN₂ šimGIG

(r ii 7) [...] shekels of kanaktu-aromatic,

r ii 88

[...] šimMAN.DU 2 SILA₃ I₃.GIŠ ḫal-ṣa

(r ii 8) [...] sedge, 2 litres of filtered oil,

r ii 99


(r ii 9) [...] ..., 2 litres of wine,

r ii 1010

[...] X ZI₃ bit-qa 4 SILA₃ ZI₃ MUNU₄

(r ii 10) [...] ... bitqu-flour, 4 litres of malt flour,

r ii 1111

[...] NU 1/2 SILA₃ UŠ₂ gišEREN

(r ii 11) [...] ..., 1/2 litre of cedar resin,

r ii 1212

[... u₂]a-ṣu-ṣe-e-tu₂ ŠE.GIN₂

(r ii 12) [...] aṣuṣimtu-plant, paint,

r ii 1313

[...] lip₂-pi ša₂ gišGAG-MEŠ

(r ii 13) [...] wrappings for the pegs.

r ii 1414


(r ii 14) [...] white ... cloth, 1 red ... cloth,

r ii 1515

[...] MA.NA SIG₂-ḪI.A 7 MA.NA

(r ii 15) [...] mina of wool, 7 minas [...], 7 minas of blue wool,

r ii 1616

[...] 7 MA.NA sig₂ZA.GIN₃.NA

r ii 1717


(r ii 17) [...] from a goat, 2 kurru (and) 4 pānu of barley, 1 (pānu) of seed,

r ii 1818

[...] IMGAGA MUN u šimLI 1 gi-nu-u₂

(r ii 18) [...], emmer, salt and juniper, 1 regular offering

r ii 1919

[...] x [x x] LA₂ u₂-de-e

(r ii 19) [...] ... [...] ..., tools (made) of iron, ..., 1/2 mina of alum from Hattu, 1 mina of bright paint,

r ii 2020

AN.BAR x x x x x x x x x 1/2 MA.NA

r ii 2121

IM.SAḪAR.NA₄.KUR.RA ša₂ kurḫat-ti 1 MA.NA ŠE.GIN₂ ZALAG₂tu₄

r ii 2222

gišGAG-MEŠ 3-TA ša₂ gišMES.MA₂.KAN.NA 3-TA

(r ii 22) pegs: 3 each of Magan-tree, 3 each of boxwood, 3 each of cedar, 3 each of ebony, 3 each of tamarisk, the rest of the pegs all of martû-wood,

r ii 2323

ša₂ gišTAŠKARIN 3-TA ša₂ gišEREN 3-TA ša₂ gišESI

r ii 2424

3-TA ša₂ ŠINIG re-eḫ-tu₄ sik-kat-MEŠ gab-bi maš-tu-u

r ii 2525

10 EŠ₂.LA₂ ša₂ GADA ša₂ 1en EŠ₂.LA₂ 10 KUŠ₃ GID₂.DA

(r ii 25) 10 linen tethering ropes, of which (each) single tethering rope is 10 cubits long,

r ii 2626

1 EŠ₂.LA₂ ša₂ GADA ša₂ 1 ME KUŠ₃ GID₂.DA 10 EŠ₂.LA₂

(r ii 26) 1 linen tethering rope which is 1 hundred cubits long, 10 tethering ropes (made) of goat's hair which are 4 cubits long, 1 tethering rope therein which restrains the bull, one suhattu-cloth, 1 covering.

r ii 2727

ša₂ SIG₂ UD₅ ša₂ 4 KUŠ₃ GID₂.DA 1 EŠ₂.LA₂ ša₂ GU₄

r ii 2828

ina lib₃-bi KEŠ₂ 1en tug₂su-ḫat-tu₄ 1 ku-tu-um-mu

r ii 2929

u₂-de-e lu₂BAḪAR₂ 4 dugA.GUB₂.BU 4 dugkan-du-ru-u

(r ii 29) Items from the potter: 4 holy water-vessels, 4 rhyta,

r ii 3030

4 dugsaḫ-ḫa-ri 24 dugA.DA.KURru 24 dugḫa-bu-u

(r ii 30) 4 offering bowls, 24 libation vessels, 24 jars,

r ii 3131

1 ME 20 dugma-li₈-tu₄ 3 ME dugba-gur-ru ŠU NIG₂.NA

(r ii 31) 1 hundred, 20 ritual bowls, 3 hundred ladles, sixty censers,

r ii 3232

5 ṣa-bit 6 ag-gan-nu 6 ne₂-sep 2 ṣi-in-du-u  ; 2 nam-ḫa-ri

(r ii 32) 5 gazelle-shaped vessels, 6 cauldrons, 6 standard containers, 2 3-sūtu vessels, 2 vats.

r ii 3333

u₂-de-e lu₂NAGAR 1 gišku-um-mu 4 gišGAG AN.BAR iṣ-ṣi ana gišGAG-MEŠ

(r ii 33) Items from the carpenter: 1 cabinet, 4 nails (made) of iron, wood for pegs.

r ii 3434

u₂-de-e lu₂AD.KID 24 GI.DU₈ 24 gisel-li 5-TA

(r ii 34) Items from the reed-worker: 24 offering tables, 24 baskets, 5 hand-baskets, 3 mats, 3 coverings.

r ii 3535

gisel-la ŠU-MIN 3 giKID.MA₂.ŠU₂.A 3 giku-tu-um-mu

t.e. 11

[ne₂-pe]-šu₂ ša₂ ŠU-MIN lu₂GALA : IM md60—ŠEŠMUnu A ša₂ mri-ḫatd60 lu₂GALA!()MAḪ d60 u an-tu₄ UNUGkiu₂ GIM SUMUNbar-šu₂ SAR-ma  ; ba-ru₃ u up-puš₄

(t.e. 1) Procedure in the domain of the kalû-priest : tablet of Anu-ah-ittannu, son of Rihat-Anu, chief kalû-priest of An and Antu, Urukean, written in accordance with its original and then checked and properly executed.

1DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ is inserted above the line

2{giš}UŠ₂ {giš}EREN MU₂ is inserted above the line

3alternatively, KU₃.GA for ellati "pure" modifies ŠE.GIN₂ and a finite verbal form, such as taṣappi "you soak", is missing

4ll. 4, 6, 8, 12 and 14 are slightly indented

5 Here and in the following sequences , text preceding the colon is written in Sumerian.

Created by Graham Cunningham for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2008 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as