ACh Suppl. Sin 07


[*] 30 ina AN.BIR₉ È-ma SI-MEŠ-šú KI IGI-MEŠ ILLU DUkám lu U₄ 2.[KÁM lu U₄] 3.KÁM DINGIR BAR-ma GUBaz-ma

"[If] the moon rises at midday and its horns are looking at the earth, a flood will come" (means) "on the seco[nd o]r third [day] the god (i.e., the moon) is split in half while standing."


[*] 30 ina AN.BIR₉ È-ma KIMIN<(SI-MEŠ-šú)> KI IGI-MEŠ : KIMIN U₄ 3.KÁM U₄ 4.KÁM ma-gal GAL-ma1

"[If] the moon rises at midday and ditto (i.e., it horns are looking at the earth), ditto (i.e., a flood will come)" (means) "on the third day (and) the fourth day [(...)] it (i.e., the moon) becomes unusually big."


* 30 ina IGI.-šú BALut LUGAL KUR-su ul -te--šèr U₄ 14.KÁM KI [20] NU IGI KIMIN 30 IGI-ma DUNGU ia-ʾ-nu

"If the moon, on its first appearance, is inverted, the king will not set his land aright" (means) "on the fourteenth day it is not seen with [the sun]." Variant: "the moon is visible and there is no cloud."


* U₄ is-si dIŠKUR ina la si-[ma]-ni-šú -šú ŠUB-ma

"If the storm howled" (means) "Adad at an unexpected time thunders ."


* U₄ is-si-ma 30 a-dir ina AN.GE₆ 30 dIŠKUR -šú ŠUB-ma

"If the storm howled and the moon was dim" (means) "at an eclipse of the moon Adad thunders."


* U₄ is-si-ma 20 a-dir ina AN.GE₆ 20 dIŠKUR -šú ŠUB-ma

"If the storm howled and the sun was dim" (means) "at an eclipse of the sun Adad thunders."


* U₄ UD.DA-su KÚR.KÚRir IM 4ba DU-MEŠ-ma

"If the storm (and) its heat change" (means) "the four winds will blow."


* U₄ is-si-ma dIŠKUR -šú ŠUB TA AN.GE₆ GAR-ma2

"If the storm howled (and) Adad thundered" (means) "after the eclipse occurred."


* dší-mut mulṣal-bat-a-nu šá-niš dba-lu šal-šiš* mulUD.KA.DU₈.A3

"If Šimut" (means) "Mars"; alternatively (it means) "(the god) Balu"; thirdly (it means) "(the constellation) Open Mouthed Storm Demon."


* 20 7 AGA-MEŠ a-pir LUGAL kib-ra-a-ti i-be-el KIMIN ŠUB MÁŠ*.ANŠE* mi-šil-šu AN.GE₆ GAR-ma

"If the sun is bedecked with seven coronas, the king will rule the four (quarters)." Variant: "collapse of cattle, half of it (i.e., the sun) will be eclipsed."


* 30 ina IGI.DU₈.A-šú ina dUTU.È it-tan-mar lu ina [ lu ina] AN.BIR₉ U₄ 30.KÁM EGIR 20 IGI-ma

"If the moon, on its first appearance, has been seen at sunset" (means) "either at [the rising or at] midday on the thirtieth day it (i.e., the moon) will be visible after the sun."


* 30 ina IGI.-šú pal-lu-ur-ti MUL-MEŠ e-bi-iḫ ina MU* [BI] ina KUR-MEŠ MUNUS.KÚR-MEŠ GAR-MEŠ

"If the moon, on its first appearance, is surrounded by a cross of stars, in [that] ye[ar] war will take place in the lands"


    dUDU.IDIM.SAG. ddil-bat dṣal-bat-a-nu IGI-ma mulMAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL.LA NÍGIN-MEŠ-šú-ma

(means) "(the moon) looks at Saturn, Venus (and) Mars, and the Great Twins surround it (i.e., the moon).


* d30 ina IGI.-šú SI-MEŠ-šú ṣer-ši SA₅-MEŠ AN.GE₆ GARan ina SI-MEŠ-šú ki-lat-tan 2 MUL-MEŠ4

"If the moon, on its first appearance, its horns are full of protuberances, an eclipse will occur" (means) "in both of its horns 2 stars


    GUB-MEŠ-ma : Á ana Á-šú : SI-MEŠ-šú mit-ḫa-ra5

stand." "On each side" means "the horns correspond."


* 30 ina IGI.-šú NU iq-qab-bi ŠÚ AN.GE₆ ŠÚ-ma KI 20 IGI-ma GIŠKIM NU ú-kal-lam

"If the moon, on its first appearance, without anything being said, the eclipsed (moon) sets and is seen with the sun" (means) "it shows no sign."


* 30 ina IGI.-šú SI 150-šú PA TUKU* MUL 1 ina SI 150-šú 1 ŠU.SI 2 ŠU.SI DIM₄*-ma

"If the moon, on its first appearance, its left horn has a branch" (means) "one star approaches its left horn by 1 finger (or) 2 fingers"


* 30 ina IGI.-šú SI 15-šú GE₆át SI 15-šú er-rem-ma

"If the moon, on its first appearance, its right horn is black" (means) "its right horn will be covered."


* 30 20 la ú--ma ir-bi na-an-dur UR.MAḪ u UR.BAR.RA ina dUTU GUBzu ad-riš

"If the moon does not wait for the sun, but sets, the Lion and the Wolf will rage" (means) "while the sun is still standing, it dimly


    È-ma : U₄ 15.KAM IGI-ma

rises"; (or) "it is seen on the 15th day (of the month)."


* 30 u 20 im-daḫ-ru-ma 30 te-diš- NU KURud 14.KÁM DINGIR KI DINGIR IGI-ma ḫap-ra- ul ina--šar

"If the moon and the sun have entered conjunction/opposition, and the moon does not reach the renewal" (means) "on the fourteenth day the god (i.e., the moon) is visible with the god (i.e., the sun), and the visible surface (of the moon) is not diminishing."


* 30 ina IGI.DU₈.A-šú SI-MEŠ-šú ka--a TÙN.BA.AB GI ka- TÙN.BA.AB GI ku-pi6

"If the moon, on its first appearance, its horns are blunt (ka-pí-a)" TUN₃.BA.AB GI (means) ka-pí (and) TUN₃.BA.AB GI (also means) ku-pi.


* [30 ina IGI.-šú mul]ŠUL.PA.È ina ŠÀ-šú GUBiz LUGAL KUR MAR.<TU>ki ŠÚ

"If [the moon, on its first appearance,] the Šulpae constellation stands in its midst, the king of the land of Amurru will exercise power


    [a-bi-ik-ti] KUR KÚR-šú GARan7

and bring about the defeat of his enemy's land."


[* 30 ina IGI.-šú mul]SIPA.ZI.AN.NA ina ŠÀ-šú GUBiz LUGAL KIŠ* ŠÚ 8

[If the moon, on its first appearance, the Ši]taddaru [constellation] stands in its midst, a king of the universe will exercise power"



(in this case) "[Šitad]daru" (means) "Saturn."


[* 30 ina IGI.-šú] mul.IKU ina ŠÀ-šú GUB ulṣal-bat-a-nu ina ŠÀ-šú GUB-ma9

["If the moon, on its first appearance,] the Field constellation stands in its midst" (means) "Mars stands in its midst (i.e., in the moon)."


[...] LÁL x x x [... ina] ITI EN.NUN ana AN.[GE₆]

[...] ... [... in] the month of the watch for an ec[lipse].


[...] x-i ina ITI EN.NUN ana AN.GE₆

[...] ... in the month of the watch for an ecli[pse].


[...] AN.GE₆ GÁLši

[...] there will be an eclipse.


[...] ana AN.GE₆

[...] for an eclipse.


[...] AN.GE₆ GARan

[...] an eclipse will occur.


[...] x BI? AN.GE₆ GARan

[...] ... an eclipse will occur.


[...] KIMIN

[...] ditto.


[...] AN.GE₆

[...] eclipse


[...] AN.GE₆

[...] eclipse


[...] GUB-ma AN.GE₆ ta-nam-bi

["...] will stand" (means) "you should declare an eclipse."


[...] gišTUKUL : ÉRIN DAGAL ina BAD₅.BAD₅ ŠUBut

["... w]eapon" means "the far-flung army will be defeated."


[...] ITI 12 ITI i-šal-lim-ma10

["...] month 12" (means) "the month will be complete."


[...] BAD GUB-ma KAL

["...] ... stands and is strong."



[...] ... Ninurta.


[...] x mal-ku mulUR.GU.LA

[...] ... the Lion constellation .


[...] mulnin-ka-si

[...] the Ninkasi constellation.


[...] AN.GUB še-e GU₄.UD

[...] standing in the sky ... Mercury.


[...] x IDIM-MEŠ KU₅-MEŠ

[...] the underground waters will cease.


[...]-MEŠ ILLU DUkam

[...] ... the flood will come.


[...] x-qu ILLU-MEŠ KU₅-MEŠ

[...] ... the floods will cease.


[...] x dnin-gír-su dninnu*-urta11

[...] ... "Ningirsu" is Ninurta.


ki-i pi-[i gišDA GABA.RI TIN].TIR*ki šá mdAG-ÙRIir DUMU mdé-a-pat-ta-ni TIN.TIRki-i

According to [a writing board, a manuscript from Babyl]on, which Nabû-nāṣir son of Ea-pattāni, the Babylonian,


a-na ta-mar-ti-šú is-su-ḫa AB.SAR.ÀM BA.AN.È ṭup-pi mdAG-zu-qu-up-GI.NA DUMU mdAMAR.UTU-MU-BAšá DUB.SAR

had excerpted, written and checked for his reading. Tablet of Nabû-zuqup-kēnu, son of Marduk-šumu-iqīša, scribe,



descendant of Gabbi-ilāni-ēreš, chief scribe. Kalhu, Month XII, Day 23,


li-mu mDINGIR-KI-ia šá-kìn urušá-i-me-ri-šú ù MU 11.KÁM dEN::ZU-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-eri-ba LUGAL KUR -šurki

eponym of Ilu-issīya, governor of Damascus, and Year 11 of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

1It seems odd that the same omen as is quoted in l. 1 is quoted also in this line.

2It is unclear why the explanation takes the form of a subordinate clause.

3On the association of (1) the Elamite deity Šimut and (2) the constellation "Open Mouthed Storm Demon" with Mars, see Reynolds (1998: 354-356). The Akkadian "Balu" ("Without") seems to be otherwise attested as a name for Mars only in the text HAR-gud B (Reynolds 1998: 348-349, 353).

4The word ṣeršu, "growth, protuberance," is attested only in divinatory literature (AHw 1093b, CAD Ṣ 209b). For a discussion of the word's meaning, and an argument against the appearance of the word in the third caption of the Sippar Sun God Tablet, see Woods (2004: 64-66).

5Despite sharing a line with the previous explanation, the phrase idi ana idīšu ("on each side") seems to be drawn from a different, otherwise uncited omen in the base text.

6The general purpose of the commentator is clear: to explain the writing of the uncontracted form of the 3 fp G stative of kepû, "to bend," as a form of that verb. The commentator does so by means of the Sumerian phrase TUN₃.BA.AB GI. The sign GIN₂ (read TUN₃) is elsewhere attested in reference to a reed stylus (GI) in the lexical list Nabnītu Tablet 22, ll. 121-126 (cited by CAD K 312b).

7The restoration at the beginning is courtesy of L. Marti, who noticed that the line is a parallel to SAA 8, 147 r 6-7: 30 TÙR NÍGIN-ma dŠUL.PA.È ina ŠÀ-šú GUB-iz LUGAL MAR.TU ŠÚ- -ma a-bi-ik-ti KUR KÚR-šú GAR-an.

8The constellation "Šitaddaru" = Orion.

9The constellation "Field" = Pegasus.

10The verb šalāmu is attested in reference to a period of time (as in the present interpretation of this line) in a Neo-Babylonian text (CAD Š I 218 c).

11Since Ningirsu is the local (in Girsu), pre-OB period form of Ninurta, Ninurta could be cited here as the explanation of an appearance of Ningirsu in the base text.