SpTU 1, 029

oo NaN  (missing)
rr NaN  (start of reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

x (x)-ri šá [...]

(r 1') The ... of a man [...]

r 2'2'

DINGIR šag-ga-ši : DINGIR [...]1

(r 2') “A murderer god” (= Sagig 3 89) means “god [...]

r 3'3'

ina giš -riq DINGIR ka-[a-ri DAB-su (...)]

(r 3') “He stole from a ship, the god of the quay [will seize him” (= Sagig 3 96) (...)], whatever he has stolen from the ship [...]

r 4'4'

mim-ma šá giš il-te-ri-[iq ...]

r 5'5'

ITI GIG : ár-ḫu GIGuṣ [...]

(r 5') “ITI GIG” (= Sagig 3 98) means “he is ill (for) a month, [but he goes out], since ITI means “to go out.” TIL-MEŠ means [...].

r 6'6'

ITI : a-ṣu-ú : TIL-MEŠ [...]2

r 7'7'

2 DAL-MEŠ GAR-MEŠ-ma : DAL [...]

(r 7') “Two vessels (DAL-MEŠ) are placed” (= Sagig 3 107), DAL [means ...]

r 8'8'

ina EDIN TAGit : ina muḫ-[ḫi-šú ...]

(r 8') “He has been affected in the steppe” (= Sagig 3 109) means “On [his] sk[ull ...].

r 9'9'

na-ʾi-id : na-kud : x [...]

(r 9') “He is worried” (= Sagig 3 109) means “he is anxious.” ... [...]

r 10'10'

ú-maš-šad : ú-maš-[šá- ...]

(r 10') “He massages” (= Sagig 3 123) means “he rubs” [...].

r 11'11'

im.DA md?[...]

(r 11') One column tablet of ... [...] son of ... [...].

r 12'12'

DUMU šá md[...]

1At the end, perhaps d[èr-ra]?

2The first equation is elsewhere unattested. It is uncertain whether TIL-MEŠ is part of the explanation.