DT 084 (unpublished unassigned ?)

t.e. 1t.e. 1

i-na a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-ía liš-lim

By the command of Bēl and Bēltīya, may (this endeavour) be successful!

o 1o 1

BEma šu-ma-at ši-bu u mu-kal-lim-ti šá is-[ri a-na IGI-ka]

"If you have the omen entries, (their) old versions, and the mukallimtu-commentary on Isru before you."

o 22

BE is-ri 15 ZÁLAGir ul-lu-uṣ lìb-bi ÉRIN[ni BE is-ri 15 ZÁLAGir ana IGI-ka]1

"If the right isru is bright, the army will rejoice" (= Šumma Isru I 1). [If you have "If the right isru is bright" (ibid.) before you,]

o 33

    IGI pir-si ma-gal SA₅ ul-lu-uṣ [lìb-bi ÉRINni]2

(you will find that it means) "If the surface of the pirsu is very red, [the army] will rejoice."

o 44

BE MANú MU-NI ina is-ri šá 15 BÙR ŠUB-ma ŠÀ BÙR [ù IGI BÙR SA₅ BE is-ri 15 ZÁLAGir ta-qab-bi]3

[Second (possible) entry]: "If in the right isru there is a perforation, and the interior [and the surface of the perforation are red," you may say that "If the right isru is bright"]

o 55

    SA₅ ZÁLAG GIM MUL ši-[kin-šú (...)]

"it is red" means "it is bright, [its appearance] is like a star."

o 66

[BE šal-šú] MU-NI lar-sin-ni 15 ZÁLAGir ul-lu-uṣ [lìb-bi ÉRINni lar-sin-nu is-ri ina EME]4

[Third (possible) entry]: "If the right larsinnu is bright, the [army] will rejoice." [Larsinnu means isru in the bilingual lists].

o 77

[BE 4-ú MU]-NI ina ŠÀ BÙR 15 U₄ ZÁLAG ŠUBdi LUGAL ana ŠÚR[iz-ma ...]

[Fourth (possible) entry]: "If the center of the right perforation there is a bright light, the king will be angry with the man." [...].

o 88

[x x x x x x x x] x ù x ni [...]


r 1'r 1'

[šá ina] UGU kušma-gal-lat šá TA x [...]5

[...] which was written on a parchment scroll from [...].

r 2'2'


Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, [son of Marduk-zēru-ibni,]

r 3'3'

A mde₄-gi₇-ba-ti-la a-na ši-[ta-as-si-šú -ṭur-ma]

descendant of Egibatila, [copied,]

r 4'4'

-ma ib-[ri]

made and collated it.

1As noted by Frahm GMTR 5 (2011) p. 112 and Heeßel KAL 5 (2012) p. 52 ad I 0-1, this first entry is also cited in Multābiltu I 21 (Koch AOAT 326 [2005] p. 95).

2For another attestation of the word pirsu (in OB extispicy), see Stol OLZ 103 (2008) p. 353.

3Lines 4-6, as attested in K.3978+ i 7-8 (CCP 3.4.1.A.a), are cited in CAD I/J 203b.

4The reading larsinnu, as opposed to PA-sin-nu, was established by von Soden, “Seltene akkadische Wörter”, StOr 46 (1975), p. 325; see also Cohen, Y. “Sheep Anatomical Terminology in the šumma immeru Omen Series and Additional Texts”, in J. C. Fincke (ed.), Divination as Science (2016), p. 89 fn. 46 [reading and references courtesy of Y. Cohen].

5The reading of the colophon follows Finkel CTMMA 2 (2005) p. 283 and Frahm GMTR 5 (2011) p. 172 and fn. 808.