Ist Ni 03477 [OB Nippur Ura]

Column i
o i 1o i 1


dough and herbs used for making beer

o i 22

bappir₂ SI-[A]

(...) dough and herbs used for making beer

o i 33

bappir₂ pad-pad-ra₂

broken up dough and herbs used for making beer

o i 44

bappir₂ nu-pad-ra₂

dough and herbs used for making beer that is not broken up

o i 55

bappir₂ ud tab-ba

dough and herbs used for making beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

o i 66


beer mash

o i 77

sumun₂ a ŋar-ra

beer mash infused with water

o i 88

[sumun₂] a sig₁₀-[ga]

beer mash infused with water

Column i
r ir i  (traces of 4 lines)
r i 5'5'


r i 6'6'

uzu saŋ-du

r i 7'7'

uzu ud-šu₂-

r i 8'8'

uzu me-ze₂