Oracc Prerequisites

This document lists the Oracc prerequisites, the packages which should be installed prior to installing the Oracc.

If you are not familiar with Unix installation procedures, there is a brief introduction here.

Now install the following, in this order:

Current versions of the GNU build tools:

Note that on Mac OS X it is best to try porting without updating these tools first as some of them (in particular libtool) have been adapted by Apple and the Gnu versions may not understand necessary linker options.

The following basic tools should be up to date and synchronized, in this order:

  • m4
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • libtool
Some distributions do not include, or even provide, gperf (I'm looking at you, RHEL6.0). Get the sources from the Gnu website [http://www.gnu.org], build and install it
PCRE [http://www.pcre.org]

provides regular expression support; there is a precompiled version of the library for windows which can be found via the PCRE home page

Expat [http://expat.sourceforge.net]

provides XML parsing and the utility program `xmlwf' which is a useful way of checking XML files for well-formedness. An abbreviated version of expat is included in the cdl/tools/src to facilitate compilation of the ATF processor, but the latest full version should also be installed to provide xmlwf

LibXML/LibXSLT [http://www.xmlsoft.org]

provides XML parsing and XSLT transformation. Binary distributions are available for many systems

Perl LibXML packages [http://cpan.perl.org]

search for `XML::LibXML' and `XML::LibXSLT'. LibXML/LibXSLT should be installed first. The Perl packages have several dependencies so these must also be installed. At the last installation the following packages were necessary (if packages are missing a diagnostic is generally issued, so it may be that there are more or different prerequisites for any given installation.:

  • XML-LibXML
  • XML-LibXML-Common
  • XML-LibXML-Fixup
  • XML-LibXML-Iterator
  • XML-LibXML-XPathContext
  • XML-NamespaceSupport
  • XML-NodeFilter
Rnv: [http://www.davidashen.net/rnv.html]

provides validation according to Relax/NG Schemas in compact syntax (the version used in all of the schema documentation). A version of this is included in cdl/tools/src so it is not essential to install the full distribution.

Tre [http://laurikari.net/tre]

provides regular expression support for msort, so install it before building msort.

Utf8proc [http://www.public-software-group.org/utf8proc]

provides UTF8 support for msort, so install it before building msort. TODO: include this in Oracc system distro because the build/installation is non-standard. For now, use `make' to build, then move the libraries to /usr/lib and the .h file to /usr/include (or wherever is appropriate).

Libuninum [http://billposer.org/Software/libuninum.html]

provides unicode number handling support for msort, so install it before building msort.

Gnu MP [http://gmplib.org]

provides bignum handling for msort.

Msort [http://billposer.org/Software/msort.html]

provides sorting facilities used by Oracc programs including the glossary manager.

Colorer [http://sourceforge.net/projects/colorer/]

provides source colourization for the XDF resources listings. TODO: my HRC definitions have some fixes and should be downloadable separately from the Oracc server.

Hyper-Estraier [http://hyperestraier.sourceforge.net]

provides the documentation search on the Oracc website.

18 Dec 2019 osc at oracc dot org

Steve Tinney

Steve Tinney, 'Oracc Prerequisites', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/help/installation/prerequisites/]

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