
Signatures are the string representation of an instance's lemmatization data and consists of a sequence of fields, each introduced by a distinct prefix character or characters. A complete signature looks like this:


Abbreviated Signatures

Oracc's lemmatization allows users to enter just a few key pieces of a signature (this is the "instance lemmatization") and the lemmatizer looks this data up in the glossary and creates complete signatures from it.

Users typically enter just the citation form (CF, a in the example above) and the sense (SENSE, water above), and the instance lemmatization is then a[water]. It is also not uncommon to give simply a Part-of-Speech, such as PN, for the instance lemmatization.

Signature Fields and Prefix Characters

The project to which this signature belongs
% = LANG
The language for the signature; may also have a writing system, e.g., %akk-949 for normalized Akkadian
: = FORM
The form of the word as it appears in the text
= = CF
The = separates FORM and CF, or Citation Form; the equals may be omitted if the CF is the first entry in the signature, as in a[water]
[ ... ]
Square brackets surround the GW, or Guide Word, and/or SENSE
Only within [...], the double slash // separates GW and SENSE
The POS (Part-of-Speech) is identified by its position immediately after the closing square bracket of [...]
' = EPOS
The right-quote, ', is the prefix character for the EPOS, the Effective Part-of-Speech
$ = NORM
The normalized version of the writing. This varies by language: in Akkadian, for example, it is the transcription of the word-form, without hyphens and determinatives and with accents. This is not used in the source version of Sumerian glossaries because it can be computed from the morphology (see below).
* = STEM
The STEM, which may be a form of the BASE in Sumerian, or a notation such as D, Š, N, in Akkadian, or possibly other conventions for other languages.
/ = BASE
The BASE utilized in a Sumerian writing. This must match a base given in the @bases part of the entry.
+ = CONT
The Sumerian grapheme following the base, used only when that grapheme is the continuation of the end of the BASE, e.g., -ma in inim-ma. The deconstruction of the grapheme gives the consonant which continues the grapheme followed by the vowel which is normally a morpheme or morpheme constituent.
The morphology string for the writing.
## = MORPH2
The second morphology string for the writing.
@ = RWS
The RWS, Register or Writing System, for the form.
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