
Cuneify is a facility for generating Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform in Unicode encoding. For simple instructions on embedding Cuneify into a web page, see here.


The underlying implementation of Cuneify is presently built-in to the ATF processor. The processor can decorate its output tree with the Unicode character for each grapheme, and this output can then be post-processed in various ways.


At present, the only public interface is via the CGI script at:



The CGI API takes two parameters:

The transliteration to convert which must be in valid ATF format
An optional argument naming an Oracc project located on the same Oracc server as the CGI script. The path /cuneify/index.html is appended to the project name to locate the form to return.


When the CGI script is executed, it looks for the project's Cuneify form and, if found, it performs variable substitutions and returns the form as follows:

No XML/HTML parsing is done on the file, which results in the following constraints:


If the input is not valid ATF the CGI script returns an apology for its inability to understand the input.


For an example of how to use the Cuneify CGI interface, see the Cuneiform Revealed [] pages for which the CGI interface was originally developed.

18 Dec 2019

Steve Tinney

Steve Tinney, 'Cuneify', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 []

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