About ePSD2


ePSD2 is based in the Penn Museum's Babylonian Section at the University of Pennsylvania. The principal creators of ePSD2 are Steve Tinney, Director, Philip Jones, Executive Editor, and Niek Veldhuis, Associate Editor. A full list of staff and contributors will be included in a future release.

The Parts of ePSD2

ePSD2 contains a number of components which are described briefly here.

The main glossary, /epsd2/sux [/epsd2/sux], resides in the top-level project and combines the Sumerian glossary proper along with two other ePSD2 glossaries, one containing proper nouns [/epsd2/names/qpn], and the other covering Sumerian's liturgical register, Emesal [/epsd2/emesal/sux-x-emesal].
Corpus and Catalogue
ePSD2's corpus consists of tens of thousands of lemmatized texts which are distributed among a range of Oracc projects, some of them internal to ePSD2 and others independent. The combined corpus can be accessed here [/epsd2/pager], and an initial catalogue of the corpus can be browsed and searched here [/epsd2/catalogue]. We plan to enhance the catalogue in future releases as well as adding to the corpus. A list of all of the projects combined into ePSD2's corpus is available here.
The ePSD2 signlist [/epsd2/signlist] contains all of the signs and readings that occur in the glossaries, and provides links to every article in which the signs and values are used.
Index to the Sumerian Secondary Literature
The ISSL [/epsd2/issl] consists of a large, minimally curated, collation of many book and journal indices, as well as the references cited in the glossary bibliography section, and the written forms of ePSD2 words, too. As such, it's both an index to the secondary literature and another way to find things in ePSD2.
Browsable pages
ePSD2 also provides a reimplementation of the various browsable lists [/epsd2/toc-frame.html] of words, English translations, and signs.

Portal Overview

Here's a summary list of the things you can find in the ePSD2 portal:

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CC BY-SA The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project, 2017-