BRM 2, 55 [Sale of temple enterer's and butcher's prebend]

o 1o 1

mdna-na-a-MU ša₂ MU-šu₂ ša₂-nu-u₂ mde-me-ti-ri-ia DUMU ša₂ mni-din-tu₄-d60 DUMU ša₂ mta-nit-tu₄-d60

(o 1) Nanaya-iddin, whose other name is Demetrios, son of Nidintu-Anu, son of Tanittu-Anu, descendant of Ah'utu, voluntarily sold his temple enterer's prebend and temple butcher's prebend [...] before Anu, Antu, and all of the gods of their temples, and his entire temple enterer's prebend of the gods of the temples in front of Ellil, Ea, Sin, Šamaš, Adad, Marduk, Papsukkal, Ištar, Belet-ṣeri, Nanaya, Beltu-ša-Reš, Šarrahitu, and all of the gods of their temples, for which monthly throughout the year, (there is) a guqqû and eššēšu offering, and everything else which pertains to those prebends from the first day to the thirtieth day, every month for 9 1/2 mina of refined silver, high quality staters of Antiochus, as the complete price, to Diophantos, son of Kephalon, whose other name is Anu-uballiṭ, son of Anu-balassu-qibi, descendant of Ah'utu, in perpetuity.

o 22

A mŠEŠ-ʾu-u₂-tu ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-šu₂ lu₂KU₄ E₂u₂-tu₂ lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂ [...]

o 33

[IGI d]60 an-tu₄ u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-šu₂-nu gab-bi u₃ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-šu₂ gab-bi ša₂ ina lu₂KU₄ E₂u₂-tu₂

o 44


o 55

dINANA dGAŠAN-EDIN dna-na-a dGAŠAN-ša₂-e₂SAG dšar-rat-ḫi-i-tu₄ u DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-šu₂-nu

o 66

gab-bi ša₂ ITIus-su kal MU.AN.NA gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e U₄.EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ

o 77

u mim-ma gab-bi ša₂ ina TA U₄ 1-KAM₂ a-di U₄ 30-KAM₂ ITIus-su a-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ

o 88

ik-kaš-ši-du a-na 9 1/2 MA.NA KU₃.BABBAR qa-lu-u₂ is-ta-tir-ra-nu

o 99

ša₂ man-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su bab-ba-nu-u₂-tu₂ a-na ŠAM₂ TIL-MEŠ a-na

o 1010

mdi-i-pa-tu-su DUMU ša₂ mqe₂-ep-<lu>-u₂-ʾu ša₂ MU-šu₂ ša₂-nu-u₂ md60-DINiṭ

o 1111

DUMU ša₂ md60-DIN-su-E A mŠEŠ-ʾu-u₂-tu a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ it-ta-din

o 1212

KU₃.BABBAR a₄ 9 1/2 MA.NA ŠAM₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ gam-ru mdna-na-a-MU

(o 12) That silver, the 9 1/2 mina, the complete price of those prebends, Nanaya-iddin, whose other name is Demetrios, son of Nidintu-Anu, received from Diophantos, son of Kephalon; he is paid.

o 1313

ša₂ MU-šu₂ ša₂-nu-u₂ mdi-i-me-ri!-ti!-ia DUMU ša₂ mni-din-tu₄-d60 ina ŠU-MIN mdi-i-pa-tu-su1

o 1414

DUMU ša₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-u₂-ʾu ma-ḫir e-ṭir₃ u₄-mu pa-qa-ri a-na muḫ-ḫi

(o 14) Should a claim concerning those prebends arise, Diophanes, son of Straton, son of Kidin-Anu, an Urukean, will clear it and will pay the 12-fold penalty to Diophantos, son of Kephalon, in perpetuity.

o 1515

GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ it-tab-šu-u₂ mdi-i-pa-ne₂-ʾe DUMU ša₂ mi-si-ra-tu-ʾu

o 1616

DUMU ša₂ mki-din-d60 lu₂UNUGki-a-a a-di <12>-TA.AM₃ u₂-mar-raq-ma a-na mdi-pa-tu-su

o 1717

DUMU ša₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-u₂-ʾu a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ i-nam-din pu-u₂-ut a-ḫa-a-miš

(o 17) Nanaya-iddin, the seller of those prebends, and Diophanes, the guarantor of those prebends, bear mutual responsibility for the clearing of those prebends for Diophantos in perpetuity.

o 1818

a-na mu-ur-qu ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ mdna-na-a-MU lu₂na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ

o 1919

MU-MEŠ u mdi-i-pa-ne₂-ʾe lu₂mu-mar-raq-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ a-na mdi-i-pa-[tu]-su

o 2020

[a-na] u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ na-šu-u₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ lu₂KU₄ E₂u₂-tu₂ u lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂ [...]

(o 20) The prebends of the temple enterer and temple butcher [...]

r (missing)
Column i
t.e. i 1t.e. i 1


(t.e. i 1) [Ring of] Nidintu-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0173)
t.e. i 22


Column ii
t.e. ii 1t.e. ii 1


(t.e. ii 1) [Ring of] Anu-uballiṭ

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0862)
t.e. ii 22


Column iii
t.e. iii 1t.e. iii 1


(t.e. iii 1) [Ring of] Anu-ahhe-iddin

Sealing destroyed
t.e. iii 22


Column i
b.e. i 1b.e. i 1


(b.e. i 1) Ring of Nidintu-Ištar

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0584)
b.e. i 22


Column ii
b.e. ii 1b.e. ii 1


(b.e. ii 1) Ring of Arad-Ninurta

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0783)
b.e. ii 22


Column iii
b.e. iii 1b.e. iii 1


(b.e. iii 1) Ring of [...]

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 1087)
b.e. iii 22


Column i
l.e. i 1l.e. i 1


(l.e. i 1) [Ring of] Anu-mar-ittannu

Sealing destroyed
l.e. i 22


Column ii
l.e. ii 1l.e. ii 1


(l.e. ii 1) [Ring of] Arad-Ninurta

Sealing destroyed
l.e. ii 22


Column i
r.e. i 1r.e. i 1

[un-qa mdna-na-a-MU]

(r.e. i 1) [Ring of Nanaya-iddin,] seller of those prebends

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 1047)
r.e. i 22

lu₂na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ

Column ii
r.e. ii 1r.e. ii 1

[un-qa mdi-i-pa-ne₂-ʾe]

(r.e. ii 1) [Ring of Diophanes], guarantor of [...] prebend [...]

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0172)
r.e. ii 22

lu₂mu-mar-raq-an GIŠ.ŠUB.[BA ...]3

1Expected sign order for the signs -ri-ti- in the name Demetrios is reversed. Cf. Monerie 2014: 137.

2AUWE 19 cites seal as belonging to {m}ARAD-{d}MAŠ; cf. BRM 1, 98 T2

3All edges collated, 12/15/06, LEP.