BiMes 24, 31 [Sale of share in ruined house]

o 1o 1

md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU u md60-DINiṭ A-MEŠ ša₂ mta-nit-tu₄-d60 A ša₂ mup-pu-lu A-MEŠ mŠEŠ-ʾu-[u₂-tu]

(o 1) Anu-ahhe-iddin and Anu-uballiṭ, sons of Tanittu-Anu, son of Uppulu, descendants of Ahʾutu, voluntarily sold 2/5, as much as their share of the dilapidated house which was torn down and rebuilt which is in the Lugalira temple district which is within Uruk--the upper length on the north (is) adjacent to the narrow street on the bank of the Ištar canal; the lower length on the south (is) adjacent to the empty field of Diophontos, son of Kephalon, the buyer of that house; the upper front side on the west is adjacent to the house of Kephalon, the son of Anu-balassu-iqbi, descendant of Ahʾutu; the lower front side on the east (is on) the bank of the canal of Ištar; the total the length and the width are the measurements of that house, that house, less or more, as much as there is, all of it, for 1/2 mina of refined silver, high quality staters of Anthiochus, as the full price to Diophontos, son of Kephalon, son of Anu-balassu-iqbi, descendant of Ahʾutu, in perpetuity.

o 22

ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂-nu 2 ḫa-an-za ma-la ḪA.LA-šu₂-nu ša₂ ina bi-it ab-tu₄ ša₂ na-qa-ri u₃

o 33

DU₃ ša₂ ina KIti₃ E₂ dLUGAL.IR₉.RA ša₂ qe₂-reb UNUGki US₂ ANu₂ tu₁₅SI.SA₂

o 44

DA SILA SIG mu-rad ID₂-dINANA US₂ KIu₂ tu₁₅U₁₈.LU DA ki-šub-ba-a

o 55

ša₂ mdi-ʾu-pa-at-tu-su A ša₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-u₂-nu lu₂ma-ḫi-ir-an E₂ MU-MEŠ

o 66

SAG.KI AN.TA tu₁₅MAR.TU DA E₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-u₂-nu A ša₂ md60-DIN-su-E A mŠEŠ-ʾu-u₂-tu

o 77


o 88

E₂ MU-MEŠ E₂ MU-MEŠ i-ṣi u ma-a-du ma-la ba-šu-u₂ gab-bi a-na 1/2 MA.NA KU₃.BABBAR

o 99

qa-lu-u₂ is-ta-tir-ra-nu ša₂ man-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su bab-ba-nu-u₂-tu₂

o 1010

a-na ŠAM₂ TIL-MEŠ a-na mdi-ʾu-pa-at-tu-su A ša₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-nu A ša₂

o 1111

md60-DIN-su-E A mŠEŠ-ʾu-u₂-tu a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ it-ta-din-ʾu KU₃.BABBAR a₄

(o 11) That silver, 1/2 mina, the full purchase price of that house, Anu-ahhe-iddin and Anu-uballiṭ, sons of Tanittu-Anu have received from Diophantos, son of Kephalon. They are paid.

o 1212

1/2 MA.NA ŠAM₂ E₂ MU-MEŠ TIL-MEŠ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU u md60-DINiṭ A-MEŠ ša₂ mta-nit-<tu₄>-d60

o 1313

ina ŠU-MIN mdi-ʾu-pa-at-tu-su A ša₂ mqe₂-ep-lu-u₂-nu ma-ḫir-ʾu e-ṭir₃-ʾu

o 1414

u₄-mu pa-qa-ri a-na muḫ-ḫi E₂ MU-MEŠ it-tab-šu-u₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU [u]

(o 14) If a claim should arise concerning that house, Anu-ahhe-iddin and Anu-uballiṭ, the sellers of that house, will clear it [and pay] the 12-fold (penalty) [...]

o 1515

md60-DINiṭ lu₂na-din-ni-ʾi E₂ MU-MEŠ u₂-mar-raq-ma a-di 12-TA.AM₃ [...]

r (missing)
Column i
t.e. i 11


(t.e. i 1) [Ring] of Zeriya

seal impression damaged
t.e. i 22

mNUMUN-ia [...]

remainder of side broken
Column i
b.e. i 11


(b.e. i 1) Ring of [...]

seal impression damaged
b.e. i 22


remainder of side broken
Column i
l.e. i 11


(l.e. i 1) [Ring] of Anu-ah-ittannu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0444:K)
l.e. i 22


Column ii
l.e. ii 11


(l.e. ii 1) [Ring] of Anu-ah-iddin

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0972:AA)
l.e. ii 22


Column i
r.e. i 11

[un-qa x]

(r.e. i 1) [Ring of ...], the sellers

(impression of seal impression broken)
r.e. i 22


Column ii
r.e. ii 1r.e. ii 1

[un-qa x]

(r.e. ii 1) [Ring of ...] the guarantors

(impression of seal impression broken)
r.e. ii 22
