OECT 09, 21 [Sale of shares in butcher's prebend]

o 1o 1

md60-AD-URI₃ DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu DUMU ša₂ mni-din-tu₄-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu A mḫun-zu-[u₂]

(o 1) Anu-ab-uṣur son of Anu-ah-ittannu son of Nidintu-Anu son of Anu-ah-ittannu descendant of Hunzu voluntarily sold one-tenth and one-sixtieth of a day in one day, in the eleventh day (and) the twelfth day of his butcher's prebend before Anu, Antu, Ištar, Belet-ṣeri, Nanaya, Beltu-ša-Reš and all the gods of their temple(s), monthly throughout the year, the guqqānû-offerings, the eššeššāni-offerings, and whatever else pertains to that prebend that is with Kidin-Anu, the purchaser of that prebend, son of Anu-ahhe-iddin and their brothers and all their co-owners for 54 shekels of silver (in) high-quality staters of Seleucus,as the complete price, to Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Nanaya-iddin descendant of Hunzu in perpetuity.

o 22

ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂ 10ʾu-u₂ u₃ 60ʾu-u₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina 1en u₄-mu ina U₄ 11-KAM₂ U₄ 12-[KAM₂]

o 33

GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-šu₂ lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂ IGI d60 an-tu₄ dINANA dGAŠAN-EDIN dna-na-a dGAŠAN-ša₂-SAG u DINGIR-MEŠ

o 44

E₂-šu₂-nu gab-bi ša₂ ITIus-su kal MU.AN.NA gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e U₄.EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ

o 55

u mim-ma gab-bi ša₂ a-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ ik-kaš-ši-du ša₂ KI mki-din-d60 lu₂ma-[ḫi-ra-an]

o 66

GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU u ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šu₂-nu lu₂EN ḪA.LA-MEŠ-šu₂-nu

o 77

gab-bi a-na 54 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR is-ta-tir-ra-nu ša₂ mse-lu-ku bab-ba-nu-[u₂-tu₂]

o 88

a-na ŠAM₂ TIL-MEŠ a-na mki-din-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU DUMU ša₂ mdna-[na-a-MU]

o 99

A mḫun-zu-u₂ a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ it-ta-din KU₃.BABBAR a₄ 54 GIN₂ [ŠAM₂ TIL-MEŠ ša₂]

(o 9) Anu-ab-uṣur son of Anu-ah-ittannu received that 54 shekels of silver, the complete price of that prebend, from Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ahhe-iddin; he is paid.

o 1010

GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ md60-AD-URI₃ DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu ina ŠU-MIN mki-din-d60 DUMU [ša₂]

o 1111

md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU ma-ḫir e-ṭir₃ u₄-mu pa-qa-ri ana muḫ-ḫi 10ʾu-[u₂ u₃]

(o 11) Should a claim arise concerning one-ten[th and] one-sixtieth of a day in one day in those days of that butcher's prebend, Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ah-ittannu son of Nidintu-Anu descendant of [...] will clear (it) and will pay 12-fold to Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ahhe-iddin in perpetuity.

o 1212

60ʾu-u₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina 1en u₄-mu ina u₄-mu-MEŠ MU-MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA [lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂]

o 1313

MU-MEŠ it-tab-šu-u₂ mki-din-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MU!nu DUMU ša₂ mni-din-tu₄-d60 A m[...]

o 1414

u₂-mar-raq-ma a-di 12-TA.AM₃ a-na mki-din-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU a-na [u₄-mu]

o 1515

ṣa-a-tu₂ ina-an-din pu-ut a-ḫa-miš a-na mu-ru-qu ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ mki-[din-d60]

(o 15) Kidin-Anu and Anu-ab-uṣur, sons of Anu-ah-ittannu, mutually bear responsibility for clearing that prebend. Those one-tenth and one-sixtieth of a day in one day in the eleventh day (and) twelfth day of that butcher's prebend belong to Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ahhe-iddin descendant of Hunzu in perpetuity.

o 1616

u md60-AD-URI₃ DUMU-MEŠ ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ na-[šu-u₂]

r 1r 1

10ʾu-u₂ u₃ 60ʾu-u₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina 1-en [u₄-mu ina U₄ 11-KAM₂ U₄ 12-KAM₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA]

r 22

lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂ MU-MEŠ ša₂ mki-din-d60 [DUMU] ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-[MEŠ-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂]

r 33

a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ šu₂-nu u₄-mu ma-la [mki-din-d60 ṣe-bu-u₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA]

(r 3) As soon as Kidin-Anu desires he will register in his name that prebend in the registry of prebends that is in the temple of the gods.

r 44

MU-MEŠ ina gišDA ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ ša₂ ina E₂ DINGIR-[MEŠ ina MU-šu₂ u₂-šal-lim]

r 55


(r 5) Witnesses:

r 66

mki-din-d60 u₃ mla-ba-ši DUMU-MEŠ ša₂ md[60]-DU-A A mE₂.KUR-za-kir [x]

(r 6) Kidin-Anu and Labaši, sons of Anu-mukin-apli descendants of Ekur-zakir; [...] descendant of Luštammar-Adad

r 77

A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR md60-EN-šu₂-nu DUMU ša₂ mta-nit-tu₄-d60 DUMU [ša₂ x]

(r 7) Anu-belšunu son of Tanittu-Anu son of [... ...] Luštammar-Adad; Anu-mukin-apli son of Anu-uballiṭ descendant of Hunzu; [... and]

r 88

A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR md60-DU-A DUMU ša₂ md60-DINiṭ A mḫun-zu-u₂ [x]

r 99

md60-MUnu DUMU-MEŠ ša₂ mba-la-ṭu A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR mx-[x]

(r 9) Anu-ittannu, sons of Balṭu descendants of Luštammar-Adad; [...]

r 1010

md60-EN-šu₂-nu A mkur-i md60-DINiṭ DUMU ša₂ mri-ḫat-d60 [...]

(r 10) Anu-belšunu descendant of Kuri; Anu-uballiṭ son of Rihat-Anu [...]

r 1111

mri-ḫat-dINANA A [x mARAD]-a-de-e-šu₂ [...]

(r 11) Rihat-Ištar descendant of [...]; Arad-adešu [son of ...]

r 1212

mki-din-d60 DUMU ša₂ m[...]

(r 12) Kidin-Anu son of [...]

2 lines uninscribed
r 1313

mdum-qi₂-d60 lu₂UMBISAG DUMU ša₂ [x UNUGki itix]

(r 13) Dumqi-Anu, scribe, son of [... Uruk. month.] 26th day, 80[+×th year Seleucus (being) king.]

r 1414

U₄ 26-KAM₂ MU 80-[x-KAM₂ mse-lu-ku LUGAL]

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seal = AUWE 19, 0566:B | AUWE 19, 0141:B
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r.e.r.e. edge destroyed

1all seal impression locations assigned on the basis of photographs provided by JMonerie, 2010.