TCL 13, 246 [Sale of undeveloped lot]

o 1o 1

[mdna-na-a-MU] A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ mšib-qat₂-d60 [...]

(o 1) Nanaya-iddin son of Nidintu-Anu son of Šibqat-Anu [...] of the temple of the gods of Uruk with the advice of Antu-Banat, his wife, daughter of Illut-Anu voluntarily sold his undeveloped plot (in) the city quarter of the Šamaš gate which is within Uruk —— 20 cubits (is) the upper length on the north next to the house of Antu-Banat daughter of Illut-Anu wife of Nanaya-Iddin, that seller, and the undeveloped plot of Anu-ahhe-iddin the son of Kidin-Anu; 20 cubits (is) the lower length on the south next to the undeveloped plot of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Kidin-Anu; 10 cubits (is) the upper width on the west next to the undeveloped plot of Šumāti son of Idat-Anu; 10 cubits (is) the lower width on the east next to the undeveloped plot of Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Kidin-Anu; a total of 20 cubits long, 10 cubits wide are the measurements of that undeveloped plot —— that undeveloped plot, as little or as much as there is, all of it, for 10 shekels of refined silver, high quality staters of Demetrios, for the complete price, to Antipatros son of Diodoros in perpetuity.

o 22

ša₂ E₂ DINGIR-MEŠ ša₂ UNUGki ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂ ina mil-ki ša₂ fan-tu₄-DU₃at DAM-[šu₂]

o 33

DUMU.MUNUS ša₂ mil-lut-d60 ki-šub-ba-a-šu₂ KIti₃ KA₂.GAL dUTU ša₂ qe₂-reb UNUG[ki]

o 44

20 KUŠ₃ US₂ ANu₂ tu₁₅SI.SA₂ DA E₂ fan-tu₄-DU₃at DUMU.MUNUS [ša₂ m]il-lut-d60

o 55

DAM mdna-na-a-MU lu₂na-din-na-an MU-MEŠ u₃ ki-šub-ba-a ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU

o 66

A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 20 KUŠ₃ US₂ KIu₂ tu₁₅U₁₈.LU DA ki-šub-ba-a ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU

o 77

A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 10 KUŠ₃ SAG.KI AN.TA tu₁₅MAR.TU DA ki-šub-ba-a ša₂ mMU-MEŠ

o 88

A ša₂ mi-dat-d60 10 KUŠ₃ SAG.KI KI.TA tu₁₅KUR.RA DA ki-šub-ba-a md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU

o 99

A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 PAP 20 KUŠ₃ US₂ 10 KUŠ₃ SAG.KI mi-šiḫ-tu₄ ki-šub-ba-a MU-MEŠ

o 1010

ki-šub-ba-a MU-MEŠ i-ṣi-i u ma-a-du ma-la ba-šu-u₂ gab-bi a-na 10 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR

o 1111

qa-lu-u₂ is-ta-tir-ra-nu ša₂ mde-meṭ-ri-su bab-ba-nu-u₂-tu₂ a-na ŠAM₂

o 1212

TIL-MEŠ a-na man-ti-ʾi-pa-aṭ-ru-su A ša₂ mdi-i-du-ur-su a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂

o 1313

it-ta-din KU₃.BABBAR a₄ 10 GIN₂ ŠAM₂ ki-šub-ba-a MU-MEŠ TIL-MEŠ mdna-na-a-MU

(o 13) That silver, 10 shekels, the complete price of that undeveloped plot, Nanaya-iddin received from Antipatros; he is paid. Should there arise a claim concerning that undeveloped plot, the aforementioned Nanaya-iddin will clear it of claims and will pay the 12-fold penalty to Antipatros in perpetuity. That undeveloped plot belongs to Antipatros son of Diodorus in perpetuity.

o 1414

MU-MEŠ ina ŠU-MIN man-ti-ʾi-pa-aṭ-ru-su ma-ḫir e-ṭir₃ u₄-mu pa-qa-ri

o 1515

a-na muḫ-ḫi ki-šub-ba-a MU-MEŠ it-tab-šu-u₂ mdna-na-a-MU MU-MEŠ

r 16r 16

u₂-mar-raq-ma a-di 12-TA.AM₃ man-ti-ʾi-pa-aṭ-ru-su a-na

r 1717

u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ i-nam-din ki-šub-ba-a MU-MEŠ ša₂ man-ti-ʾi-pa-aṭ-ru-su

r 1818

A ša₂ mdi-i-du-ur-su a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ šu-u₂

r 1919

lu₂mu-kin₇ md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-GAL₂ši mšib-qat₂-d60 A ša₂

(r 19) Witnesses: Anu-ahhe-iddin son of Kidin-Anu son of Anu-ah-ušabši

(r 19) Šibqat-Anu son of Ina-qibit-Anu son of Šibqat-Anu

r 2020

mina-qi₂-bit-d60 A ša₂ mšib-qat₂-d60 md60-ŠEŠ-MU A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ md60-DIN-su-E

(r 20) Anu-ah-iddin son of Nidintu-Anu son of Anu-balassu-iqbi

r 2121

mNU-TEŠ₂ A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-GAL₂ši A ša₂ mina-qi₂-bit-d60 md60-DIN-su-E A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu

(r 21) Labaši son of Anu-ah-ušabši son of Ina-qibit-Anu

(r 21) Anu-balassu-iqbi son of Anu-ah-ittannu son of Kidin-Anu and Anu-uballiṭ son of Nidintu-Anu son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendants of Ekur-zakir

r 2222

A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 u md60-DINiṭ A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu A-MEŠ mE₂.KUR-za-kir

r 2323

md60-NUMUN-MU A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU A mŠEŠ-ʾu-u₂-tu

(r 23) Anu-zer-iddin son of Nidintu-Anu son of Nanaya-iddin descendant of Ahʾutu

r 2424

md60-NUMUN-MU A ša₂ mi-dat-d60 A ša₂ msu-mut-tu₄-d60 A mḫun-zu-[u₂]1

(r 24) Anu-zer-iddin son of Idat-Anu son of Sumuttu-Anu descendant of Hunzu

Aramaic docket
r 2525

mina-qi₂-bit-d60 lu₂UMBISAG A ša₂ mdUTU-SUR A mE₂.KUR-za-kir [UNUGki ...]

(r 25) Ina-qibit-Anu scribe son of Šamaš-eṭir descendant of Ekur-zakir. (Written in) Uruk. [Month ...]. 3rd day. 161st year. [...]

r 2626

U₄ 3-KAM₂ MU 161-KAM₂ mx-[...]2

Column i
t.e. i 11


(t.e. i 1) Ring of X-iddin

seal impression
t.e. i 22


Column ii
t.e. ii 11


(t.e. ii 1) Ring of Anu-X

seal impression
t.e. ii 22


Column i
b.e. i 11


(b.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-zer-iddin

seal impression
b.e. i 22


Column ii
b.e. ii 11


(b.e. ii 1) Ring of Labaši

seal impression
b.e. ii 22


Column iii
b.e. iii 11


(b.e. iii 1) Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

seal impression
b.e. iii 22


Column i
l.e. i 11


(l.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-uballiṭ

seal impression
l.e. i 22


Column ii
l.e. ii 11


(l.e. ii 1) Ring of Šibqat-Anu

seal impression
l.e. ii 22


r.e. 1r.e. 1


(r.e. 1) Ring of ... Antu-banat, his wife

r.e. 22

[... fan-tu₄-DU₃]at DAM-šu₂

1JMonerie (personal communication, 2010) confirmed placement of Aramaic docket between witnesses and date instead of on edge as copy suggests.

2JMonerie (personal communication 2010) kindly provided transliteration of top and right edges identification of edges not labeled in copy.