VS 15, 28 [Sale of shares in oil-presser's prebend.]

o 1o 1

mdum-qi₂-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-DINiṭ A <ša₂> mdna-na-a-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂

(o 1) Dumqi-Anu, son of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Hunzu, voluntarily sold one-ninth of a day in the 19th day, one-ninth of a day in the 20th day, one-third of a day in the 21st day, one-sixth of a day in the 22nd day, a total of two-thirds of a day plus one-eighteenth of a day in one day in those days, the oil-presser prebend, before Anu, Antu, Papsukkal, Ištar, Nanaya, Belet-ṣeri, Beltu-ša-Reš, Šarrahitu, and all the gods of their temples, every month throughut the year, guqqānû-offerings, eššēšu-offerings, and everything else that pertains to that prebend that is with his brothers and the co-owners of all of their shares, for 7 shekels of refined silver, high-quality staters of Antiochus, as the complete price, to Nidintu, daughter of Ubar, wife of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Hunzu, in perpetuity.

o 22

ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂ 9ʾu-u₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina U₄ 19-KAM₂ ti-šu-u₂

o 33

ša₂ u₄-mu ina U₄ 20-KAM₂ šal-šu₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina U₄ 21-KAM₂ ši--šu₂ ša₂ u₄-mu

o 44

ina U₄ 22-KAM₂ PAP 2-ta ŠU-MIN-MEŠ ša₂ u₄-mu u₃ 18ʾu-u₂ ša₂ u₄-mu

o 55

ina 1en u₄-mu ina u₄-mu-MEŠ MU-MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-šu₂ lu₂I₃.ŠURu₂-tu₂

o 66

IGI d60 an-tu₄ dPAP.SUKKAL dINANA dna-na-a dGAŠAN-EDIN

o 77

dGAŠAN-ša₂-e₂SAG dšar-ra-ḫi-i-tu₄ u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ

o 88

E₂-šu₂-nu gab-bi ša₂ ITIus-su kal MU.AN.NA gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e

o 99

EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ u₃ mim-ma gab-bi ša₂ a-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ

o 1010

ik-kaš-ši-du ša₂ KI ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šu₂ u₃ EN-MEŠ ḪA.LA-MEŠ-šu₂

o 1111

gab-bi a-na 7! GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR qa-lu-u₂ is-ta-tir-ra-nu1

o 1212

ša₂ man-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su bab-ba-nu-u₂-tu₂ a-na ŠAM₂

o 1313

TIL-MEŠ a-na fni-din-tu₄ DUMU.MUNUS ša₂ mu₂-bar DAM md60-DINiṭ

o 1414

DUMU ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂ a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂

o 1515

it-ta-din KU₃.BABBAR a₄ 13 GIN₂ ŠAM₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ

(o 15) Dumqi-Anu, son of Anu-uballiṭ, received those 13 shekels of silver, the complete price of that prebend, from Nidintu, daughter of Ubar; he is paid.

o 1616

TIL-MEŠ mdum-qi₂-d60 DUMU ša₂ md60-DINiṭ ina ŠU-MIN fni-din-tu₄

o 1717

DUMU.MUNUS ša₂ mu₂-bar ma-ḫir e-ṭir₃ u₄-mu pa-qa-ri a-na muḫ-ḫi

(o 17) Should a claim concerning that prebend arise, Nanaya-iddin, his son, [will clear it and will pay the 12-fold penalty t]o Nidintu in [perpetuity]. label+ r 2 - r 5 [Dumqi-Anu, seller] of [that] prebend, [son of Anu-uballiṭ, Nanaya-iddin], his son, [...] mutually bear [responsibility] for the clearing [of that prebend]. label+ r 5 - r 14 On-ninth [...] 20th [...] day [...]

o 1818

GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ it-tab-šu-u₂ mdna-na-a-MU DUMU-šu₂

r 1r 1

[a-di 12-TA.AM₃ u₂-mar-raq-ma a]-na fni-din-tu₄ a-na

r 22

[u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ ina-an-din pu-ut a-ḫa]-miš a-na mu-ru-qu

r 33

[ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ mdum-qi₂-d60 lu₂na-din] GIŠ.ŠUB.BA

r 44

[MU-MEŠ DUMU ša₂ md60-DINiṭ mdna-na-a-MU] DUMU-šu₂

r 55

[...]-u₂ ti-šu-u₂

r 66

[...] x 20-x

r 77

[...] x x

r 88

[...] u₄-mu

r 99


r 1010


r 1111


r 1212


r 1313

[...] x x

r 1414

[...] x

r 1515

[...]-nu DUMU ša₂

(r 15) [...]-nu, son of [... ... descendant of Hun]zu.

r 1616

[... A mḫun]-zu-u₂

r 1717

[...] ITI [x]

(r 17) [...] Month [...].

r 1818


Column i
t.e. i 11


(t.e. i 1) [Ring of] Labaši

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-01)
t.e. i 22


Column ii
t.e. ii 11


(t.e. ii 1) [Ring of Anu]-zer-lišir

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-02)
t.e. ii 22


Column iii
t.e. iii 11


(t.e. iii 1) [Ring of] Anu-balassu-iqbi

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-03)
t.e. iii 22


Column iv
t.e. iv 11


(t.e. iv 1) [Ring of] Anu-mar-ittannu

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-04)
t.e. iv 22


Column i
b.e. i 1b.e. i 1


(b.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-balassu-iqbi

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-05)
b.e. i 22


Column ii
b.e. ii 11


(b.e. ii 1) Ring of [Anu]-mar-ittannu

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-06)
b.e. ii 22


Column iii
b.e. iii 11


(b.e. iii 1) Ring of Mukin-apli

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-07)
b.e. iii 22


Column iv
b.e. iv 11


(b.e. iv 1) Ring of Anu-ah-iddin

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-08)
b.e. iv 22


Column i
l.e. i 11


(l.e. i 1) Ring of Šibqat-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-09 = AUWE 19, 0770:B)
l.e. i 22


Column ii
l.e. ii 11


(l.e. ii 1) Ring of Ina-qibit-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *14-10 = AUWE 19, 0586:D)
l.e. ii 22


Column i
r.e. i 11

un-qa mdum-qi₂-d60

(r.e. i 1) Ring of Dumqi-Anu, seller of that prebend

seal impression
r.e. i 22

lu₂na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ

Column ii
r.e. ii 11

un-qa mdna-na-a-MU

(r.e. ii 1) Ring of Nanaya-iddin, guarantor of that prebend

seal impression
r.e. ii 22


r.e. ii 33


1note difference between price numerals (cf. l. 15); numbers (clear in copies) are transliterated as copied.