Museums worldwide holding material from Nimrud

Material from Nimrud has been dispersed into museum collections across the world. This page currently lists 76 museums holding Nimrud objects, with links to online information where available. The Nimrud Project welcomes additions and amendments to the list.

Museums worldwide with Nimrud material

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Map compiled using documentation held by the individual museums listed on this page, data from Klaudia Englund, Nimrud und seine Funde (2003) (1) and data compiled by Christopher Walker and a group of volunteers at the British Museum.

Museums worldwide with relief panels from the Northwest Palace of king Assurnasirpal II

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Map compiled using data from Klaudia Englund, Nimrud und seine Funde (2003) (2).

Museums worldwide with Nimrud material excavated by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq TT , 1949-1963

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Map compiled using documentation held by individual museums, plus data compiled by Christopher Walker and a group of volunteers at the British Museum.

List of museums worldwide with Nimrud material

List is in alphabetical order by country. Number of museums in each country given in parentheses.


Australian Institute of Archaeology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria.

Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales.
Search for Nimrud material within the online collections by typing 'Nimrud' into the search field.

Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria.
The museum's three Nimrud ivories TT  are featured in the virtual museum and are the subject of a gallery information sheet PDF (161 KB). For additional information on the ivories, search for the numbers 0000.0421, 0000.0422, 000.0423 in the 'accession no.' field of the online database.


Musée du Cinquantenaire, Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Brussels.
Information on collections from the Near East and Iran. Nimrud objects feature in the Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'Antiquité catalogue (French/Flemish only): type 'Nimrud' into the 'rechercher' field at the top of the page.


Montreal Museum of Fine Arts [], Montreal
Search for the Museum's Nimrud relief TT  panel by typing 'Nimrud' into the Archaeology and World Cultures 'search' field.

National Gallery of Canada [], Ottowa.

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.
Selected Nimrud objects are included in the online image collection and can be found by typing 'Nimrud' into the search field.


Nationaalmuseet, Copenhagen.
Information on Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
Search for Nimrud material within the online collections (Danish language only) by typing 'Nimrud' into the 'Søg genstand' field.


Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Search for reliefs from Nimrud in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud'.


Staatliche Kunstsammlungen - Skulpturensammlung [], Dresden.

Ägyptisches Museum [], Munich.

Vorderasiatisches Museum [], Berlin.


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya [] (formerly the Prince of Wales Museum of Western India), Mumbai (formerly Bombay PGP ).


Iraq Museum, Baghdad.
Explore the museum's galleries and floor plan using Google Street View. (Click the icon in the top right corner of the Street View window to enter full screen mode. Switch between ground floor and first floor using the 1 and 2 buttons on the left hand side.)

Mosul Museum, Mosul.


Weingreen Museum, Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland.


Museo Civico di Archeologia Ligure, Genoa.

Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco [], Rome.
The museum holds a relief from Room I of Assurnasirpal's Northwest Palace.


Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo.
(Previously exhibited at the Middle Eastern Culture Center, Mitaka, Tokyo.)

Miho Museum, Shiga Prefecture.


Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw.


Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon.
Information on the museum's relief panel from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II, acquired by Calouste Gulbenkian in 1920 through art dealer Paul Mallon of Paris.


State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.
Information on the Hermitage Museum's relief panel from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.


Nationalmuseum, Stockholm.


Abegg-Stiftung, Bern.

Archäologische Sammlung, Archäologisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Zurich.


Arkeoloji Müzesi [], Istanbul.

United Kingdom (listed separately)

United States of America

The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine.
To search for Nimrud objects in the collections catalogue, perform searches for the following keywords: 'Nimrud'; 'winged figure'; 'winged genius'; 'Ashurnazirpal'. (NB. keyword 'Nimrud' alone only returns a partial list.) For information on the Museum's relief panels TT  from the Northwest Palace of king Assurnasirpal II, see Porter (1989). The process of relocating the reliefs to a new gallery is documented in a news story from 2006.

Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York.
Information on the museum's Nimrud relief panels, plus details of past exhibitions and provenance, is available online.

Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio.
To search for Nimrud objects in the online catalogue, type 'Nimrud' into the search field.

Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia.
Search for the museum's Nimrud relief in the online collection using the keyword 'Assyria'.

Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Detroit Institute of the Arts, Detroit, Michigan.
Search for the museum's Nimrud relief in the online collection using the keyword 'eagle-headed'.

Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.

Fogg Museum, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Glencairn Museum, Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Harvard Semitic Museum, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts.
The Harvard Semitic Museum holds several Nimrud ivories TT  and also early 20th-century plaster casts of Nimrud relief panels.

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.
Nimrud objects include six relief panels from Assurnasirpal II's Northwest Palace. For a full list, type 'Nimrud' into the online collection basic search field. (Longer versions of catalogue entries are available by selecting 'Format=long' under 'redisplay items'.) In 2006 the museum held a symposium on the history of the reliefs to mark 150 years since their arrival at Dartmouth College. A cultural biography of the reliefs was subsequently published in 2010 (3).

Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.
Search for the museum's Nimrud relief in the online collection using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachussetts.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud' (limit the search to Amherst College).

Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York.
To search for Nimrud objects in the collections search catalogue, type 'Nimrud' into the search field. The Met's collection of reliefs TT  and ivories TT  has been published in Crawford et al (1980). Explore the Met's relief panels from the Northwest Palace with close-ups and video by Kim Benzel.

Middlebury College Museum of Art, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II

Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collection using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud' (limit the search to Mount Holyoke College Art Museum).

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Houston, Texas.

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

The Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud' (limit search to 'Museum Collection').

Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
To search for Nimrud objects in the collections database, type 'Nimrud' into the 'keyword search' field.

Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey.
Online information about the museum's relief from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud'.

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia.

Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Virginia.
Online information about the museum's reliefs from from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut.
Nimrud material is on loan from the Connecticut Historical Society.

The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections database using the keyword 'Nimrud' and browse collection using the tag 'Nimrud'.

Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts.
The museum has online information about its relief panels from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II plus an archived booklet from its 2001-2 exhibition Stones of Assyria (PDF 4.3 MB). To search for the reliefs in the online collections search, type 'Nimrud' into the search field.

Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts.
To search for the museum's relief panel in the ancient art collection, type 'winged genius' into the search field.

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut.
To search for Nimrud reliefs in the online collections search, type 'Nimrud' into the 'Geography' search field.

de Young Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, California.
Search for Nimrud objects in the collections catalogue, using the keyword 'Nimrud' in the 'search by keyword' field.

Vatican City

Musei Vaticani (Musei Gregoriani Egizio) [], Vatican City.
Online information about the museum's Assyrian artefacts and one of its reliefs from from the Northwest Palace of Assurnasirpal II.

Content last modified: 11 Dec 2023
nimrud at oracc dot org


  1. Englund, K., 2003. Nimrud und seine Funde: Der Weg der Reliefs in die Museen und Sammlungen (Orient-Archäologie 12), Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf. (Find in text ^)
  2. Englund, K., 2003. Nimrud und seine Funde: Der Weg der Reliefs in die Museen und Sammlungen (Orient-Archäologie 12), Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf. (Find in text ^)
  3. Cohen, A. and S.E. Kangas (eds.), 2010. Assyrian Reliefs from the Palace of Ashurnasirpal: A Cultural Biography, Hanover, NH: Hood Museum of Art . (Find in text ^)

Ruth A. Horry

Ruth A. Horry, 'Museums worldwide holding material from Nimrud', Nimrud: Materialities of Assyrian Knowledge Production, The Nimrud Project at, 2023 []

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