Tiglath-pileser I 02


[da-šur EN GAL muš-te-šìr kiš-šat DINGIR.MEŠ na-din GIŠ.GIDRU] ù a-ge-e mu-kín LUGAL-ti

(1) [The god Aššur, the great lord, the one who properly administers all of the gods, the grantor of the scepter] and crown, the sustainer of kingship; [the god Enlil, the lord] of the universe, [the king] of all of the A[nunnakū gods, the father of the gods], the lord of the lands; [the god Sîn, ...] who is entrusted with the Tablet of Destinies, [...], the lofty divine crescent; [the god Šamaš, the judge of heaven and netherworld, the one who espies] the enemy’s treachery, the who exposes the wicked; [the god Adad, the hero who storms over] hostile [regions], mountains, (and) seas; [the god Ninu]rta, the valiant one, the slayer of criminal(s) [and] foe(s), the fulfiller of the heart’s desires; [(and) the goddess Ištar], the foremost one among the gods, [the lady of] tumult who adorns battles;


[dEN.LÍL EN?] kiš-šu-ti [šar gi]-mir da-[nun-na-ki a-bu DINGIR].MEŠ dEN KUR.KUR


[d30 ...] pu-qu-du DUB-NAM.MEŠ-te [... ša]-qu-[ú] d.GUR₈


[dUTU DI.KUD AN KI-ti ḫa-a-iṭ] ṣa-al-pat a-a-[bi] mu-še-eb-ru ṣe-ni [dIŠKUR ur-ša-nu ra-ḫi-iṣ kib-rat] KÚR.MEŠ KUR.MEŠ AB.MEŠ-te


[dnin]-urta qar-du ša-giš lem-ni [u] a-a-bi [mu]-šem-ṣu-ú mal lìb-bi


[dINANNA] SAG-ti DINGIR.MEŠ [be-lit te-še]-e mu-šèr-ri-ḫat MURUB₄.MEŠ-te


[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL].MEŠ mu-ut-tab-bi-[lu-ut AN-e KI]-ti ša ti-bu-šu-nu GIŠ.LAL ù šá-áš-mu

(7) [the great gods], the managers of [heaven and netherworld], whose attack means conflict and strife, [who make great the kingship of Tiglath]-pileser (I), the beloved ruler, your select one, the attentive shepherd [whom] you chose [in the steadfastness of] your [hearts]; upon him you set the exalted crown, you grandly established him for kingship over the land of the god Enlil, to him you granted leadership (and) valor, [you] pronounced [forever his destiny of dominion as powerful] and (the destiny) of his priestly progeny for service in Eḫursagkurkurra.


[mu-šèr-bu-ú šar-ru-ut mGIŠ.tukul-ti]-IBILA-é-šár-ra NUN-e na-ra-me bi-bíl lìb-bi-ku-un


SIPA-ia na-a-du [ša i-na ke-e-ni lìb-bi-ku]-un tu-ta-a-šu a-ga-a [ṣi]-ra tu-up-pi-ra-šu a-na MAN-ut KUR dEN.LÍL GAL- tu-kín-na-šu a-ša-re-du-ta qar-du-ta ta-qi-ša-šu


[ši-ma-at EN-ti-šu a-na kiš-šu-te] ù NUMUN SANGA-ti-šu a-na man-za-az é-ḫur-sag-kur-kur-ra [a-na da-riš taš]-qu-ra


mGIŠ.tukul-ti-IBILA-é-[šár-ra LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KIŠ la-a šá-na-an] MAN kúl-lat kib-rat 4-i MAN mal-ki.[MEŠ ...]

(11) Tiglath-pile[ser (I), strong king, unrivalled king of the world], king of all four quarters (of the world), king of all of the rulers [...], the attentive purification priest [to whom, by command of the god Šamaš, the holy scepter] was given and who [had] complete [authority over] the people, subjects [of the god Enlil, the faithful] shepherd whose name was called [over the rulers], the exalted bishop [whose weapons the god Aššur has] sharpened and whose [name] he has pronounced eternally [for control of the four quarters (of the world)], capturer [of distant districts to] borders above and [below, the radiant day] whose brilliance overwhelms the regions, [that splendid flame that covers the hostile land] like a rain [storm and], by the command of the god Enlil, [(having no rival) defeats the enemy of the god Aššur];


i-šip-pu na--[du šá i-na si-qir dUTU GIŠ.GIDRU -tu] na-ad-na-ta-šúm-ma UN.MEŠ bu-ʾu-[lat dEN.LÍL ul-taš-pi-ru]


gi-mir-ta SIPA-iu [ke-e-nu UGU ma-li]-ki -bu-ú šà-tam-mu ṣi-ru [ša da-šur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu]


[ú]-ša-ʾì(ḪI)-lu-ma [a-na mu-ʾu-ru-ut kib-rat 4-i MU]-šu a-na da-riš -qu-ru ṣa-bit [pu-lu-gi -su-te]


[ša] ZAG.ZAG e-liš ù [šap-liš u₄-mu -par₅-du-ú ša me]-lam-mu-šu UB.MEŠ ú-[saḫ]-ḫa-pu [nab-lu šur-ru-ḫu]


[ša ki]-ma ti-iq [ri-iḫ-ṣi a-na KUR nu-kúr-te šuz*-nu-nu-ma] i-na si-qir dEN.LÍL [...]


[... da]-šur A mu-[ták-kil-dnusku ...]

(17) [Son of Aššur-rēša-iši (I), king of the world, king of Ass]yria, son of Mu[takkil-Nusku, (who was) also king of the world (and) king of Assyria].


[...] a-bi-ia i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur EN-ia 12 LIM ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ KUR.muš-ki.MEŠ DAGAL.MEŠ

(18) [...], my father, with the support of the god Aššur, my lord, [I defeated] 12,000 troops of the wide land Musku. I uprooted [the remaining] troops (and) brought (them) down into my land. I became lord of [the land Musku in its entirety] (and) I added (it) to the borders of my land.


[ak-šud (...) si-te-et ERIM].MEŠ-te-šu-nu as-su-ḫa a-na -reb KUR-ti-ia ú-še-ri-da


[... a]-pél a-na mi-ṣir KUR-ti-ia ú-te-er


[... la-a ma]-gi-ri ú-šék-niš 4 LIM KUR.ú-ru-ma-a-ia.MEŠ

(21) I made [the rebellious and] insubmissive [people of the land Subartu (Šubartu)] bow down. I took 4,000 people of the lands Urume (and) Abešlu, [insubmissive] troops of Ḫatti, (and) counted them as people of my [land].


KUR.a---la-a-ia.MEŠ ERIM.MEŠ KUR.ḫa-te-e [la-a ka-ni-še] al-qa-a a-na UN.MEŠ [KUR-ti]-ia am-nu


KUR.lu-lu-mi-i a-na si-ḫír-ti-ša ak-šud 25 DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu [ana ...]

(23) I conquered the land Lullumê in its entirety. I gave twenty-five of their gods [to the deities Mullissu, Anu, Adad, and the Assyrian Ištar], the gods of my city, Aššur, and the goddesses of my land. I gave [their] property to the god Adad, my lord.


[diš₈-tár -šu-ri]-te DINGIR.MEŠ-ni ša URU-ia da-šur ù dINANNA.MEŠ ša KUR-ti-ia a-qiš NÍG.GA-[šu-nu] a-na dIŠKUR EN-ia áš-ru-uk


[i-na GIŠ.tukul-ti da-šur] EN-ia KUR.KUR.na-i-ri DAGAL.MEŠ -tu KUR.tum₄-me a-di KUR.da-ia-e-ni

(25) [With the support of the god Aššur], my lord, I conquered the wide Naʾiri lands from the land Tumme to the land Daiaeni and the Upper Sea [of the Setting Sun]. I made thirty of their kings bow down at [m]y fe[et]. Like oxen, I attached to their noses ropes (and) took them to my city, [Aššur]. I took [hostages from them]. I imposed upon them tribute and impost.


ù A.AB.BA e-le-ni-te [ša SILIM-mu dšam-ši? ak]-šud 30 LUGAL.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu a-na GÌR.[MEŠ]-ia ú-šék-niš i-na ap-pi-šu-nu


ki-ma GU₄ ṣer-re-ta at-ta-di a-na URU-ia [da-šur] al-qa-šu-nu li-[ṭi-šu-nu] aṣ-bat GUN ù ta-mar-ta UGU-šu-nu ú-kín


[aḫ-la-mi-i-KUR.ar-ma-a-ia].MEŠ -tu tar-[ṣi KUR.su-ḫi] a-di URU.kar-ga-miš ša KUR.ḫa-at-te i-na 1 u₄-me aḫ-bu-ut EGIR-šu-nu i-na GIŠ..MEŠ

(28) I plundered in a single day [the Aḫlamû-Arameans] from the border [of the land Sūḫu] to the city Carchemish of the land Ḫatti. I crossed the Euphrates River after them in rafts (made of inflated) goatskins. I conquered six of [their] cities [at the foot of Mount] Bisuru (Bešri). I brought their booty, possessions, and goods to my city, Aššur.


[ša] KUŠ.DUḪ.ŠI.A ÍD.pu-rat-ta e-bir 6 URU.MEŠ-ni-[šu-nu ša GÌR.II KUR.]--ri ak-šud šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-šu-nu ù mar-ši-su-nu a-na URU-ia da-šur ub-la


[... KUR.qu-ma]-ni-i a-di KUR.-eḫ-ri ak-šud URU.ḫu-nu-sa

(30) I conquered [... the land Quman]î, as far as the land Meḫri. I overwhelmed the city Ḫunusa, [their fortified city], turned (it) into a ruin hill, and strewed ṣīpu-stones over it. [I ...], their large royal [city], like a flood [passed through] (and) turned (it) into a ruin hill. When the goddess Ištar [...] to my city, [Aššur. (As for) ...] the Kirmau, who reli[ed] upon force and violence, [(...)] I conquered it [with ...] and siege engines. [I ] 2,000 of their captives [...] (from) them. [I uprooted] 20,000 troops of the [wide] land Qum[anî, whom I had defeated], (and) brought (them) down [into] my land, above and below.


[... áš]-ḫu-up a-na DU₆ ù kar-mi ú-ter ù NA₄.MEŠ ṣi-pa i-na muḫ-ḫi-šu az-[ru]


[... URU] MAN-ti-šu-nu GAL-a a-bu-bi- [a-ba-ʾa] a-na DU₆ ù kar-me ú-ter-ru? i-nu-a dINANNA ta-[...]


[...] x a-na URU-ia d[a-šur ...] KIR-ma-ú ša a-na ši-ip-ṣi ù da-na-ni it-ka-[lu]


[(...) i-na ...] ù -pe-še ak-šu-su 2 LIM šal-la-su-[nu]


[...]-x-ik-šu-nu-ti 20 LIM ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ KUR.qu-ma-[ni-i]


[... as-su-ḫa a-na -reb] KUR-ti-ia e-liš ù šap-liš ú-še-[ri-da]


[...]-a GUN? [...]


[...] x [...]

(1') No translation warranted.


[...] tu da? [...]


[...]-nu at-tal-la-ku? [...] x a x [...]


[...] la-a x [...] x x x 40 GIŠ.x [...]


[... -tu e-ber-ta-an] ÍD.za-be-šu-pa-li-i a-di e-[ber-ta]-an? ÍD.pu-rat-te

(5') [Altogether], in [my] (first) ten regnal year[s, I conquered ... from the other side of] the Lower Zab to the other [side] of the Euphrates River, [the land Hatti, and the Upper Sea of the] Setting Sun. [I made them bow down to one authority], took [hostages from] them, (and) imposed upon [them] tribute and impost. [I] added [land to Assyria (and) people to my people]. I provided [them] with a secure abode.


[KUR.ḫa-at-te u A.AB.BA e-le-ni-te ša] SILIM-mu dšam-ši i-na 10 BALA.MEŠ-[ia] qa-ti [lu ik-šud]


[pa-a 1-en ú-še--kin-šu-nu-ti li-ṭi]-šu-nu aṣ-bat GUN ù ta-mar-ta UGU-[šu-nu] ú?-kín


[UGU KUR -šur ma-a-ta UGU UN.MEŠ-ša UN.MEŠ lu ú-rad]-di šub-ta -eḫ-ta ú-še-ši-ib-[šu-nu-ti]


[...] x É diš₈-tár [...]

(9') [...] the temple of the goddess Ištar [...]


[...] x x mi x [...]

(1'') [... I deposited my clay] and monumental inscriptions [(therein)].


[...] x-sa-a-tu x [...]


[...] ma-ḫa-ra ul x [...]


[...] x ù NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia [...]


[...] É.GAL-lum ši-i É ṣir-te? [...]-ša ú-šal-ba-ru-ma

(5'') [In the future, in days to come, may a future ruler, when] that palace, the exalted house, its [...] becomes old and [dilapidated], restore [its dilapidated section(s)]. May he see my clay and monumental inscriptions, [read about the might] of my lordly majesty that the gods Aššur [and] Ninurta gave to me, [may he anoint them with oil], make offerings, (and) return (them) to their places. [His name let him write with mine. (Then) like me], may [the gods Aššur and Ninurta] properly guide him [in joy] (and) success.


[e-na-ḫu NUN EGIR-ú an-ḫu-su lu]-ud-diš NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ-ia ù [te]-me-ni-ia li-mur-ma


[...] x EN-ti-ia ša? da-šur [u] dnin-urta a-na ši-rík-te


[... UDU].SISKUR liq-qi a-na áš-ri-šu-nu lu ú-te-er


[... ina ṭu-ub lib]-bi ù ka-šad er-nin-te DÙG.GA- li-it-tar-ru-šu


[... md]nin-urta-SUM-IBILA SUKKAL-ma <<GAL>> GAL-e

(10'') [Month ..., ...th day, eponymy of ..., the grand vizier, the son of] Ninurta-nādin-apli, (who was) also grand vizier.

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/riao/Q005927/.