Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē I

Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē I, son of Aššur-rabi I [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurrabii/index.html] was the sixty-sixth ruler of Assyria, according to the Assyrian King List [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/assyriankinglist/index.html#Mittani] (AKL). Unfortunately, the length of his reign is not known as it is either damaged or missing in the extant copies of the AKL (Nassouhi [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/nassouhilist/index.html], Khorsabad [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/khorsabadlist/index.html], and SDAS [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/sdaslist/index.html]), which records that his brother Enlil-nāṣir II [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/enlilnasirii/index.html] deposed him.

Two fragmentary inscriptions are written in the name of a Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē, but it is uncertain whether these should be ascribed to the first or second Assyrian king of that name; scholars generally assign them to Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē II [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurnadinahheii/index.html] (Grayson, RIMA 1, p. 105). There is a slight possibility that Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē I is referred to in a letter of Assur-uballiṭ I from El Amarna (Rainey 2015:130 letter 16) where an Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē is credited with initiating diplomatic relations with Egypt (Kühne 1973:77-78 n.387). This may have been difficult since Assyria would have been a vassal of Mittani at that time.


Grayson, A.K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 6 (1980-83), pp. 100-15.
Grayson, A.K. Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (to 1115 BC), (RIMA 1) 1987, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Kühne, C. Die Chronologie der internationalen Korrespondenz von El- Amarna, (AOAT 17) 1973, Neukirchen-Vluyn, Butzon and Bercker.
Rainey, A.F. The El-Amarna Correspondence: A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of all Extant Tablets, 2015, Leiden and Boston, Brill.

Yehonatan Hershkovitz

Yehonatan Hershkovitz, 'Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē I', The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo) Project, The RIAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2022 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurnadinahhei/]

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