Shalmaneser I 16

For the introduction see A.0.77.1
Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna
iii 1'1'

x [...]

(iii 1') In [the city Tarbiṣu, ...]. Moreover, (as for) its wall, [... for] the god Nergal, my lord, [...] I ... [...].

iii 2'2'

i-na [...]

iii 3'3'

ù BÀD?-šu x [...]

iii 4'4'

dU.GUR EN-ia? [...]

iii 5'5'

lu ú-ša-ši-x [x x x (x)]

iii 6'6'

É dINANNA NIN-ia [x x x (x)]

(iii 6') I renovated the temple of the goddess Ištar, my lady, [which (is) in the city Talmusu (Talmuššu). (As for) her] ziggurat, the holy shrine, the peaceful abode, I [built (it)] inside the city Talmusu for the goddess Ištar, the lady of the city Talmusu.

iii 7'7'

ú-di- si-qur-ra-[su? (x x)]

iii 8'8'

É el-la šu-bat -eḫ-ti [x (x)]

iii 9'9'

a-na dINANNA NIN URU.tal-mu-[še]

iii 10'10'

i-na -reb URU.tal-mu-še lu x [(x x)]

iii 11'11'

é-gašan-kalam-ma É dINANNA NIN[ba-il?]

(iii 11') I built Egašankalama, the temple of the goddess Ištar, lady of Ar[bela], my lady, and her ziggurat.

iii 12'12'

NIN-ia ù si-qur-ra-su e-pu-

iii 13'13'

si-qur-ra-ta GAL-ta a-na d-šur

(iii 13') (As for) the great ziggurat, I built (it) for the god Aššur, my lord, inside my city, Aššur.

iii 14'14'

EN-ia i-na -reb URU-ia d-šur

iii 15'15'

e-pu- É dIŠKUR šá URU.ka?-ḫat

(iii 15'b) I built the temple of the god Adad of the city Kaḫat and the god Adad of the city Isāna, my lords.

iii 16'16'

ù dIŠKUR ša URU.i-sa-ni EN.MEŠ-ia

iii 17'17'

lu-ú e-pu- ma-ḫa-zi

(iii 17'b) I made those cult centers (and) shrines better than before, built (them) from their foundations to their crenellations, (and) made them magnificent. Moreover, I deposited my commemorative inscription (inside them).

iii 18'18'

É.KUR.MEŠ ša-tu-nu el šá pa-na

iii 19'19'

ú-ša-te-er -tu -še-šu-nu

iii 20'20'

a-di gaba-dib-bi-šu-nu ab-ni

iii 21'21'

ta-ši-la-ti-šu-nu e-pu-

iii 22'22'

ù na-re-ia -ku-un

For the conclusion see A.0.77.1 lines 107ff.

Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (to 1115 BC) (RIMA 1), Toronto, 1987. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016) for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as