
According to the Assyrian King List [] (AKL), Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur, son of Aššur-dān I [], was the eighty-fourth ruler of Ashur. For information about the length of his reign, see introduction [] to his brother Mutakkil-Nusku.

The AKL records the that Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur was driven into exile in Babylonia by his brother Mutakkil-Nusku []. Before that, while Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur held authority over Assyria (possibly as regent), the statue of Marduk that Tukultī-Ninurta I [] had taken to Ashur was returned to Babylonia (Grayson 1975, 176: 12-13). That act presumably garnered him favor with the king of Babylon since that ruler wrote a few letters to the Assyrian king, possibly Mutakkil-Nusku, on his behalf while he was exile. The vindictive tone of these badly damaged pieces of royal correspondence suggests that the Babylonian king intended to install Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur as the king of Assyria (Grayson 1998-2001, 527). Those plans were never realised and Aššur-rēša-iši I [] became king when his father Mutakkil-Nusku died.


Grayson, A. K., Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles TCS 5 (1975).
Grayson, A. K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 6 (1980-1983), pp. 86-135.
Grayson, A. K., 'Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 9 (1998-2001), pp. 527.

Poppy Tushingham & Jamie Novotny

Poppy Tushingham & Jamie Novotny, 'Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur', The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo) Project, The RIAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2017 []

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