People, Gods & Places

These are the names that appear in the inscriptions. Unless otherwise noted, all of the names are of Akkadian or Sumerian origin. The forms of the names match those found in the project's QPN Glossary [] and, therefore, always appear without long vowels and usually according to their ancient (not modern) name.

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   Ŋ   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   Ṣ   Š   T   Ṭ   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   ~ 


Adad-apla-iddina (person)
King of Babylon PGP  (r. 1068-1047 BC). For further details, see this ruler's [] essentials page.
Akkad (place)
An ancient name for northern Babylonia.
Anu (deity)
The sky god, worshipped especially in Uruk. For further details, see this deity's [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Anunnaku (deity)
A collective name for the gods of the netherworld. For further details, see this group of gods' [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Aramu (people)
"Aramean": The people and Semitic language from the area of Aram.
Aššuru (people)
"Assyrian": The people of Assyria, the territory to the north of Babylonia. (Cf. also the Assyrian Empire [].)


Babili (place)
Ancient Babylon, the most important city of Babylonia, near the modern city of Hilla.
Baltil (place)
Another name for the city Aššur.


Dagan (deity)
A grain god from the eastern Mediterranean, also known as Dagon or Daguna. For further details, see this deity's [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Duranki (place)
"Bond of Heaven and Earth," another name for Nippur PGP .


Eanna (place)
"House of Heaven," the temple of the goddess Ištar PGP  in Uruk PGP .
Ekur (place)
"House, Mountain," the temple of Enlil PGP  in Nippur PGP .
Ekurigigal (place)
"House Mountain Endowed with Sight," a shrine of Enlil PGP  in Nippur PGP .
Enlil (deity)
Head of the Sumerian pantheon and one of the most important gods in Neo-Babylonian times. The western gate of the north wall of Babylon PGP  bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Eriba-Sin (person)
Father of Simbar-Šipak PGP .


Igigi (deity)
A collective name for the gods of heaven. For further details, see this group of gods' [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Ištar (deity)
Goddess of war, love and beauty who was worshipped in many Assyrian and Babylonian cities. The now-famous eastern gate of the north wall of Babylon PGP  (leading to/from the Ka-dingirra and New City districts) bears her name. For further details, see this deity's [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].


Kanisurra (deity)
A goddess at Uruk who is in the circle of Nanaya PGP .
Kaššu-nadin-ahhe (person)
King of Babylon PGP  (r. 1007-1005 BC). For further details, see this ruler's essentials page.


Luṣi-ana-nur-Irra (person)
Father of Rimut-Nabu PGP .


Marduk (deity)
The supreme god of Babylon PGP , where he was worshipped at the temple Esagil; father of the god Nabu and consort of the goddess Zarpanitu. The middle gate of the east wall of Babylon PGP  (leading to/from the Kullab district) bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [].
Marduk-šarrani (person)
A son of Rimut-Nabu PGP .


Nabu-kudurri-uṣur (person)
Nebuchadnezzar I, king of Babylon PGP  (r. 1125-1104 BC). For further details, see this ruler's [] essentials page.
Nanaya (deity)
A name of Ištar PGP  in her aspect as goddess of love.
Nippur (place)
A city of central Babylonia, near modern Nuffar.


Rimut-Nabu (person)
A lamentation priest.


Simbar-Šipak (person)
King of Babylon PGP  (r. 1025-1008 BC) with a Kassite name. For further details, see this ruler's essentials page.
Sin-leqe-unneni (person)
Ancestor of a large kin-group of kalûs ("lamentation priests") in early Hellenistic and Seleucid Uruk, including Rimut-Nabu PGP .
Sippar (place)
A northern Babylonian city, now Abu Habba.
Subartu (place)
A literary name for Assyria.
Sumer (place)
An ancient name for the south of Babylonia.
Sutu (people)
A nomadic people of the Syrian region.


Uruk (place)
A city in southern Babylonia, legendary home of the hero Gilgameš; Biblical Erech, modern Warka.
Utulu (deity)
A Babylonian deity.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'People, Gods & Places', RIBo, Babylon 3: The Inscriptions of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2016 []

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