Tiglath-pileser III 37


da-šur EN GAL-ú dEN.LÍL. DINGIR.MEŠ mu-šim NAM.MEŠ1

(1) The god Aššur, great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; the god Marduk, the one who formulates the designs of all of the lands, [...] ... [...]; the god Nabû, holder of the stylus (and) bearer of the tablet of des[tinies of the gods], the one who reviews ...; the god Šamaš, king of heaven (and) netherworld, creator of the black-headed, [...] of humanity; (5) [the god Sîn], bright (celestial) light, the one who gives scepter (and) crow[n] (to the king), the one who establishes lordship; the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven (and) earth, the one who heaps [up abu]ndance (and) [pl]enty, the one who provides ple[nty; the god] Ea, [lord of] wisdom, the one who forms everything th[ere is] (and) who makes (its) creatu[re](s) beautiful; [the goddess Ištar], lady of battle (and) war, the lady who loves [the king, her] favor[ite], the one who subdues recalcitr[ant (adversaries); the Sebet]ti, very powerful lords who march ahead of my troops (and) strike down [my] en[emies; (10) the god] Amurru, who carries the curved staff (and) the bucket; the god Sumuqan, the one who sets straight [...]; (they are) the great god[s] who live in heaven (and) netherworld, es[tabli]sh my priestly office, guard [my kingship, ...]:


dAMAR.UTU muš-te-šir ú-ṣu?-rat ka-la KUR.KUR [...] x x x [...]2


dAG ta-mi-iḫ GI.DUB.BA-e na-ši DUB ši-[mat DINGIR.MEŠ] a-ši-ru x x x


dUTU MAN AN-e KI-tim -ú ṣal-mat SAG.DU [...] ab-ra-a-ti


[d30] na-an-na-ru nam-ru na-din GIŠ.GIDRU a-ge-[e] mu-kin be-lu-ti


dIŠKUR .GAL AN-e KI-tim mu-kám-[mir ṭuḫ]-di [ḪÉ].GÁL mu-ṭaḫ-ḫi-du nu-[uḫ-ši]3


[d]é-a [EN] -me-qi pa-tiq kul-lat mim-[ma šum-šú] mu-ban-ni-u nab-ni-[ti]


[d15] be-let MURUB₄ ? GAŠAN ra-i-mat [MAN] mi-ig-[ri-ša] mu-kan-ni-šat šap-ṣu-[ti]4


d[7].BI EN.MEŠ geš-ru-ti a-li-kut pa-an ERIM.ḪI.<A>-ia mu-šam-qi- a-[a-bi-ia]5


[d]MAR.TU na-ši gam- GIŠ.BA.AN.DU₈.DU₈ dŠÁKKAN muš-te-šìr [...]6


DINGIR.[MEŠ] GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-tu AN-e KI-tim mu-[kin]-nu? SANGA-ti-ia na-ṣi-ru [LUGAL-ti-ia ...]


MU.SAR? mtukul-ti-A-é-šár-ra MAN kib-rat LÍMMU-ti GAR dBAD NUN SANGA -šur? ni-šit IGI.II [... ša]7

(12) Inscription of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of the four quarters (of the world), the one appointed by the god Enlil, the prince, the priest of (the god) Aššur, the one chosen by [..., ..., whose] deeds [the god]s love and whose priestly services they re[qu]ire, ... [...] ... [...] ..., who crushes mighty mountains like potsherds, ... [...] ... [...] (15) the inhabitants, (and) who [...] from the Upper Sea of the Setting Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Su[n].


[DINGIR].MEŠ ep-še-su i-ra-mu-ma iḫ-[šu]-ḫu SANGA-su ir-ḫi? x x x [...] x IR x [...]


BI? ḪI x LA x KUR.MEŠ dan-nu-ti GIM ḫaṣ-ba-ti ú-daq₆--qu x MU [...] NA MU x ZI MI? [...]


ad-na-ti šá TA tam-tim AN.TA šá šu-lum dUTU-ši EN tam-tim KI.TA šá KUR dUTU-[ši ...]8


ina 7-e BALA-ia KUR.ul-lu-ba-a-a a-šib pu-ut KUR -šur.KI ik-[pu-du] gul-[lul-tu]9

(16) In my seventh palû, the people of the land Ulluba, who live opposite Assyria, pl[anned] sin[ful deeds] in their heart(s). (As for those people) who [did not pull] the yoke of the kings who came [before] (me), my [ancestors], (and) who had not regularly done obeisance to them their cities [...]. (As for) the Aḫlamû (that is, the people of the land Ulluba), the ones who do not bring gifts (and) who do not recognize [authority, ... (20) ...] they were over-confident, roamed about like deer (and) ibexes in the mountains, (and) [to]ok [...] they planned evil, spoke [bel]ligerently against Assyria, and [(continuously) commit]ted [...] ... [...] ... they brought [... to] their aid. [...].


ka-ra-su-un šá a-na MAN.MEŠ-ni a-li-kut pa-a-ni maḫ-[ru-ti AD.MEŠ]-ia [la i-šu-ṭu]10


ab-šá-nu la i-te-pu-šu ar-du-su-un URU.MEŠ-šu-nu [...]11


[].aḫ-la--e la ba-bíl IGI. la i-du-u [...] x [...]12


[...] lìb-bu ig-pu-šu-ma GIM a-a-li DÀRA ina KUR-e DU.MEŠ-ku [iṣ]-ba-tu [...]


[...] x ik-pu-du le-mu- [ze]-rat KUR -šur.KI id-bu-bu-ma [i-(te)]-pu-šu [...]


[...] NA (x) ŠÁ [...] AL KUR x [x a-na] kit?-ri-šu-nu ub-lu-ni [...]


[ana? KUR].ḫal-zi-NA₄.AD.BAR KUR na-bal-ku-tu [...] x DU LU [...]

(23) [I or]dered (my troops) to march (lit. “their march”) [to the land Ḫa]lzi-atbāri, a rebellious land, [...] ... [.... I took] the road to ... [... the land] Urarṭu, opposite [...]. (25) I ferociously (and) furiously entered the pass(es) of Mount Izza... [...]. Mount Ili[mmeru], [Mount] ...tadda, Mount Abia..., Mount Sirumi, Mount [...] ... [...] ...asi, ... [...]siza, the city Mama..., the city ..., [...] ..., the city [...] ... [...], the city [...] ... [...], the city [...], the city Qina..., the city Zaluaka, the city [...] ... of ... [... (30) ...], the city Sa...zabea, the city Ta...[..., ...] ..., the city ...ra, the city ... [...], the city Na..., the city Pa[...], the city Qurula, the city [..., the city ...]zālâ, the city Atuka, the city Siruka, the city Mini[...], the city [...], the city Gaurna, the village of ..., altogether twenty-nine cities of the [people of] the land Ullu[ba, ...] I overwhe[lmed] (them), carried off their booty, ... [...].


[aq]-ta-bi a-lak-šu-un KASKAL A (x) ŠU [...] x x [... KUR].URI SAG [...]


ez-zi- šam-riš ina -reb šá KUR.iz-za-x [...] KU₄?-ub KUR.i-li-[me-ru]


[KUR].x-ta-ad-da KUR.a-bi-a-x KUR.si?-ru-mi? KUR.[...] x [...]13


[...] x-a-si x [...]-si-za URU.ma-ma-x URU.x x [...] x URU.[...]


[...] x [...] URU.[...] x [...] URU.[...]


[...] URU.qi?-na-x URU.za-lu-a-ka URU.[...] x šá x [...]


[...] URU.sa-x-za-be-a URU.ta-x [...] x URU.x-ra URU.x [...]


[...] URU.na-x-x URU.pa?-[...] URU.qu-ru-la URU.[...]


[...]-za-a-la-a URU.a-tu-ka URU.si-ru-ka URU.mi-ni-[...] URU.[...]


URU.ga-ur-na URU.ŠE.SAG.MEŠ PAP 29 URU.MEŠ-ni šá KUR.ul-lu-[ba-a-a ...]14


[...] x x x as-ḫu-[up] šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la ad-[...]


[UN.MEŠ] šá URU.MEŠ šu-a--nu šá KUR.ul-[lu]-ba-a-a šá TA pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia [...]15

(35) [The people] of those cities of the land Ul[lu]ba, who [had fled] before my weapons [...], they took (refuge) [in ..., which] is situated in the difficult terrain of Mount Ilimmeru. I sur[rounded ...] ... like a ring and streng[thened ...]. They saw [...] and the terrifying radiance of (the god) Ašš[ur, my lord], overwhelmed [th]em, and fe[ar] of [...] ... of their troops, together with their possessions, [which they took (with them) into] the difficult mountain terrain, [...] (40) which they took as their stro[ng]hold they (the frightened people of the land Ulluba) saw their captives and [...; ...] took hold of them and they were frightened by my weapons. [...] I carried off [...] ... [...] ..., with their possessions. Inside [...] I counted [...].


[...] ina mar-ṣa-at KUR.i-li-me-ru na-da-a-ta iṣ-ba- [...]16


[...]-ni-i GIM kip-pa-ti al-[me]-ma u-dan-[nin ...]


e-mu-ru-ma? na-mur-rat -šur [EN-ia] is-ḫup-[šú]-nu-ti-ma ḫur-[ba]-šú [...]


[x] x šá ERIM-šu-nu a-di mar-ši-ti-šu-nu [šá ana] mar-ṣa-at KUR-e x [...]17


šá a-na dan-[nu]-ti-šu-nu iṣ-ba- šal-la-su-nu e-mu-ru-ma [...]


iṣ-ba-su-nu-ti-ma e-du-ru GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia [...] x x [...]


ŠÁ LA MA ME? E KUR KI? ṢI it-ti mar-ši-ti-šu-nu-ma áš-lu-la ina -reb [...]


a-na mi-[nu]-ti am-nu URU.MEŠ šu-a--nu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šu-un [a-na -šu-ti]

(43b) I [re]organized those cities in their entirety (and) settled therein the people of (foreign) lands conquered by me. [I placed] a eunuch [of mine as provincial governor over them] (and thereby) I annexed those (areas) [to] Assyria.


aṣ-bat UN.MEŠ ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-a-a ina lìb-bi u-še-šib .šu-ut SAG-[ia .EN.NAM UGU-šu-nu áš-kun a-na]18


KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-šu-nu-ti ú-še-piš NA₄.NA..A ina KUR.i-[li-me-ru (...)]

(45b) I had a monument made on Mount I[limmeru (...)], had my royal image engraved on it, and made (it) [stand] (there) forever.


ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia ina qer-bi-šá ab-ni-ma a-na ṣa-at u₄-me [ul-ziz šá ...]19

(46b) [(As for) the one who ...], obliterates its text or alters [its] in[scription, ...], destroys (it), er[as]es (it), or smashes (it) with stone, [...], or covers (it) with earth, may the great gods who live in heaven (and) nether[world, all of those] (50) whose names are invoked [in] this [inscription], remove [his] throne, [overthrow his dynasty], (and) turn his land into mounds of ruins (lit. “mounds [and] ruins”).


šiṭ-re-e-šu ú-pa-ša-ṭu-ma ú-na-ka-ru mu-[šá-ra-a-šu ...]


ú-ḫal-la-qu ú-pa-[sa]-su lu ina ab-ni ú-daq₆-qa-qu [...]


lu ina SAḪAR DUL-mu DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut AN-e KI-[tim ma-la i-na NA₄.NA.-e]20


ŠEŠ-e MU-šu-nu zak-ru GIŠ.GU.ZA-[šú] li-su-ḫu [BALA-šú lis-ki-pu?]21


KUR-su lu-ter-ru a-na DU₆ [u] kar-me [NUN EGIR-u]

(51b) May [a future ruler read aloud] this inscription, [wash (it) with water], anoint (it) with oil, (and) [make an offering]. (Then) those gods [will hear] his prayers!


NA₄.NA..A šú-a- líl-[ta-si-ma me-e li-ra-mi-ik-ma]


Ì.MEŠ lip-šu- [UDU.SISKUR liq-]


DINGIR.MEŠ [šu]-a-?-nu? ik-ri-bi-šu [i-šem-mu-u]

1The restoration of damaged text is essentially based on text no. 35 i 1–15, which parallels this passage.

2muš-te-šir ú-ṣu?-rat ka-la “the one who formulates the designs of all of”: The reading follows a suggestion of E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402).

3nu-[uḫ-ši] “ple[nty]”: Or -[re-ti] “sh[rines],” as suggested by E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402).

4? “battle”: This reading is required by context, as suggested by E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402), although the copied traces do not perfectly fit this reading of the sign. šap-ṣu-[ti] “recalcitr[ant]”: The reading follows a suggestion of Frahm (ibid.).

5a-[a-bi-ia] “[my] en[emies]”: The restoration follows a suggestion by E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402). It seems, however, that the traces in text no. 35 i 12 (end), which parallel this line, do not appear to correspond to a-a-bi-ia.

6dŠÁKKAN “the god Sumuqan”: Postgate’s copy has dŠÁKKAN? ZA, but ZA may actually be just damaged surface.

7MU.SAR?inscription”: The reading SAR? follows Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 112, although it does not perfectly match the traces copied by Postgate, which look more like GIŠ and two following horizontal wedges. It seems in any case unique that the royal name does not appear on its own after the invocation of the gods, but rather follows a word representing a commemorative monument, such as “stone monument” (narû), “inscription” (musarû), or “image” (ṣalmu), meaning “the monument/inscription/image of RN.” SANGA -šur?: See text no. 35 i 21.

8šá KUR dUTU-[ši ...] “of the Rising S[un]”: So instead of šá-x-na [...], as read in Tadmor, Tigl. III (p. 112).

9ik-[pu-du] gul-[lul-tu] “pl[anned] sin[ful deeds]”: The restoration is based on context.

10maḫ-[ru-ti AD.MEŠ]-ia [la i-šu-ṭu] “[who did not pull] (the yoke of kings who came) be[fore] (me), my [ancestors]”: The reading follows a suggestion of E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402).

11ar-du-su-un “their servitude”: Instead of IGI ur-du-su-un, as read by Tadmor in Tigl. III (p. 112). The new reading was suggested by E. Frahm (personal communication).

12IGI. “gifts”: Although these signs do not perfectly match the copy, the context seems to require this reading. la i-du-u [...] “who did not know [...]”: E. Frahm (personal communication) suggests restoring mi-tu-ti (“death”) after la i-du-u, as this expression appears in the earliest-known descriptions of Sennacherib’s first campaign; see Frahm, ISIMU 6 (2003) p. 135 line 14: .a-ra-mu la kan-šu ša la i-du-ú mi-tu-tum “insubmissive Arameans who did not know (fear of) death.”

13KUR.si?-ru-mi? “Mount Sirumi”: Or possibly KUR.si?-ru-ra? “Mount Sirura”; see Parpola, Toponyms p. 313 sub Sirura.

14URU.ŠE.SAG.MEŠ “The village of”: Or “principal villages” (URU.ŠE.<MEŠ> SAG.MEŠ). Otherwise, URU.ŠE.SAG.MEŠ may represent the name of a city.

15The exact sense of these fragmentary lines is not apparent. The translation of this passage remains tentative.

16na-da-a-ta “situated”: Apparently refers to the stronghold or fortress (birtu) that is to be restored at the end of line 35.

17šá? ana?that into”: The restoration is conjectural.

18The restoration is based on context.

19ul-ziz šá “I made (it) stand. The one who”: The restoration is based on context.

20The restoration of damaged text is based on text no. 35 iii 2´–10´; see Frahm, AfO 44/45 (1997–98) p. 402.

21lis-ki-pu?: The restoration is conjectural. Note that the parallel passage in text no. 35 iii 4 is also broken at this very point.

Created by Hayim Tadmor, Shigeo Yamada, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/rinap/Q003450/.