Index of Divine Names

A   B   D   E   H   I   K   L   M   N   S   Š   T   Z   Broken  

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Adad: 2 469; 7 155; 8 34, 42, 43; 9 59, 83, 84, 105; 19 1; 41 17; 43 62, 67, 77; 44 obv. 29, rev. 59; 45 obv. 13; 46 obv. 15; 47 obv. 12; 48 2´; 65 326; 65 14, 147, 160, 224, 230, 343; 73 19; 82 iii 7´, 4´´, viii 8´´´, 10´´´; 84 9´; 103 i 9; 107 7´; 111 12; 117 ii 39, 44; 2005 1; 2011 1. See also "The God Adad Is the One Who Maintains Its Prosperity" and "The God Adad Is the One Who Establishes My Prosperity."

Anu: 1 1, 5; 8 45; 9 10, 86, 87; 13 12; 41 7; 43 1, 6, 58, 69; 44 obv. 14; 65 147; 73 1; 76 1; 80 2; 88 4´; 117 i 20; 129 1, 6. See also "The God Anu Is the One Who Makes My Undertakings Successful."

Anunītu: 90 1.

Anunnakū: 89 obv. 1; 103 i 1.

Asari: 125 i 27. See also Marduk.

Aššur: 1 1, 2, 20, 54, 62, 73, 76, 81, 84, 99, 102, 108, 122, 150, 161, 164, 189, 200, 203, 205, 408, 453, 464; 2 92, 97, 193, 222, 232, 235, 237, 347, 348, 384, 396, 434, 440, 455, 467, 482, 483, 487, 495, 509, 510; 4 18´, 24´, 30´; 6 7´; 7 3, 28, 34, 40, 53, 55, 63, 70, 111, 124, 145, 154, 166, 167, 172, 187; 8 2, 8, 14, 20, 21, 47, 50, 54, 70, 85, 86; 9 3, 15, 90, 94; 10 6; 11 3, 44; 12 4, 24, 34; 13 18, 91, 123, 131; 14 29; 42 5; 43 1, 3, 71, 73, 77; 44 obv. 1, 4, rev. 59; 45 obv. 2, rev. 48, 50; 46 obv. 3; rev. 39; 47 rev. 25; 50 2; 57 Frgm. C 1; 63 i´ 15´, ii´ 9´, 15´, 21´; 64 13´, 21´; 65 1, 3, 13, 27, 60, 63, 68, 80, 92, 116, 121, 125, 127, 146, 148, 152, 156, 176, 220, 256, 310, 314, 346, 407, 415, 427; 67 1, 3, 8; 68 1; 69 1; 70 1; 73 1, 2; 74 i 6, 27, ii 14´, iii 45, iv 43, vi 22, 43, 82, vii 23; 76 1, 3, 13´, 24´; 82 iii 7´, 18´, 4´´, 5´´´, 13´´´, iv 10, v 9, 30´, 39´, 40´, 50´, 61´, vi 9´´´´´, vii 9´, 28´´, 35´´, 41´´, viii 8´´´, 10´´´; 83 ii´ 1; 84 3´; 87 17´; 88 6´; 89 obv. 1, 12, 19, bottom 23, rev. 30, 40, 43; 92 1; 95 2; 103 i 1, ii 5, iv 26, iv 48; 104 Frgm. B 4; 105 ii´ 13; 106 ii 16´, iii 3´, 11´, 13´; 108 Frgm. D 6´; 109 5´, 14´, 22´, 33´, 36´; 111 2, 31, 5´; 113 4´, 13´; 116 1, 13, 20, 46; 117 i 1, 4, 20, 22, ii 7, 15, 22, 23, 24, 26, 38, 41, 44, 68, 71, 72, 73; 129 1, 3; 1003 1´. See also "The God Aššur Is the One Who Prolongs the Reign of Its Royal Builder (and) Protects His Troops."

Aya: 118 1.


Bagbartu: 1 160; 7 76; 65 368, 385, 391, 423; 82 iv 54´, 4´´; 84 15´; 103 ii 40.

Bēl: 1 332, 372; 2 320, 321, 355, 367; 3 39´; 7 143; 43 59; 64 12´; 65 415; 87 16´; 103 iv 18. See also Marduk.

Bēlet-Arba-il (Lady of Arbela): 84 4´.

Bēlet-ilī: 8 46, 47; 9 89; 41 14; 43 70; 65 18, 23. See also "The Goddess Bēlet-Ilī Is the One Who Increases Its (Animals') Offspring."

Bēlet-Ninūa (Lady of Nineveh): 100 1.


Dagān: 1 1, 5; 9 10; 13 12; 41 8; 43 1, 6; 44 obv. 14; 76 1; 88 4´; 117 i 20; 129 1, 7.

Damkina: 130 1.

Daragal: 43 57.


Ea: 2 469; 7 155; 8 34, 46, 47; 9 58, 88, 89; 41 14, 17; 43 58, 62, 70; 44 obv. 29; 45 obv. 12; 46 obv. 14; 48 1´; 65 23; 84 9´; 111 12. See also "The God Ea Is the One Who Keeps Its Spring(s) in Good Order."

Enlil: 1 1; 267, 374; 2 296, 356, 489; 7 124, 140, 175; 8 30, 43, 44; 9 44, 84, 85; 41 1; 43 1, 45, 58, 60, 68; 44 obv. 1; 45 obv. 2; 46 obv. 2; 47 obv. 2; 50 2; 64 8´; 65 6, 9, 110, 112, 121, 316; 73 1, 5; 74 vii 46; 76 1; 80 2; 87 12´; 89 obv. 3, 13, rev. 34; 95 1; 103 iv 1; 113 25´; 117 i 19, i 26; 129 1; 1003 1´; 2009 12´. See also 8 46; 9 88; 43 70. See also "The God Enlil Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation Of My City."

Erra: 103 iv 71.


Ḫaldi: 1 153, 160; 7 76, 77; 65 279, 336, 340, 342, 347, 350, 367, 368, 385, 391, 398, 401, 408, 423; 82 iv 8´, 53´, 54´, 4´´; 84 15´; 103 ii 40.


Igīgū: 89 obv. 1; 103 i 1; 116 1; 117 i 1, ii 72; 2009 10´.

Inanna: 127 1; 128 1.

Ištar: 8 45, 46; 9 87, 88; 43 69; 65 160; 74 viii 25´, 10´´; 82 iii 7´, 4´´; 92 7, 8; 103 i 20; 108 Frgm. B i 2´; 116 7; 117 ii 39, 44; 125 i 1, 32, ii 7, 20; 2010 1. See also "The Goddess Ištar Is the One Who Makes Its People Flourish."


Karḫuḫa: 109 31´.

Kubāba: 109 31´.

Kulla: 8 32; 9 50; 43 58, 60; 125 ii 1.


Lugal-dingira: 43 53.


Magur: 65 318.

Marduk: 1 2, 149, 268, 272, 385, 408, 453; 2 297, 303, 347, 349, 364, 371, 384, 434, 467; 5 3´; 7 3, 111, 124, 141, 145, 154; 8 2, 21; 9 3; 10 6; 11 3; 12 5, 25; 13 92; 14 30; 42 5; 43 3; 44 obv. 4; 64 8´, 13´; 65 10, 13, 60, 92, 112, 148, 156, 310, 316, 317, 407; 72 A 5´; 73 2; 74 i 6, vi 43, vii 16, 23; 76 3; 81 1, 2; 82 vii 34´´; 83 ii´ 2, iii´ 10; 87 12´, 17´; 89 obv. 13; 92 2, 4, 8; 95 2, 3; 103 i 11, ii 5, iv 4, 26, 49; 111 2, 5´, 13´; 113 4´, 13´, 25´; 116 3, 13, 20; 117 i 5, 22, ii 22; 123 1, 21; 125 i 28, ii 12; 129 3; 2009 4´. See also Asari and Bēl.

Mullissu: 8 44; 9 85, 86; 43 68; 65 9. See also "The Goddess Mullissu Is the One Who Creates Abundance."

Mušda: 43 60.


Nabû: 1 373, 379, 385; 2 347, 349, 355, 360, 364, 368, 467, 469; 7 3, 111, 143, 145, 154, 155; 8 2, 21, 34; 9 3, 59; 10 6; 11 3; 12 5, 25; 13 92; 14 29; 22 1; 42 5; 43 59; 64 12´, 13´; 65 13, 156, 310, 317, 415; 74 i 6, vi 43, vii 16, 23; 83 ii´ 2, iii´ 10; 84 9´; 87 16´, 17´; 92 2, 4, 7, 8; 95 2, 3; 96 2; 99 1; 103 i 15, ii 5, iv 18, 26, 49; 111 2, 12, 5´; 113 4´, 13´; 116 4, 13, 20.

Nergal: 65 14, 417; 73 19; 117 ii 67; 2008 1.

Ninagal: 2 478; 7 163; 8 37; 9 71; 11 33; 13 111; 14 42.

Ningal: 8 34; 9 59; 20 1; 43 62; 44 rev. 59; 61 1.

Ninkura: 2008 6.

Ninmenanna: 43 48.

Ninšiku: 17 1; 43 58; 46 obv. 19; 65 7.

Ninurta: 2 469; 7 156; 8 34, 48; 9 59, 91; 16 1; 41 17; 43 62; 43 71; 44 obv. 29; 45 obv. 13; 46 obv. 15; 47 obv. 12; 48 2´; 65 6; 84 9´; 111 12. See also "The God Ninurta Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of the Wall for (All) Days to Come" and "The God Ninurta Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of His City for (All) Days to Come."

Ninzadim: 45 rev. 26; 2008 6.

Nisaba: 43 41; 65 208; 74 vii 68.

Nudimmud: 1 225; 2 261; 73 6; 82 i 7.


Sebetti: 49 1; 103 i 22; 108 Frgm. B i 4´.

Sigga: 43 53.

Sîn: 2 469; 7 155; 8 34; 9 59, 104; 18 1; 20 4; 41 17; 43 62; 43 57; 44 obv. 29; 45 obv. 13; 46 obv. 14; 47 obv. 11; 48 2´; 54 3; 55 2; 81 16; 82 iii 7´, 4´´; 84 6´, 9´; 103 i 3; 111 12; 116 5; 117 i 7, ii 38, ii 44.


Šamaš: 1 408; 2 384, 469; 3 3´; 7 155; 8 34, 42, 43; 9 59, 83, 84, 104; 41 17, 25; 43 43, 62, 67, 77; 44 obv. 29; 45 obv. 13; 46 obv. 15; 47 obv. 12; 48 2´; 54 4; 55 2; 63 ii´ 13´; 65 10, 13, 94, 112, 121, 148, 156, 310, 319, 416; 82 iii 7´, 4´´, 10´´´, vii 34´´; 84 9´; 103 i 6; 111 12; 116 6; 117 i 9, ii 38, 44; 119 1; 120 1. See also "The God Šamaš Is the One Who Makes Me Triumph."

Šarrat-Ninūa (Queen of Nineveh): 84 4´.

Šauška: 43 54.


Tašmētu: 1 373; 2 355, 368; 7 143; 64 12´; 74 vii 16; 83 iii´ 10; 87 16´; 103 iv 19.


Zarpanītu: 1 372; 2 355, 367; 7 143; 64 12´; 74 vii 16; 83 iii´ 10; 87 16´; 103 iv 18.

Broken Names

Uncertain (d[...]): 82 i 4, iii 20´, v 14´; 116 8.

Grant Frame

Grant Frame, 'Index of Divine Names', RINAP 2: Sargon II, Sargon II, The RINAP 2 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2021 []

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The RINAP 2 sub-project of the University of Pennsylvania-based RINAP Project, 2020-. The contents of RINAP 2 were prepared by Grant Frame for the University-of-Pennsylvania-based and National-Endowment-for-the-Humanities-funded Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, with the assistance of Joshua Jeffers and the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-21.
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