Sennacherib 037

o 1o 1

É.GAL mdEN.ZU-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-eri-ba

(1) Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), (and) favorite of the great gods:

o 22


o 33

LUGAL kib-rat LÍMMU-tim mi-gir DINGIR.MEŠ

o 44

GAL.MEŠ d-šur AD DINGIR.MEŠ i-na kul-lat

(4b) The god Aššur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all of the rulers and he made my weapons greater than (those of) all who sit on (royal) daises. He gave me a just scepter that widens borders (10) (and) he put in my hand a merciless rod to fell enemies. [He] made rulers of the four quarters (of the world), from east to west, bow down at my feet and they (now) pull my yoke.

o 55

ma-li-ki ke-niš ip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma

o 66

UGU gim-ri a-šib pa-rak-ki ú-šar-ba-a

o 77

GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia id-di-na GIŠ.GIDRU i-šar-

o 88

mu-rap-pi-šat mi-iṣ-ri ši-bir-ru

o 99

la pa-du-ú a-na šum-qut za-ʾi-ri

o 1010

ú-šat-me-eḫ rit-tu-ú-a ma-al-ki

o 1111

ša kib-ra-a-ti ar-ba-tim ul-tu ṣi-taš

o 1212

a-di šil-la-an še-pu-ú-a

o 1313

[ú]-šak-niš-ma i-šu-ṭu ab-šá-a-ni

o 1414

[...] ul-tu u₄-mu pa-ni ma--diš

(14) [The akītu-house which] from the very distant past [...] ...

o 1515

[...] IGI.II? ku lu





r 1'1'

[...] x [x] x a-a KUR u? BE1

(r 1') [...] ... [... the] Nergal [Gate], which is opposite [...] justice, who opens its gate.

r 2'2'

[... .GAL?] dU.GUR ša -eḫ-ret

r 3'3'

[...] mi-šá-ri pe-tu-ú ba-bu-šá

r 4'4'


(r 4') I built [E]šaḫulezenzagmukam, “House of Joy and Gladness for the Festival of the Beginning of the Year.”

r 5'5'

É ḫu-ud lib-bi ù ri-šá-a-ti

r 6'6'

ša i-sin-ni re- šat-ti lu ab-ni

r 7'7'

i-na u₄-mu i-sin-ni É á-ki-tim

(r 7') At the time of the festival of the akītu-house (New Year’s house), I celebrate annually [i]nside it with prayer and expressions of my humility (lit. “stroking my nose”) before god and goddess and for my [lord]ly pleasure.

r 8'8'

a-na ṣu-le-e ù la-ban ap-pi-ia

r 9'9'

ma-ḫar DINGIR ù DINGIR-tim ù mul-ta-ʾu-ti3

r 10'10'

[EN]-ti-ia šat-ti-šam-ma

r 11'11'

[i]-na qer-bi-šá ep-pu-šá ni-gu-tu

r 12'12'


(r 12') Month Araḫsamna (VIII), eleventh day, eponymy of Nabû-kēnu-uṣur (690).

1E. Frahm (NABU 2000 p. 76 no. 66) tentatively proposes reading this line as [ša dèr-ra mu]-šam?-qit? a-a-bu? MU?.BI? “(the gate), [wh]ose name is [‘The God Erra Is the One Who] Cuts Down the Enemy.’” Cf. the name of the Nergal Gate in text no. 15 vii 13´, text no. 16 vii 57, text no. 17 vii 89, and text no. 18 vii 26´b–27´a.

2In the Sumerian ceremonial name Ešaḫulezenzagmukam, -šà-ḫúl-le- stands for -šà-ḫúl-la-.

3mul-ta-ʾu-ti [EN]-ti-ia “my [lord]ly pleasure”: The reading follows Frahm, NABU 2000 p. 75 no. 66.

Created by A. Kirk Grayson, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2012. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2011. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as