Index of Divine Names

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Adad: 10 3; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 15 vii 11'; 16 vii 55; 17 vii 87; 18 v 22', vii 25'; 22 v 75; 23 v 64; 24 vi 1'; 36 obv. 7. See also Adad Gate.

Amurriqānu: See Igisigsig.

Anu: 10 3; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 18 vii 35'; 36 obv. 2.

Aššur: 1 4, 92, 93, 94; 2 4, 11, 20, 69, 70, 71; 3 4, 11, 20, 62, 63; 4 4, 9, 18, 34, 44, 91, 93, 94; 5 1', 2'; 7 5', 7', 8'; 8 4, 9, 17', 19', 20'; 9 4, 10; 10 3, 21, 23, 26, 27; 11 3; 12 3, 1'; 13 3; 15 i 14, 12', iii 13, 21', iv 15', vi 22, vii 31, viii 9'', 20'', 27''; 16 i 15, 49, ii 6, iii 10, 53, iv 38, vi 41, vii 40, viii 53, 65, 72; 17 i 11, 41, 78, ii 68, iii 16, 82, iv 89, vi 47, viii 66, 78, 86; 18 i 14'', iii 1', iv 7', v 6', 17', 22', 25', vii 14', viii 25'', 15''', 21'''; 22 i 10, 35, 65, ii 45, iii 1, 50, iv 54, v 11, 62, 72, 76, 78, vi 74, 79, 81; 23 i 9, 31, 59, ii 43, iii 1, 43, iv 47, v 4, 53, 61, 65, 67, vi 54, 59; 24 i 9; 27 ii 6; 31 i 10'; 34 3, 47, 67, 91; 35 rev. 44'; 36 obv. 1, rev. 21'; 37 obv. 4; 38 5. See also Aššur Gate.

Aya: 36 rev. 4'.


Bēl (Marduk): 18 v 6'; 22 v 32, v 63; 23 v 24, v 53.

Bēlet-balāṭi: 34 32.

Bēlet-ilī: 11 4; 12 4; 13 3.


Ea: 15 vii 19'; 16 vii 63; 17 vii 94; 18 vii 29'; 36 obv. 2.

Enlil: 1 66; 2 37; 3 37; 4 64; 15 v 30; 16 v 53, vii 44; 17 v 37, vii 77; 18 vi 6''', vii 17'; 36 obv. 2, 12.

Erra: 15 vii 13'; 16 vii 57; 17 vii 89; 18 vii 26'.

Ḫaya: 10 11, 16, 19.


Igisigsig (Amurriqānu): 15 vii 15'; 16 vii 59; 18 vii 31'.

Ištar: 1 63; 2 34, 44; 3 34, 44; 4 61, 71, 77, 78; 5 2'; 7 8'; 10 3, 26; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 15 v 19, 50, vi 13, 16, 22, vii 2', viii 27''; 16 v 42, 74, vi 30, 33, 41, vii 46, viii 72; 17 v 24, vi 47, viii 86; 18 viii 22'''; 22 vi 74, 79; 23 vi 54, 59; 36 obv. 13; 38 5.

Ištar of Arbela: 18 v 7'; 22 v 64; 23 v 54.

Ištar of Nineveh: 18 v 7'; 22 v 64; 23 v 54.


Kaššītu: 34 32.

Kurunnam: 34 32.


Lady of Nineveh: 36 rev. 5'.

Lady of the Rēš-Temple: 34 31.

Lady of Uruk: 34 31; 35 obv. 12'.


Mullissu: 34 91. See also Mullissu Gate.


Nabû: 18 v 6'; 22 v 63; 23 v 53; 36 obv. 10.

Nanāya: 34 31.

Nannāru: See "The Divine Nannāru Is the One Who Protects My Lordly Crown" (gate name).

Nergal: 10 3; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 17 vii 90; 18 v 7'; 22 v 63; 23 v 53.

Ninagal: 1 83; 2 60; 15 vi 63; 16 vi 76.

Ningal: 36 rev. 4'.

Ninkura: 17 vi 77.

Ninšiku: 17 vii 2; 34 77.

Ninurta: 36 obv. 12.


Palil: 34 32.


Sebitti: 36 obv. 14.

Sîn: 10 3; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 18 v 6'; 22 v 63; 23 v 53; 36 obv. 3, rev. 4'. See also Sîn Gate.


Šala: 24 vi 1'.

Šamaš: 10 3; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 18 v 6'; 22 v 63; 23 v 53; 35 obv. 11'; 36 obv. 5, 9, rev. 4'. See also Šamaš Gate.

Šamaš of Larsa: 34 31.

Šarur: See "The God Šarur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy" (gate name).


Uṣur-amāssa: 34 32.


Wagon Constellation: See "Make Sennacherib's Reign as Firm as the Position of the Wagon Constellation" (gate name).


Zababa: See Zababa Gate.

Zarpanītu: 22 v 32; 23 v 24.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'Index of Divine Names', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []

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