Bibliographical Abbreviations

AAA   Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology. Liverpool, 1908–48
Abel and Winckler, Keilschrifttexte   L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. Berlin, 1890
AfK   Archiv für Keilschriftforschung, vols. 1–2. Berlin, 1923–25
AfO   Archiv für Orientforschung, vol. 3– (vols. 1–2 = AfK). Berlin, Graz, and Horn, 1926–
AHw   W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, 3 vols. Wiesbaden, 1965–81
Analecta Biblica   Analecta Biblica. Rome, 1952–
ANET3   J.B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 3rd edition. Princeton, 1969
Animali   E. Cingano, A. Ghersetti, and L. Milano (eds.), Animali tra zoologia, mito e letteratura nella cultura classica e orientale. Venice, 2005
AnOr   Analecta Orientalia. Rome, 1931–
AnSt   Anatolian Studies. London, 1951–
AOAT   Alter Orient und Altes Testament. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Kevelaer, and Münster, 1968–
AoF   Altorientalische Forschungen. Berlin, 1974–
Arch.    Archaeologia. London, 1888–1966
ArOr   Archiv orientální: Journal of African and Asian Studies. Prague, 1946–
ARRIM   Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project. Toronto, 1983–91
Assyrian and Babylonian Literature   R.F. Harper (ed.), Assyrian and Babylonian Literature: Selected Translations. New York, 1901
AUSS   Andrews University Seminary Studies. Berrien Springs, MI, 1963–
Bär, AOAT 243   J. Bär, Der assyrische Tribut und seine Darstellung: Eine Untersuchung zur imperialen Ideologie im neuassyrischen Reich (=AOAT 243). Kevelaer and Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1996
Bagg, Assyrische Wasserbauten   A.M. Bagg, Assyrische Wasserbauten: Landwirtschaftliche Wasserbauten im Kernland Assyriens zwischen der 2. Hälfte des 2. und der 1. Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (=Bagh. For. 24). Mainz am Rhein, 2000
Bagg, Rép. Géogr. 7/1   A.M. Bagg, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der neuassyrischen Zeit, Teil 1: Die Levante (=Rép. Géogr. 7/1). Wiesbaden, 2007
Bagh. For.    Baghdader Forschungen. Mainz am Rhein, 1979–
BAR   The Biblical Archaeology Review. Washington, DC, 1975–
Barnett et al., Sculptures from the Southwest Palace   R.D. Barnett, E. Bleibtreu, and G. Turner, Sculptures from the Southwest Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh, 2 vols. London, 1998
Bauer, Lesestücke   T. Bauer, Akkadische Lesestücke, 3 vols. Rome, 1953
BBK   E. Ebeling (ed.), Berliner Beiträge zur Keilschriftforschung, 2 vols. Berlin, 1921–1925
Beaulieu, Cat.    P.-A. Beaulieu, Late Babylonian Texts in the Nies Babylonian Collection (=Catalogue of the Babylonian Collections at Yale 1). Bethesda, MD, 1994
Bezold, Cat.    C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, 5 vols. London, 1889–1899
Biainili-Urartu   S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf, and P. Zimansky, Biainili-Urartu: The Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Munich 12–14 October 2007 / Tagungsbericht des Münchner Symposiums 12.–14. Oktober 2007 (=Acta Iranica 51). Leuven, 2012
BiAr   The Bibilcal Archaeolist, New Haven, 1938
BiOr   Bibliotheca Orientalis. Leiden, 1943–
BM Guide   British Museum. A Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities, 3rd edition. London, 1922
Böhl, Chrestomathy   F.M.T. Böhl, Akkadian Chrestomathy Volume 1: Selected Cuneiform Texts. Leiden, 1947
Böhl, MLVS   F.M.T. Böhl, Mededeelingen uit de Leidsche verzameling van spijkerschrift-inscripties, 3 vols. Amsterdam, 1933–36
Börker-Klähn, Bildstelen   J. Börker-Klähn, Altvorderasiatische Bildstelen und vergleichbare Felsreliefs (=Bagh. For. 4). Mainz am Rhein, 1982
Borger, Asarh.    R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Königs von Assyrien (=AfO Beiheft 9). Graz, 1956
Borger, BAL   R. Borger, Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke, 3 vols. Rome, 1963
Borger, BAL2   R. Borger, Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestücke, 2nd edition, 2 vols (=AnOr 54). Rome, 1979
Borger, BIWA   R. Borger, Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals: Die Prismenklassen A, B, C = K, D, E, F, G, H, J und T sowie andere Inschriften. Wiesbaden, 1996
Borger, HKL   R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur, 3 vols. Berlin, 1967–75
Borger, MZ   R. Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (=AOAT 305). Münster, 2004
Borger, WAO2   R. Borger et al., Die Welt des Alten Orients. Keilschrift – Grabungen – Gelehrte, 2nd edition. Göttingen, 1975
C. Breasted, Pioneer to the Past   C. Breasted, Pioneer to the Past: The Story of James Henry Breasted, Archaeologist. New York, 1943
C. Breasted, Vom Tal der Könige   C. Breasted, Vom Tal der Könige zu den Toren Babylons: Der Lebensbericht des Ägyptenforschers James Henry Breasted. Stuttgart, 1950
Brinkman, PKB   J.A. Brinkman, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia, 1158–722 B.C. (=AnOr 43). Rome, 1963
Brinkman, Prelude   J.A. Brinkman, Prelude to Empire: Babylonian Society and Politics, 747–626 BC (=Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 7). Philadelphia, 1984
Budge, By Nile and Tigris   E.A.W. Budge, By Nile and Tigris, A Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on Behalf of the British Museum Between the Years 1886 and 1913, 2 vols. London, 1920
Burstein, SANE 1/5   S.M. Burstein, The Babyloniaca of Berossus (=Sources from the Ancient Near East 1/5). Malibu, 1978
CAD   The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 21 vols. Chicago, 1956–2011
CAH2 3/1   J. Boardman et al. (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd edition, vol. 3, part 1: The Prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean World, Tenth to Eighth Centuries B.C. Cambridge, 1982
CAH2 3/2   J. Boardman et al. (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd edition, vol. 3, part 2: The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and Other States of the Near East, from the Eighth to the Sixth Centuries B.C. Cambridge, 1991
CANE   J.M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, 4 vols. New York, 1995
CDA   J. Black, A. George, and N. Postgate (eds.), A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. Wiesbaden, 1999
Chavalas, ANE   M.W. Chavalas (ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. Oxford, 2006
Chavalas and Younger, Mesopotamia and the Bible   M.W. Chavalas and K.L. Younger, Jr., Mesopotamia and the Bible: Comparative Explorations (=Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 341). New York, 2002
Cogan, Raging Torrent   M. Cogan, The Raging Torrent. Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient Israel. Jerusalem, 2008
COS 2   W.W. Hallo (ed.), The Context of Scripture, Volume 2: Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World. Leiden, 2000
CRRA   Compte Rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. [various locations], 1950–
CRRA 30   K.R. Veenhof (ed.), Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Papers read at the 30e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Leiden, 4–8 July 1983 (=Publications de l'Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul 62). Leiden, 1986
CRRA 38   D. Charpin and F. Joannès (eds.), La Circulation des Biens, des Personnes et des Idées dans le Proche-Orient Ancien: Actes de la XXXVIIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 8–10 juillet 1991). Paris, 1992
CT   Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. London, 1896–
Cuneiform Culture   K. Radner and E. Robson, The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford and New York, 2011
Curtis, Bronzeworking   J. Curtis (ed.), Bronzeworking Centres of Western Asia c. 1000-539 B.C. London, 1988
Curtis and Reade, Art and Empire   J.E. Curtis and J.E. Reade (eds.), Art and Empire: Treasures from Assyria in the British Museum. London, 1995
Delitzsch, AL5   F. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestücke mit den Elementen der Grammatik und vollständigem Glossar, 5th edition (=Assyriologische Bibliothek 16). Leipzig, 1912
Dercksen, Trade and Finance   J.G. Dercksen (ed.), Trade and Finance in Ancient Mesopotamia: Proceedings of the First MOS Symposium (Leiden 1997) (=MOS Studies 1). Leiden, 1999
Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA   V. Donbaz and A.K. Grayson, Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur Now in Istanbul (=RIMS 1). Toronto, 1984
DOTT   D. Winton Thomas (ed.), Documents from Old Testament Times. Edinburgh, 1958
Durand, Doc. Cun. 1   J.-M. Durand, Documents Cunéiformes de la IVe Section de l'École pratique des Hautes Études, tome I: Catalogue et copies cunéiformes. Paris, 1982
Ebeling, BBK 1/2   E. Ebeling, Ein Bericht Sanheribs über seinen I. Feldzug (=BBK 1/2). Berlin, 1922
Engel, Dämonen   B.J. Engel, Darstellungen von Dämonen und Tieren in assyrischen Palästen und Tempeln nach den schriftlichen Quellen. Mönchengladbach, 1987
Ephʿal, Arabs   I. Ephʿal, The Ancient Arabs: Nomads on the Borders of the Fertile Crescent 9th–5th Centuries B.C. Jerusalem, 1982
Ephʿal, City Besieged   I. Ephʿal, The City Besieged: Siege and Its Manifestations in the Ancient Near East (=Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 36). Leiden and Boston, 2009
Fales, ARIN   F.M. Fales (ed.), Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons in Literary, Ideological, and Historical Analysis. Rome, 1981
Fales, Guerre   F.M. Fales, Guerre et Paix en Assyrie: Religion et Impérialisme. Paris, 2010
Fifth International Congress of Economic History   H. van der Wee, V.A. Vinogradov, and G.G. Kotovsky (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Economic History, Leningrad, 1970. Moscow, 1970
Finkel and Civil, MSL 16   I.L. Finkel and M. Civil, The Series SIG7.ALAM = Nabnītu (=Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon 16). Rome, 1982
Forrer, Provinz.    E. Forrer, Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches, Leipzig, 1920
Frahm, KAL 3   E. Frahm, Historische und historisch-literarische Texte (=Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts 3). Wiesbaden, 2009
Frahm, Sanherib    E. Frahm, Einleitung in die Sanherib-Inschriften (=AfO Beiheft 26). Vienna and Horn, 1997
Frame, Babylonia   G. Frame, Babylonia 689–627 B.C.: A Political History. Leiden, 1992
Frame, RIMB 2   G. Frame, Rulers of Babylonia from the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157–612 BC) (=RIMB 2). Toronto, 1995
Frayne, RIME 1   D.R. Frayne, Pre-Sargonic Period (2700–2350 BC) (=RIME 1). Toronto, 2008
Freedman, St. Louis   R.D. Freedman, The Cuneiform Tablets in St. Louis. PhD dissertation, Columbia University, 1975
Fuchs, Khorsabad   A. Fuchs, Die Inschriften Sargons II. aus Khorsabad. Göttingen, 1993
Gadd, Stones   C.J. Gadd, The Stones of Assyria: The Surviving Remains of Assyrian Sculpture, Their Discover and Their Original Positions. London, 1936
Gallagher, Sennacherib's Third Campaign   W.R. Gallagher, Sennacherib's Campaign to Judah: New Studies (=Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East 18). Leiden, Boston, and Köln, 1999
Galling, Textbuch2   K. Galling (ed.), Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels. 2nd edition. Tübingen, 1968
Genge, Stelen   H. Genge, Stelen neuassyrischer Könige, Teil I, Die Keilinschriften. PhD dissertation, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1965
Gilgameš and the World of Assyria   J. Azize and N. Weeks (eds.), Gilgameš and the World of Assyria: Proceedings of the Conference held at Mandelbaum House, The University of Sydney, 21–23 July 2004 (=Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 21). Leuven, Paris, and Dudley, MA, 2007
Glassner, Chronicles   J.-J. Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles (=Writings from the Ancient World 19). Atlanta, 2004
Gonçalves, L'Expédition de Sennachérib   F.J. Gonçalves, L'Expédition de Sennachérib en Palestine dans la littérature hébraïque ancienne (=Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 34). Louvain, 1986
Grayson, Chronicles   A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (=Texts from Cuneiform Sources 5). Locust Valley, NY, 1975
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Gressmann, ATAT2   H. Gressmann (ed.), Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament, 2nd edition. Berlin and Leipzig, 1926
Gressmann, ATBAT   H. Gressmann (ed.), Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum Alten Testamente. Tübingen, 1909
Grollenberg, Bildatlas zur Bibel   L.H. Grollenberg, Bildatlas zur Bibel, 3rd edition. Gütersloh, 1959
Gurney, STT 2   O.R. Gurney and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets, vol. 2. London, 1964
Helsinki Atlas   S. Parpola and M. Porter, The Helsinki Atlas of the Near East in the Neo-Assyrian Period. Helsinki, 2001
Herodotus, Hist.   Herodotus, Historiae.
History, Historiography and Interpretation   H. Tadmor and M. Weinfeld (eds.), History, Historiography and Interpretation: Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform Literatures. Jerusalem, 1983
Holloway, Aššur is King   S.W. Holloway, Aššur is King! Aššur is King!: Religion in the Exercise of Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (=Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 10). Boston and Leiden, 2002
Hooker, Reading the Past   J.T. Hooker, Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet. London, 1990
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Howgego, Coins   C.J. Howgego, Ancient History from Coins. New York, 1995
HSAO 6   H. Waetzoldt and H. Hauptmann (eds.), Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten. XXXIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Heidelberg 6.–10. Juli 1992 (=Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient 6). Heidelberg, 1997
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A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Bibliographical Abbreviations', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []

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