Military Campaigns

Several inscriptions edited in this volume include accounts of Sennacherib's victories on the battlefield. Since all of these campaigns were briefly discussed in Part 1 (pp. 9–16), there is no reason to include that information here. However, the authors feel that it is necessary to provide a few tables for easy reference. Only texts preserving military narration are included. Details on the military campaigns narrated in the texts edited in this volume are presented in Tables 1a–b below. For the dates and targets of Sennacherib's various campaigns, see Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/1 p. 10 Table 1.

Table 1a: Military Campaigns Narrated in Texts on Human-Headed Colossi, Stone Blocks (from Jerwan), Cliff Faces, and Stone Tablets

Campaign 42   44 45   46 222   223   228   230   231  
1   3b–4, 6   7b–11a, 13b–15a   [...]   3b–9a   —   —   Frgms. A–E   —   7b–11  
2   7a   15b–16   [...]   9b–17   —   —   Frgms. F–I   —   [...]  
3   7b–11a   17–22a   1'–6'   18–32   —   —   ([...])   —   [...]  
4   5   11b–13a   [...]   33–37a   —   —   ([...])   —   [...]  
5   11b–12a   22b–23   [...]   37b–47   12–48a   —   ([...])   —   [...]  
Year 696   —   24a   ([...])   —   —   —   ([...])   —   ([...])  
Year 695   —   24b–25a   ([...])   —   —   —   ([...])   —   ([...])  
6   —   25b–32a   ([...])   48–102a   —   —   ([...])   16b–19a   [...]  
7   —   —   —   —   —   —   ([...])   19b–49a?   [...]  
8   —   —   —   —   —   34b–43a   ([...])   11b–16a, 49b?–112   [...]  
Babylon 689   —   —   —   —   —   43b–54a   ([...])   —   ([...])  
Arabia   —   —   —   —   —   —   ([...])   —   ([...])  

Table 1b: Military Campaigns Narrated in Texts on Clay Tablets, Prisms, and Cylinders[44]

Campaign   135   136–139   140–141   142   143–145   146–148   164   165   213  
1   3b–5   137 i 3'–10', 138 i 1'–22'   [...]   [...]   [...]   [(...)]   Y   i 29–64   5–61  
2   ([...])   138 i 23'–29', 139 i' 1'–10'   140 obv. 1'–14'   [...]   [...]   [(...)]   Y   ii 1–ii 53   —  
3   ([...])   [...]   140 obv. 15'–rev. 21   obv. 1'–rev. 8   143 i 1'   [(...)]   Y   iii 1–46   —  
4   ([...])   [...]   140 rev. 22–23, 141 1'–7'   —   [...]   [(...)]   Y   [...]   —  
5   ([...])   —   —   —   143 i 2'–3'   [(...)]   Y   ([...])   —  
Year 696   ([...])   —   —   —   143 i 4'–5'a   [(...)]   —   ([...])   —  
Year 695   ([...])   —   —   —   143 i 5'b   [(...)]   —   ([...])   —  
6   ([...])   —   —   —   143 i 6'–13'   [(...)]   Y   ([...])   —  
7   ([...])   —   —   —   —   [(...)]   Y   ([...])   —  
8   ([...])   —   —   —   143 ii 1'–4', 144 i 1'–8', 145 i' 1–19'   146 obv. 1–16, 147 obv. 1–14, 148 1'–11'   Y   ([...])   —  
Babylon 689   ([...])   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —  
Arabia   ([...])   —   —   —   —   —   —   —   —  


44 Y= Yes, campaign included. We assume that text no. 164 included the same campaigns as text nos. 18, 22, and 23, but line numbers cannot be assigned since the text is too badly effaced to allow us to accurately assign line numbers to the individual passages.

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Military Campaigns', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []

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