Manuscript Sigla

Pl(s). Refers to VTE, Tf. to BaM Bh 3.

SiglumField NumberLinesCopyPhoto
AND 4327480Pls. 1-9Pl. I and III; Tf. 1 and 16 (Obv.) Pl. IX; Tf. 2 Rev.)
B35+189Pl. 35, 26-27Tf. 5d
C29120Pls. 30-31Tf. 3c
D37119Pls. 38-39Tf. XI; Tf. 6b
E46E100Pls. 18-20Tf. 9a
F31(+)51E97+10Pls. 13-15, 42Tf. X 2
G28A(+)48D95+19Pls. 12-13, 20Tf. 3a, 3b (Obv.) Tf. 4 (Rev.)
H3689Pls. 9-11Tf. X 1
I3984Pl. 21Tf. 7d
J45G75Pls. 28-29Tf. XII 2; Tf 8b
K28C(+)50P45+10Pls. 16, 46
LBM 1959-4-14,9046Tf. 15bTf. 14b
MND 4338A45Pls. 24, 48Tf. 3e
N28B36Pl. 32Tf. 7e
O55F36Pl. 23Tf. 11c
P45D35Pl. 23Tf. 7b
Q36C34Pl. 43Tf. XII 3; Tf. 6a
RX 15+33Pl. 36Tf. 11f
S4347A32Pl. 20Tf. 9c
T3228Pl. 11Tf. XII 1 left; Tf. 5c
U30B27Pl. 16Tf. 5a
V46C27Pl. 41Tf. 8f
W30A25Pl. 19Tf. 3d
X46A25Pl. 32Tf. 8d
YX 724Pl. 27Tf. 11e
Z4354A22Pl. 44Tf. 10k
a43+19Pl. 11Pl. XII 1 right; Tf. 7a
b47D19Pl. 44Tf. 10a
c5619Pl. 36
d45I18Pl. 13Tf. 7f
e47C17Pl. 33
f48A17Pl. 32Tf. 10b
g50A17Pl. 40Tf. 10h
h30C16Pl. 45
i36B16Pl. 33Pl. XII 4, Tf. 5b
j51C16Pl. 45
kX 1216Pl. 40
l4346EE15Pl. 40
m50B15Pl. 46Tf. 10i
n55G15Pl. 20Tf. 11d
o55I15Pl. 24
p46N+49Q14Pls. 33, 36Tf. 9e
q49B(+)49S14+Pl. 41Tf. 10c(+)
r46B13Pl. 18Tf. 8e
s48B13Pl. 37
t49E13Pl. 24
u49L13Pl. 28Tf. 10f
v51G13Pl. 45Tf. 10j
w48K12Pl. 36
x49I12Pl. 21Tf. 10e
y46I11Pl. 22Tf. 9b
z46J11Pl. 37
frg.45M1 (i)Pl. 13
47H1 (ii)Pl. 48
46P3 (iii, 177-179)Pl. 25
45F8 (iv, 244-251)Pl. 33Tf. 8c
51T7 (iv, 266-271)Pl. 34
45A54 (13-40b, 109-134Pl. 17Tf. 8a
45H5 (24-28)Pl. 17
45L8 (40-47)Pl. 17
46W6 (45-50)Pl. 17
BM 1959-4-14,718 (54-61)Tf. 13uTf. 12u
ND 4348S5 (59-63)Pl. 20
BM 1959-4-14,724 (62-65)Tf. 13bTf. 12b
736 (65-70)Tf. 13cTf. 12c
ND 4355P11 (86-96)Pl. 22
BM 1959-4-14,745 (87-91)Tf. 13hTf. 12h
ND 4355CC9 (88-96)Pl. 22
49K8 (88-95)Pl. 22
46Q7 (88-94)Pl. 22
46Z7 (92-98)Pl. 22
45E19 (94-112)Pl. 22
55W5 (94-98)Pl. 22
49M7 (101-107)Pl. 22
46X5 (103-107)Pl. 22
49R15 (108-122)Pl. 23
BM 1959-4-14,757 (108-114)Tf. 13dTf. 12d
763 (119-121)Tf. 13iTf. 12i
ND 4346S6 (131-136)Pl. 24
46T5 (142-146)Pl. 24
47E8 (147-154)Pl. 24
55L7 (170-176)Pl. 25
55KK7 (170-176)Pl. 25
BM 1959-4-14,783 (173-175)Tf. 13nTf. 12n
ND 4347G6 (174-179)Pl. 25
55EE5 (177-181)Pl. 25
55C10 (181-190)Pl. 25Tf. 11a
BM 1959-4-14,793 (183-185)Tf. 13eTf. 12e
ND 4345P7 (185-191)Pl. 25
49G10 (188-197)Pl. 25
55LL7 (192-198)Pl. 25
49D11 (194-204)Pl. 25
55HH7 (198-204)Pl. 28
48O9 (205-213)Pl. 28
48V5 (210-214)Pl. 29
46CC7 (217-223)Pl. 29
BM 1959-4-14.806 (228-233)Tf. 13fTf. 12f
VAT 115348 (229-236)AfO 13, Tf. XIV
ND 4348Q9 (240-248)Pl. 31
BM 1959-4-14,814 (240-243)Tf. 13jTf. 12j
ND 4348C10 (242-251)Pl. 29
48R9 (245a-253)Pl. 33
46FF8 (260-267)Pl. 33
55D20 (267-287)Pl. 34Tf. 11b
55U8 (268-275)Pl. 33
46O9 (278-286)Pl.34
48F8 (283-290)Pl. 34
49H10 (300-309)Pl. 34
38B10 (327-336)Pl. 34
X 168 (328-335)Pl. 35
BM 1959-4-14, 823 (336-338)Tf. 13oTf. 12o
ND 4352G6 (339-344)Pl. 35
49F2 (336-337)Pl. 35
49V6 (341-346)Pl. 36
46V5 (246-350)Pl. 37
45C9 (356-364)Pl. 37
48T10 (360-369)Pl. 37
50Z10 (360-369)Pl. 37
X 1411 (370-380)Pl. 37
ND 4345J4 (373-376)Pl. 37
X 138 (211-218)Pl. 29
ND 4350S2 (418-419)Pl. 41
51F9 (425-433)Pl. 39
BM 1959-4-14,832 (425-426)Tf. 13kTf. 12k
ND 4346M5 (451-455)Pl. 40Tf. 9d
50N4 (451-454)Pl. 40
X204 (455-458)Pl. 41
ND 4348U6 (459-462)Pl. 40
BM 1959-4-14,841 (459)Tf. 13pTf. 12p
X177 (460-466)Pl. 40
BM 1959-4-14,854 (466-469)Tf. 13gTf. 12g
ND 4348Y7 (482-488)Pl. 42
50C9 (484-492)Pl. 42
52F4 (490-493)Pl. 41
46JJ4 (494-497)Pl. 48
BM 1959-4-14,874 (494-497)Tf. 13aTf. 12a
863 (494-496)Tf. 13lTf. 12l
888 (505-512)Tf. 13qTf. 12q
ND 4347I5 (508-512)Pl. 41
49O7 (516-522)Pl. 48
51N3 (529-531)Pl. 42
50G6 (534-539)Pl. 42
X 194 (537-540)Pl. 42
ND 4346II4 (541-544)Pl. 42
46BB7 (545-551)Pl. 42
50M5 (545-549)Pl. 42
49U9 (549-557)Pl. 42Tf. 10g
51I9 (551-559)Pl. 42
50F7 (564-570)Pl. 44
BM 1959-4-14,893 (567-569)Tf. 13rTf. 12r
ND 4354B10 (570-575, 662-665)Pl. 44
50T4 (570-573)Pl. 43
48I9 (579-587)Pl. 45
51S4 (579-582)Pl. 43
X 2111 (601-611)Pl. 46
ND 4350U6 (610-615)Pl. 46
X 96 (613-618)Pl. 46
ND 4345N2 (617-618)Pl. 46
X 224 (618-621)Pl. 46
ND 4351A10 (620-629)Pl. 46
46G10 (621-630)Pl. 47
50I8 (629-636)Pl. 47
52E5 (632-636c)Pl. 47
55R11 (633-643)Pl. 47
50Y6 (636a-641)Pl. 47
51J11 (637-647)Pl. 47
51L6 (637-642)Pl. 47
X 186 (643-648)Pl. 47
ND 4352C7 (645-651)Pl. 48
48L5 (647-651)Pl. 48
51H+8 (656-663)Pl. 48, Tf. 15aTf. 14a
54F2 (664-665)Pl. 49
54D1 (664)Pl. 49
54G2 (665-666)Pl. 49
BM 1959-4-14,911 (665)Tf. 13sTf. 12s
ND 4344B5 (666-670)Pl. 49Tf. 7c
54C2 (666-667)Pl. 49
54E4 (667-670)Pl. 49
BM 1959-4-14,922 (668-669)Tf. 13Tf. 12t

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, 'Manuscript Sigla', Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths, SAA 2. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1988; online contents: SAAo/SAA02 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []

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SAAo/SAA02, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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