SAA 10 261. Preparations for Rituals (ABL 0025) [from exorcists]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL be--ia

(1) To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-šakin-šumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk b[less] the king, my lord!

o 22


o 33

lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ía

o 44


o 55

a-na LUGAL EN-ía lik-[ru-bu]

o 66

ina UGU UŠ₁₁.BÚR.RU*.[DA]-a*-ni*

(6) Concerning the counterspells which we earlier [had to interrupt] and did not finish performing, we could now, with the king my lord's permission, con[tinue with them]. Because of the temperature, [the ritual] was not comp[leted ...] upon the [clothes] of the l[ater] people who [......].

o 77

ša ina pa-ni-ti ni*-[ib-ṭil-u-ni]

o 88

la nu-gam*-me-[ru-u-ni]

o 99

la -pu-šu*-[u-ni]

o 1010

ú-ma-a šum-mu [LUGAL be-]

o 1111

i-qab-bi re-e*-[šú ni--ši]

o 1212

TAv IGI ṣur-ḫi ina UGU [ku-zip-pi]

o 1313

ša UN-MEŠ ur*-[ki-ú-ti]

b.e. 14b.e. 14

ša ŠÀ [x x x]

b.e. 1515

a-na [x x x]

r 1r 1

an-ni-[i x x x]

r 22

la ug-da-dam-[mir]

r 33

ù -pe-še am-[mu-ti]

(r 3) At the same time we could also perform th[ose] rites of the series Šur[pu] about which I said to the king, [my] lord: "We should perform them for [...]."

r 44

ša ÉŠ.QAR šu-ur*-[pu]

r 55

ša a-na LUGAL be--[ia]

r 66

aq-bu-ni mu-uk a-na [x x]

r 77

-pu- is-se-[niš]

r 88


Adapted from Simo Parpola, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (State Archives of Assyria, 10), 1993. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as