
Bibliographical Abbreviations

AAAAnnals of Archaeology and Anthropology
AATJ. A. Craig, Astrological-astronomical Texts (Leipzig 1899)
ABKH. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone (AOAT 2, Neukirchen- Vluyn 1968)
ABLR. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914)
ADDC. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898-1923)
AfOArchiv für Orientforschung
AfO Beiheft 6see TH
AGSJ. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott (Leipzig 1893)
AKAE. A. W. Budge and L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria (London 1902)
ALAO. Pedersén, Archives and Libraries in the City of Assur I-II (Uppsala 1985-86)
AnStAnatolian Studies
AOATAlter Orient und Altes Testament
ARABD. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia I-II (Chicago 1926-27)
ArEpF. M. Fales, Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets of the Neo-Assyrian Period (Rome 1986)
ARUJ. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig 1913)
ASAssyriological Studies
AS 5A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (AS 5, Chicago 1933)
AssurAssur, Monographic Journals of the Near East
Aynard, Le PrismeJ.-M. Aynard, Le Prisme du Louvre AO 19.939 (Paris 1957)
Balawat GatesA. Billerbeck and F. Delitzsch, Beiträge zur Assyriologie 6,1 (1908) 133-44
BaMBaghdader Mitteilungen
BBRH. Zimmern, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion I (Leipzig 1896), II (Leipzig 1901)
BiOrBibliotheca Orientalis
Böhl, ChrestomathyF. M. T. Böhl, Akkadian Chrestomathy (Leiden 1947)
CADThe Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1956-)
Carchemish IIC. L. Woolley, Carchemish, Part II. The Town Defences (London 1921)
CAHCambridge Ancient History
Cat. Supp.L. W. King, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection, Supplement (London 1914)
CCENF. M. Fales, Censimenti e catasti di epoca neo-assira (Rome 1973)
CISCorpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum
CTCuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
CTDSS. Parpola, Cuneiform Texts from Dur Sharrukin (unpublished)
CTNCuneiform Texts from Nimrud
CTNMCTh. Jacobsen, Cuneiform Texts in the National Museum, Copenhagen (Leiden 1939)
Deller, Volterra FSStudi in Onore di Edoardo Volterra VI (Milan 1971) 639-653
Dietrich, AOAT 7Die Aramäer Südbabyloniens in der Sargonidenzeit (AOAT 7, Neukirchen- Vluyn 1970)
van Driel, CultG. van Driel, The Cult of Aššur (Assen 1969)
EAKW. Schramm, Einleitung in die assyrischen Königsinschriften II (Leiden 1973)
EPHEJ.-M. Durand, Documents cuniformes de la IVe Section de l'École pratique des Hautes Études. Tome I. Catalogue et copies cunéiformes (Hautes Études Orientales 18, Geneva — Paris 1982)
FuBForschungen und Berichte
Garelli FSD. Charpin and F. Joannès (eds.), Marchands, diplomates et empereurs: Études sur la civilisation mésopotamienne offerts à Paul Garelli (Éditions Recherche sur Jes Civilisations, Paris 1991)
Genge, StelenH. Genge, Stelen neuassyrischen Könige (Thesis, Freiburg im Breisgau 1965)
GezerR. A. S. Macalister, The Excavations of Gezer I (London 1912) 23-29
GPAJ. N. Postgate, The Governor's Palace Archive (CTN 2, London 1973)
Hilprecht FSHilprecht Anniversary Volume (Leipzig 1909)
ICCA. H. Layard, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London 1851)
IWATh. Bauer, Das lnschriftenwerk Assurbanipals (Leipzig 1933)
JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society
JCSJournal of Cuneiform Studies
JNESJournal of Near Eastern Studies
JSSJournal of Semitic Studies
KAH IL. Messerschmidt, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts I (WVDOG 16, Leipzig 1911)
KAH IIO. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts II (WVDOG 37, Leipzig 1922)
KAJE. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juridischen Inhalts (WVDOG 50, Leipzig 1927)
KARE. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts I (WVDOG 28, Leipzig 1919), II (WVDOG 34, Leipzig 1923)
KAVO. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen lnhalts (WVDOG 35, Leipzig 1920)
King, Cat.see Cat. Supp.
LASS. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I (AOAT 5/1, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970)
LKAE. Ebeling and F. Köcher, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur (Berlin 1953)
LTBAL. Matouš, Die lexicalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen I (Berlin 1933)
MARIMari, Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires
MDOGMitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
Menzel, ATB. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 10, Rome 1981)
MVAGMitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Ägyptischen Gesellschaft
NABUNouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires
NALKT. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 14, Rome 1988)
NARGDJ. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1, Rome 1969)
NTTD. J. Wiseman and J. A. Black, The Nabû Temple Texts (CTN 4, London forthcoming)
NWLJ. V. Kinnier Wilson, The Nimrud Wine Lists (CTN 1, London 1972)
OLZOrientalistische Literaturzeitung
Or.Orientalia, Nova Series
OrSuOrientalia Suecana
PEAR. Campbell Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal found at Nineveh (London 1931)
PRTE. Klauber, Politisch-Religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit (Leipzig 1913)
PSBAProceedings of the Society for Biblical Archaeology
III RH. C. Rawlinson and G. Smith, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia III (London 1870)
RARevue d'Assyriologie
RCAEL. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire I-IV (Ann Arbor 1930-36)
RIMSRoyal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Supplements
RIMS 1V. Donbaz and A. K. Grayson, Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur now in Istanbul (RIMS 1, Toronto 1984)
RIMAPRoyal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods
RIMAP 2A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMAP 2, Toronto 1991)
RIAReallexikon der Assyriologie
RMAR. Campbell Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon I-II (London 1900)
RTRecueil de Travaux
SAAState Archives of Assyria
SAABState Archives of Assyria Bulletin
Sendschirli VH. Ehelolf in W. Andrae and F. von Luschan, Die Kleinfunde von Sendschirli (Berlin 1943) 136-37, Taf. 73
Smith, CanonG. Smith, The Assyrian Eponym Canon (London 1875)
St.W. Andrae, Die Stelenreihen in Assur (WVDOG 24, Leipzig 1913)
Streck, AsbM. Streck, Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Könige I-III (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 7, Leipzig 1916)
STTO. R. Gurney and J. J. Finkelstein, The Sultantepe Tablets I (London 1957); O. R. Gurney and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets II (London 1964)
Tax.J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 3, Rome 1974)
TCLTextes cunéiformes du Louvre
TFSS. M. Dalley and J. N. Postgate, The Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser (CTN 3, London 1984)
THJ. Friedrich, G. R. Meyer, A. Ungnad, E. F. Weidner, Die Inschriften von Tell Halaf (AfO Beiheft 6, Berlin 1940)
XXV Or. Cong.Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Congress of Orientalists, Moscow, 1960 I (Moscow 1962)
Unger, IAMNE. Unger, Sargon II. von Assyrien der Sohn Tiglatpileser's III. (Istanbul Asanatika Müzlerineşriyati 9, Istanbul 1933)
VSVorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Königlichen Museen zu Berlin
WdODie Welt des Orients
Winnett FSJ. W. Wevers and D. B. Redford (eds.), Studies on the Ancient Palestinian World presented to Professor F. V. Winnett (Toronto 1972)
WVDOGWissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
ZAZeitschrift für Assyriologie
ZKZeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung

Museum and Excavation Signatures

AThe Oriental Institute, Chicago; also texts from Assur in the Archaeological Museum, Istanbul
AOMusée du Louvre, Paris
Amhersttext in the collection Lord Amherst of Hackney; now dispersed
AshThe Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Assurtexts excavated by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft at Assur; some courtesy Liane Jakob-Rost and K. Deller or O. Pedersén
'Assur'texts excavated at Assur by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq, courtesy A. Y. Ahmed and D. J. Wiseman
Bitexts excavated at Tell Billa by the Baghdad School of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University of Pennsylvania
BMThe British Museum, London
BTtexts excavated at Balawat by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq; some by courtesy of the late B. H. Parker (Lady Mallowan) and J. N. Postgate
Butexts acquired by E. A. W. Budge for the British Museum
CBorowski Collection, Lands of the Bible Museum, Jerusalem, courtesy W. G. Lambert
DKtexts excavated by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq at Dur Kurigalzu, courtesy J. A. Brinkman
DStexts excavated at Khorsabad by the Oriental Institute, Chicago, courtesy S. Parpola and J. A. Brinkman
DT'Daily Telegraph' Collection from Nineveh, The British Museum
Göteborg Univ.Klassiska Institutionen collection, courtesy C. B. F. Walker
IMIraq Museum, Baghdad
Ktexts from Kouyunjik (Nineveh) in the British Museum
Khtexts from Khorsabad
Kitexts from L. W. King's excavations at Nineveh, now in the British Museum
LBde Liagre Böhl Collection, Leiden
MAHMusée d' Art et d'Histoire, Geneva
NIIItext found at Khorsabad now in the Musée du Louvre, Paris
NDtexts excavated at Nimrud by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq; some courtesy J. N. Postgate; tablets found by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq at Nimrud bear the same signature
OMusées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (Cinquantenaire), Brussels; some courtesy E. Lipiński
Ptablet formerly in the collection of F. E. Peiser, now in the Böhl Collection
Rassamtexts formerly in the collection of H. Rassam, now in the British Museum
Rmtexts acquired by H. Rassam for the British Museum
Stablets excavated at Sinjirli by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft
Smtablets acquired by G. Smith for the British Museum
SUtablets excavated at Sultantepe by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara
Thtexts from R. Campbell Thompson's excavations at Nineveh, now in the British Museum
TRtexts excavated at Tell al-Rimah by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq
UMThe University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
VA, VATtexts in the Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Staatliche Museen, Berlin; some courtesy K. Deller
VA Asstexts from Assur in the Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
82-5-22,121etc. are collection numbers (year, month, day of accession, item no.) of tablets in the Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities of the British Museum

Abbreviations and English Equivalents of Royal Names

Shalm, ŠŠulmānu-ašarēdShalmaneser

Other Abbreviations and Symbols

exp. expedition
GN geographical name
ms manuscript
obv. obverse
PC post-canonical
PN personal name
r., rev. reverse
s. (left) side
un. unnumbered
(+)indirect join

Except as noted above, index numbers of transcribed signs follow the conventions of R. Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste (AOAT 33, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978).

For the abbreviations used for the post-canonicial and extra-canonical eponyms, see p. 128.

Alan Millard

Alan Millard, 'Abbreviations', The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910-612 BC, SAAS 2. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1994; online contents: SAAo/SAAS2 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []

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SAAo/SAAS2, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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