

A super-glossary is a top-level structure which unifies a collection of glossaries from other Oracc projects. The super-glossary project maintains its own glossary, which we call the base glossary. Additional glossaries, which we call source glossaries, can then be compared to the base glossary to identify entries and senses in the source glossary which are not in the base. Resolving these differences is called alignment.


Alignment is done via a special file called a map. The map file is generated by the comparison routine and is then edited by hand to determine the means of aligning each item: they may be added to the base glossary, or they may be considered as equivalent to a differently named entry, or differently phrased sense.

Folders and Files

A super-glossary is an Oracc project and organizes its files into several conventional named folders (or directories).

Configuration file, config.xml, and base glossary file, named for the glossary-language with a .glo extension, e.g., akk.glo.
Map files
Raw glossaries ready for induction
Source glossaries and map files, created by the superglo tools with conventional names based on the project, language and file type
The ESP2 portal and, presently, super-glossary documentation
Working directory for the tools
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Released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0, 2014. [] [] []
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