ESP System Elements

This page gives an alphabetical listing of all the system-specific elements available in ESP, as documented in more detail on the Creating content and Embedding images pages.

Note that elements are mostly listed here without any attributes. When using most of these elements, you will need to include the attributes, which are described in detail on the relevant pages.

Alphabetical listing

Creates a table of the access keys that are defined for the site in structure.xml, and those that are created automatically (such as S for Skip to main content). Probably used only once, on the accesskeys.xml page.
Defines an author for a page. May be used any number of times, anywhere within the <body> element. If present at least once, author and citation details are included at the bottom of the content section.
Contains optional inline content. Defines a point on a page that may be jumped to directly from <esp:link> elements on the same or other pages.
Inline content. When used inside a <esp:image> element, its content becomes a caption for the image.
Inserts the date the content of this page was last modified, in the format 11 Sep 2011.
<esp:definition term="example">
Inline content. Creates a definition in the glossary.
<esp:email address=""/>
Creates an obfuscated email address which is converted back into a real address and made into a mailto: link using JavaScript, where available.
<esp:glossary term="example">
Inline content. Creates a link to a term/definition pair on the glossary page.
Contains <esp:definition> elements. Creates the glossary. Used only once, on the glossary.xml page.
Inline content. Creates a heading (including a bookmark that can be used by external websites to link to this point in the page).
Contains other elements. Places an image on the page.
<esp:index term="example" >
Inline content. Creates an entry on the indexpage.xml page and, if there is more than one entry for the index term, a cross reference to that term in the index.
Creates the index. Used only once, on the indexpage.xml page. Always empty.
Inline content (optional). Creates a link to another page within the site or to an external site. See the section on Links.
Must occur immediately after the <esp:page element near the start of the XML document. Contains only ASCII text (no characters such as š or ḫ). Gives the gives the short name of the page, as it appears in the navigation menu and URL.
The root element of the XML document. Do not edit this element.
<esp:page-name page="example"/>
Inserts the name of the page with the given id.
<esp:page-title page="example"/>
Inserts the title of the page with the given id.
<esp:reading referent="example" page="123"/>
Creates an entry in the further reading list at the bottom of the page.
<esp:ref referent="example" page="123"/>
Creates a bracketed reference number, linked to an entry in the references list at the bottom of the page.
Inline content. Creates a sub-heading (including a bookmark that can be used by external websites to link to this point in the page).
Creates a site map. Used once, on the sitemap.xml page.
<esp:techterms term="example">
Inline content. Creates a link to a term/definition pair on the technical terms page.
Contains <esp:termsdefinition> elements. Creates the technical terms list. Used only once, on the glossary page. Contains only <esp:termsdefinition> elements.
<esp:termsdefinition term="example">
Inline content. Creates a definition in the technical terms list.
Must occur immediately after the <esp:name element near the start of the XML document. Gives the gives the long name of the page, as it appears at the top of the page itself, and in the site map.
18 Dec 2019 osc at oracc dot org

Ruth Horry & Eleanor Robson

Ruth Horry & Eleanor Robson, 'ESP System Elements', Oracc: The Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, Oracc, 2019 []

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