Aššur-nārārī II

Aššur-nārārī II was the sixty-eighth ruler of Aššur, according to the Assyrian King List [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/assyriankinglist/index.html#AssurRabi] (AKL), which also says that he ruled for seven years and was the son of Enlil-nāṣir II, his predecessor. However, this filiation in the AKL proves to be erroneous, when compared with the inscriptions of later rulers, where Aššur-nārārī II appears always as a son of Aššur-rabi I [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurrabii/index.html] (and brother of Enlil-nāṣir II [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/enlilnasirii/index.html]). The inscriptions are: Aššur-rêm-nišēšu (his son) text no. 1 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/Q005708/], Erība-Adad I text no. 1 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/Q005717/], and Aššur-uballiṭ texts nos. 1 and 2 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/Q005719,Q005720/].
For further insights on the erroneous filiation of Aššur-nārārī II (and of Aššur-rēm-nišēšu [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurremnisheshu/index.html]) in the framework of the editorial history of the AKL, see the introduction [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/kinglists/assyriankinglist/index.html#Mitanni] to the list.
None of Aššur-nārārī II's inscriptions have yet been discovered.


Grayson, A.K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 6 (1980-83), pp. 100-15.
Yamada, S., 'The Editorial History of the Assyrian King List,' ZA 84 (1994), pp. 11-37, esp. 31-33.

Yehonatan Hershkovitz & Nathan Morello

Yehonatan Hershkovitz & Nathan Morello, 'Aššur-nārārī II', The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo) Project, The RIAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2022 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/riao/fromsamsiaddutomittanicilent18081364bc/mittanianhegemony/ashurnarariii/]

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